Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

The buds may be premature but they look good! Your ladies look lovely! I have a blueberry x diesel auto I'm hoping for some blueberry taste!

Mahalo JL! :Namaste: :)

Here's a shot of this revegging lady today after some LST in the sunlight. She's really loving life at the moment. Can't wait to toss her in the tent and give her a transition tea. Should be a beautiful thing to see bloom, once again. Hopefully it all works out as planned for it, I could use some extra herbs since I'm not harvesting as much as I did last year.
I was thinkin the same thing, they look a week or 2 premature. Any specific reason for taking them early? Just curious :) They are gorgeous though, super frost.
I was thinkin the same thing, they look a week or 2 premature. Any specific reason for taking them early? Just curious :)

As I mentioned, I need some weed to get me by.
They weren't even that premature, just small buds. Could have used a few more days prolly but it doesn't matter. It's gonna get me high as hell while I wait for Zilla to ripen up.

In fact I harvested some buds off the smaller plants today to hold me over. I'm happy. :volcano-smiley:

PS and not to mention the fighting battle with worms and rot.

Pulled a bunch of wasted/rotted buds and some worms today so sometimes you just take what you can get.
Yup, the stuff that was chopped yesterday (BB x SM), there was a popcorn sample ready to grind, I loaded it in the EQ and I am now officially higher than hell. :volcano-smiley: :volcano-smiley: :circle-of-love:

Tasted incredible - pure fruit.

Next up to roast is the Maui Waui and Pheno #2 of the BB x SM.
Either you have really tiny hands, or those are really big colas :circle-of-love::laughtwo:
Glad you're well medicated! :hug: I too did some sampling today hahaha. :roorrip:
Love your work Lester!! Keep it up! So purty.
Either you have really tiny hands, or those are really big colas :circle-of-love::laughtwo:
Glad you're well medicated! :hug: I too did some sampling today hahaha. :roorrip:
Love your work Lester!! Keep it up! So purty.

LOL Good Morning my friend. I am so happy to be awake now. I had the craziest dreams ever, boy was I done up last night. Was watching this crazy Tom Cruise movie called Edge of Tomorrow. Had me waking up in my dreams thinking I was in another dream and shit. Really gnarly. Gonna take it easy today and relax :volcano-smiley: :volcano-smiley:

Hey SG thanks for the kind words and support it means a lot :) :circle-of-love:

Congratulations on your harvest!

Mahalo King John :ciao:

The buds around these parts sure do look frosty! :circle-of-love: Nice job with the harvest Les.:high-five: I bet it smells really good in your backyard too!:goodjob:

Zilla is smelling and building her buds very nicely. The Blueberry was a big stinker, I know it's gonna blow me out of the water in the vape. Will def. take some eye candy shots of those buds later on. I am just really thankful that the buds on Zilla have not been hit by worms as far as I can see. I guess I'd rather have them on a couple of small plants (easier to inspect) than scattered throughout Zilla. Just goes to show that Azamax can really work if used correctly. Will see how it goes. She's gonna get another week and I might consider doing some chopping on her! As soon as I get the rest of the small plants harvested and some colas cut off Zilla, it will be time to toss out the revegger to bloom. :surf::volcano-smiley:

Thanks for the support RC :passitleft:
Aloha Baba hey the reveg girl well she looks so good
Congrats on yer harvest,, :circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:

Good Morning my brotha! Thanks for cruising through. Stoked to have some puff :volcano-smiley: :surf: And the revegger should be interesting :passitleft: Prolly will put out a bunch of small popcorn nugs :rofl:

:yummy::yummy: delicious :yummy::yummy:

Enjoy Broda

Thanks brother danish! I certainly am going to! :) :volcano-smiley: :volcano-smiley: :circle-of-love:

Aloha ..... You are one hell of a grower my Friend! :high-five:

Mahalo my dearest OMM, your words of inspiration mean a lot to me. Thanks for cruising through, you know, we would have one hell of a sesh if we got to sit down one day :) Likewise for all my 420 mates. :420: :circle-of-love:

Plantzilla (KC-45 Pheno #6) Eye candy pictures!


I should note that the buds are fruity and candy like, and they are ROCK HARD - dense as hell. That is a good thing, but it also has me a bit worried in terms of rot. Will I harvest pure clean buds, or have some rot? We will see. At this point it is up to mother nature. The buds are reaching peak maturity. Another solid week of high temps should really put the icing on the cake. I am planning on doing some Zilla chopping in about a weeks time. Until then I puff Blueberry and Maui Waui casually. :volcano-smiley:

Mahalo! :Namaste:

:circle-of-love::goodjob:Buba there are no emoticons to describe the feelings that them flowers gave me
A harvest video would be so cool an the Dj sure looks nice :high-five:

Jaga thank you for the kind words! I am gonna put together a little something something when I get some more free time :) Oh I wanted to mention that I vaporized two bowls of the Maui Wowie. I was surprised..... I said "Wow... thats not as bad as I thought :rofl:" Buds aren't too frosty and whatnot, kinda leafy, but it's really like the oldschool stuff where you can function using it, it will be great day time weed. The flavor is EXACTLY a "tropical fruit" with "island flavors" and has that oldschool natural feel and buzz. It did give me a reallly groovy buzz too. Had me thinking about that oldschool Kona Gold and Puna Budder. I wouldn't say the MW is a complete keeper, more of a neat treat. Might grow 1-2 more of it next year to see what I can grow using force flowers, but I dunno, got a lot of big plans for next year. Gonna try and grow some big plants during the fall for the spring, and reveg a couple of Blueberries. Will see ;)

Jaga Ima try to get that video in the works soon brotha :thumb:

Stay Shanti :volcano-smiley:
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