Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

Good morning weed Lester. Lusting :love::green_heart::love::green_heart::love: over Zilla. Nothing wrong with that. Zilla knows it and loves it also. Happy Days Buddy
Revegetating Pine Spice Pheno BEFORE (AT HARVEST) and AFTER(NOW) 30 Days Ago today - you can see how a proper trim at the end leaves those shoots to regrow real nicely given the chance.


Everything's Looking great Lester but what has me baffled is that If you have the Pine Spice outside and it's been harvested how can did it re-veg outdoors with your area already bloom length short days?
BAR my friend, I think I answered this before :passitleft:

That particular plant was acclimated to its 16.5 hour darkness per night cycle. I kept that cycle up until harvest.

Now, when I trimmed it down properly and harvested all the popcorn buds, I just tossed out on the back deck and let it grow.

So, even though the light hours were slowly decreasing, the plant determined that there was MUCH MUCH more light than there was before, and regrow all vegetative shoots in preparation for another flowering event.

BUT, in case you missed it - I have been keeping them inside the garage under CFL's when sunset is approaching. So they are supplemented with a lot more additional light to ensure I get the amount of vegetation that I want.

If I left it out there for good right now, I am sure it would begin to flower.

Initially, there was much more light as compared to the 16.5 hour darkness cycle, even if it is decreasing.

Hopefully that clears things up, let me know if you have any questions :)
Sorry about that Lester. Yes you did & now I remember. My retention of info is getting weaker by the day. Hope I'm not losing my mind (literally).
Sorry about that Lester. Yes you did & now I remember. My retention of info is getting weaker by the day. Hope I'm not losing my mind (literally).

Hehe, it's fine :) I love to discuss these things anyway :Namaste: :volcano-smiley:
She's simply stunning, and she's about to love you back my friend. :circle-of-love:

Yeah! Tons of ethylene hormones (signals fruit ripening!) are flowing around the tent. The top buds nice and dense specimens. What had me blown away was the general cleanliness of the flowers. Not seeing a whole lot of problems. Everything is just perfect IMO. I think the SNS-209 I used really did help! She is such a specimen. Such a good specimen..... :)

Good morning weed Lester. Lusting :love::green_heart::love::green_heart::love: over Zilla. Nothing wrong with that. Zilla knows it and loves it also. Happy Days Buddy

Good Day Bro. I just stopped by your place. The center circle you got seems not to be flowering yet. PGG seemed to have reached about 16 feet tall. This is crazyness :volcano-smiley:
Happy Tokerday Lester. Yes it is crazy that the flowering is just not getting to it. I fertilized yesterday with Dr Earth Bud and Blossom and I will probably fert again in a few days with Bat poop. Something has to happen or it will be a lost cause. There are pistils in there but just no bud development.
Always so much to miss here Lester :circle-of-love: just catching up. Zilla is beautiful beyond my tiny vocabulary's ability to describe lol.
Cool that you liked your first time bud washing! I never have before either, going to soon though.... hopefully very very soon.

I'm going to order an EQ Arizer too, hahaha. They should hire you as a sales rep. :laughtwo:

I am already jealous of your future BBxSM grow... sounds and looks like a wonderful strain. I just wish I could smell it.. like always. :ganjamon: Anything with Blueberry in it is tops in my book, but that Santa Maria sounds intriguing as well...
Sorry to hear of your 'pillar problems, just got my Azamax, but haven't used it, seems like the MGIS did the trick for me... haven't seen any for a while, maybe I'm not looking hard enough >.<

Keep it green my friend! Happy tokersday!! :hug: :ciao:
Happy Tokerday Lester. Yes it is crazy that the flowering is just not getting to it. I fertilized yesterday with Dr Earth Bud and Blossom and I will probably fert again in a few days with Bat poop. Something has to happen or it will be a lost cause. There are pistils in there but just no bud development.
Yea that's crazy but not unheard of in nature. Especially if it is not a lineage who is used to such a latitude. If you think about it, you're about 20 degrees of LATITUDE away from the "origin of strain". At ~69 miles per degree latitude, that's roughly 1400 miles south of you. So it's gonna make a big difference - the actual wavelengths of light at sunrise and sunset... it's too bad we (man) has not yet identified an actual flowering hormone, so there's nothing we can just spray on the plant to get it to flower. It happens on a basis of protein transcription. When the circadian rhythms dictated by the conformations of "phytocromes" these really funky red light photoreceptors flip back and forth between isomeric conformations (gibberish I know), so I am guessing the circadian rhythm is in paradigm and so the plant just is not synthesizing the florigen required to induce flowering. One thing you could try, which has been proven experimentally to work, is you could cover and entire leaf, or multiple leaves with tin-foil, or something to dark out those specific leaves. It has been shown that this can induce the synthesis of that FT (flowering transition gene) and can be spread to the other areas of the plant. This has been proven by grafting experiments, but it's possible. At this point I'd be trying anything to get them to flower!

Always so much to miss here Lester :circle-of-love: just catching up. Zilla is beautiful beyond my tiny vocabulary's ability to describe lol.
Cool that you liked your first time bud washing! I never have before either, going to soon though.... hopefully very very soon.

I'm going to order an EQ Arizer too, hahaha. They should hire you as a sales rep. :laughtwo:

I am already jealous of your future BBxSM grow... sounds and looks like a wonderful strain. I just wish I could smell it.. like always. :ganjamon: Anything with Blueberry in it is tops in my book, but that Santa Maria sounds intriguing as well...
Sorry to hear of your 'pillar problems, just got my Azamax, but haven't used it, seems like the MGIS did the trick for me... haven't seen any for a while, maybe I'm not looking hard enough >.<

Keep it green my friend! Happy tokersday!! :hug: :ciao:

Oh you pinned the tail on that one! You (and everyone else) would be blown away by the blueberry smell. It is just WOW. I guess that's what happens when you put prime genetics in a prime environment, things just work out :)

Glad your thinking about transitioning to vaping (EQing). Vaping is the way to go IMHO! :)

And you may be right about those 'pillars. My general rule of thumb is that "if I think I found them all, then surely there are more". And I've found this to be the case. I could SCOUR those buds deeply and think for sureee I got them all. I'll go out tomorrow and find one. It's just the rule of the road...

And yeah, you may want to check for them in the early morning, they can come out of their crannies for the night when its cool and they like to silk weave around looking from branch to branch. They like to probe the stem tissue to see where there may be weak spots or more fleshy entrances. Sometimes some of it is too woody already for them (too much lignified xylem built up), and they give up and work their way to the apical tip of the bud, which gets annoying!

Anyway have a great night Sista SG! :ciao:

Your pictures were gorgeous! plants were awesome :)

Hey thanks a bunch buddy! :circle-of-love:
I'm going to order an EQ Arizer too, hahaha. They should hire you as a sales rep. :laughtwo:

Keep it green my friend! Happy tokersday!! :hug: :ciao:
As I sit here puffing massive vapor clouds out my nostrils that resemble a dragon, I ask, Les, How many people have you turned onto the EQ?! I got to second the sales rep idea :loopy:

Glad your thinking about transitioning to vaping (EQing). Vaping is the way to go IMHO! :)

And you may be right about those 'pillars. My general rule of thumb is that "if I think I found them all, then surely there are more". And I've found this to be the case. I could SCOUR those buds deeply and think for sureee I got them all. I'll go out tomorrow and find one. It's just the rule of the road...

And yeah, you may want to check for them in the early morning, they can come out of their crannies for the night when its cool and they like to silk weave around looking from branch to branch. They like to probe the stem tissue to see where there may be weak spots or more fleshy entrances. Sometimes some of it is too woody already for them (too much lignified xylem built up), and they give up and work their way to the apical tip of the bud, which gets annoying!
I thought ya'll might like this, thought about it right when I read "if I think I found them all, then surely there are more". Prime example here, check out how small this little pillar is, us penny in background, and my "icepick" pillar hunting utensil. He was about the width of a fungus gnat(ish), length of a tic-tac!
As I sit here puffing massive vapor clouds out my nostrils that resemble a dragon, I ask, Les, How many people have you turned onto the EQ?! I got to second the sales rep idea :loopy:

I thought ya'll might like this, thought about it right when I read "if I think I found them all, then surely there are more". Prime example here, check out how small this little pillar is, us penny in background, and my "icepick" pillar hunting utensil. He was about the width of a fungus gnat(ish), length of a tic-tac!

LOL HAHA, I know, I have turned more people onto the EQ than you could ever imagine. There are so many friends of mine who made the purchase. Don't get me started lol, you guys are right, I should be paid out full! :volcano-smiley:

Great Comment CA, and yeah I feel you on the worms. Thanks for agreeing with me. I know it's true. I found some small ass worms, they may vary in genus and phenotype. So... I think it's slightly remarkable the ability of those guys to survive. The co-evolution that exists between those organisms is ridiculous. It's also worth knowing that plants are capable of their own plant defenses. They are able to secrete analogs to some of these pesticides we see on the open market. Some of these analogs act is growth inhibitors and can severely stunt the grown of those caterpillars. The plants also have the capability of repairing damage to tissue that has been damaged through totipotency. So when the caterpillar munches the tissue, it signals alarms and red alerts, they close off tunnels (certain plasmodesmatas to prevent pathogenic invasions) as well as contain and control the area of infestation. It's really quite intricate how it's like a game of chess between the two organisms. And, you know, often times the insect can penetrate the vascular cylinder, and just become FAT.

I think I figured out the worm trick though. You need to spray at the absolute CORRECT TIME. Either Bt or Azamax will do the job, as well as a healthy plant. I think if you are able to spray when the flowers are still open a bit and will recieve the spray components and saturate the tissue, it will get the larvae when you can't notice them (too small), and a lot of the times what happens is those larvae are already in there from a early-middle flowering stage, and as the buds grow, guess what!? the pillars do too, and it's only until the floral clusters kind of condense, that they start getting big and noticing dead leaf tissue and fecal matter droplets that are large. Well, the small ones fecal matter is SO particulate bud washing is the ONLY way to remove them.

So I say spraying in the first 1-4 weeks (once per week if need be) should do the job. But yeah, personally IMO I hate the caterpillars with all my heart, they are the worst thing on the planet. There is literally nothing worse lol.

Anyway nice worm spoon. Looks like it would work. Everyone has their own tools :rofl:

Keep up the good fight people. :volcano-smiley:
LOL HAHA, I know, I have turned more people onto the EQ than you could ever imagine. There are so many friends of mine who made the purchase. Don't get me started lol, you guys are right, I should be paid out full! :volcano-smiley:

Great Comment CA, and yeah I feel you on the worms. Thanks for agreeing with me. I know it's true. I found some small ass worms, they may vary in genus and phenotype. So... I think it's slightly remarkable the ability of those guys to survive. The co-evolution that exists between those organisms is ridiculous. It's also worth knowing that plants are capable of their own plant defenses. They are able to secrete analogs to some of these pesticides we see on the open market. Some of these analogs act is growth inhibitors and can severely stunt the grown of those caterpillars. The plants also have the capability of repairing damage to tissue that has been damaged through totipotency. So when the caterpillar munches the tissue, it signals alarms and red alerts, they close off tunnels (certain plasmodesmatas to prevent pathogenic invasions) as well as contain and control the area of infestation. It's really quite intricate how it's like a game of chess between the two organisms. And, you know, often times the insect can penetrate the vascular cylinder, and just become FAT.

I think I figured out the worm trick though. You need to spray at the absolute CORRECT TIME. Either Bt or Azamax will do the job, as well as a healthy plant. I think if you are able to spray when the flowers are still open a bit and will recieve the spray components and saturate the tissue, it will get the larvae when you can't notice them (too small), and a lot of the times what happens is those larvae are already in there from a early-middle flowering stage, and as the buds grow, guess what!? the pillars do too, and it's only until the floral clusters kind of condense, that they start getting big and noticing dead leaf tissue and fecal matter droplets that are large. Well, the small ones fecal matter is SO particulate bud washing is the ONLY way to remove them.

So I say spraying in the first 1-4 weeks (once per week if need be) should do the job. But yeah, personally IMO I hate the caterpillars with all my heart, they are the worst thing on the planet. There is literally nothing worse lol.

Anyway nice worm spoon. Looks like it would work. Everyone has their own tools :rofl:

Keep up the good fight people. :volcano-smiley:

Everyone around my area is getting hit with these pillars. Most are using bt sprays, I am trying my hardest to be vigilant/proactive and pluck every single (DAMN) pillar off my girls, but it's not enough! At the expense of my neck and back, it has been a tough battle. I should also comment that one morning I counted, I shit you not, 42 caterpillars varying in size throughout the top soil/foliage of my radish and beets.. fookin dang near shit my britches.. stomped em out for about a good hour plus search.. didn't even want to think about that around the cannabis, yikes. I am sitting here nodding my head in agreement Les, pillars and thrips have been a pain in the neck this year. You know what, im going to check my girls once more, its getting late, peak hours, stay vigilant!! :joint: :peace:
Everyone around my area is getting hit with these pillars. Most are using bt sprays, I am trying my hardest to be vigilant/proactive and pluck every single (DAMN) pillar off my girls, but it's not enough! At the expense of my neck and back, it has been a tough battle. I should also comment that one morning I counted, I shit you not, 42 caterpillars varying in size throughout the top soil/foliage of my radish and beets.. fookin dang near shit my britches.. stomped em out for about a good hour plus search.. didn't even want to think about that around the cannabis, yikes. I am sitting here nodding my head in agreement Les, pillars and thrips have been a pain in the neck this year. You know what, im going to check my girls once more, its getting late, peak hours, stay vigilant!! :joint: :peace:

My area as well. 12 outdoor beauties, had to throw 8 of them out, and the rest had to hack the plants and harvest whatever wasnt rotted due to pillar shit. I was very disappointed when I ended up with 4 pounds and realized how much more was ruined. hundreds of pillars. Kind of a depressing outdoor season.
Everyone around my area is getting hit with these pillars. Most are using bt sprays, I am trying my hardest to be vigilant/proactive and pluck every single (DAMN) pillar off my girls, but it's not enough! At the expense of my neck and back, it has been a tough battle. I should also comment that one morning I counted, I shit you not, 42 caterpillars varying in size throughout the top soil/foliage of my radish and beets.. fookin dang near shit my britches.. stomped em out for about a good hour plus search.. didn't even want to think about that around the cannabis, yikes. I am sitting here nodding my head in agreement Les, pillars and thrips have been a pain in the neck this year. You know what, im going to check my girls once more, its getting late, peak hours, stay vigilant!! :joint: :peace:
That is a lot of caterpillars my man. Sounds pretty heavy duty up there. Hey at least we are all in the same boat lol. Some years are worse than others and I think strain choice even plays a roll. I'm telling you! They're ALL over the Blueberry, they LOVE it :lot-o-toke::lot-o-toke: Good Luck brother man! :Namaste:

My area as well. 12 outdoor beauties, had to throw 8 of them out, and the rest had to hack the plants and harvest whatever wasnt rotted due to pillar shit. I was very disappointed when I ended up with 4 pounds and realized how much more was ruined. hundreds of pillars. Kind of a depressing outdoor season.

For me personally I know I wouldn't be disappointed with 4 pounds. I can't even grow 1 pound a year with my little set up after the worms :rofl: But it sounds like you gentlemen got it bad this year.... That is a bummer. There's always next year right?! ;) :Namaste:

One day I would like to get a nice isolated piece of land :Namaste: :surf:
You seem all very busy with bud wormz over there :tokin:
Last year I was devastated outdoors by worms and rot caused by said worms. I used spinosad this year in the form of Bonides Captain Jack's dead bug brew. Early on I wailed them with it often as I also have Japanese beetles and a host of other beasts. I have only taken one plant so far and it had no worms at all, none. I have been watching every day with them now in full bud and I don't see the signs (that does not mean there will not be heartbreak) I will need another year to make sure it is not a fluke but it sure seems like it has made a big difference
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