Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

Hey Les...never bin around here yet....your another one who gets to have fun outside....piss me off.You guys are so lucky...i'm way the fu.. up here in Canada eh....unless you have a greenhouse away from prying eyes ,it's a losing battle.One yr. I had snowballs instead of buds on my plant! Last time I tried that. Anyhow Les...your outdoor stuff looks amazing bro.Can you do that all yr. where your at? Just wondering. I'l have to drop by more often....cheers eh!:high-five:
:circle-of-love: Zilla :circle-of-love:

I'm sure you must be grinning every time you see her.... in her tiny little pot. I sure am.
Love me a girl in tight pants!:thedoubletake:

MW and the SM crosses are looking outstanding. What a great show! :popcorn:

Aloha brother! :ciao: Haha, I wish it was all fun-n-flowers! I am thankful she appears to be completely unscathed by the worms. I found one dead one, and everything else looks clean and good. I've been battling these worms in the smaller plants (the fruitiest, most odorous ones of course). Probably pulled out 15-20 worms total out of some of the smaller plants. Probably because I never sprayed them with Azamax. The stuff really seemed to have helped when I gave Zilla the treatments a few weeks back.

I released a good few LST strings today, so she doesn't look quite as symmetrical now. She's pretty much free to wave her limbs around and catch some extra breeze now. Some of the buds are getting heavy so had to tie them UP and not down now. Fed with the 0-8-1 bat guano (Earth Juice), she should give out some good growth now.

Glad your enjoying the show :popcorn: :) :volcano-smiley:

Hey Les...never bin around here yet....your another one who gets to have fun outside....piss me off.You guys are so lucky...i'm way the fu.. up here in Canada eh....unless you have a greenhouse away from prying eyes ,it's a losing battle.One yr. I had snowballs instead of buds on my plant! Last time I tried that. Anyhow Les...your outdoor stuff looks amazing bro.Can you do that all yr. where your at? Just wondering. I'l have to drop by more often....cheers eh!:high-five:

Aloha duggan, thanks for the kind words. I can't produce the same quality of buds during the winter as summer (obviously) but I can definitely grow plants year round. It never freezes where I am because of the insulation from the ocean, the lowest it would get would be in the low 40s and that's not too bad for a healthy plant. The issue is the sun-angle is much lower and so its tough to get them all enough light to flower properly. Gonna be experimenting this winter for sure. :surf:

Mahalo :ciao:

Revegetating Pine Spice Pheno BEFORE (AT HARVEST) and AFTER(NOW) 30 Days Ago today - you can see how a proper trim at the end leaves those shoots to regrow real nicely given the chance.



The Blueberry x Santa Maria (basically sample plants - but at this point I'm already ready to grow big plants of this next year, but it's so fruity and odorous that moths and butterflies are all over it.... maybe that's an advantage of the KC-45, it's like a stealth plant - maybe it's just under the radar


Coupla Zilla shots, all tented up and you can kinda notice how I released some of the strings, lot of nice movement/airflow in there. Should be a couple of real good days for her. Not sure what the proceeding frontal shots are gonna look like now that I took some strings off. I just can't stop going out there and looking at her! :circle-of-love:


Nice regrow, What your plan with it?

I just rooted some clones from a fully budded plant, interested to see if/how they regrow, got roots so that first step :)

My plan is to flower the thing out and get some more bud :grinjoint:
Hey ....More nice pics ! Les,where i live...i'm way too close to both neighbours ,even for a little green house.Not to mention my two boys....who i have this weekend....they don't know.Nuff said about that. I have a stealth set up indoors.It's my only way dude. The produce comin out of it these days with Doc's stuff is over the top! Only bin a yr. or so with the "kit" ,before (25yrs.) was guess work compared to this . Oh....gotta go find my little guy! Cheers bro.:blunt:
I'm convinced I have the best vaporizer money could buy (can't imagine spending 600$ on a volcano :rofl:), and that is the Extreme-Q by Arizer, we had a big discussion about it much earlier in the journal. I prefer vaporizing way more than smoking combustion products, it actually does the buds justice and it is the sound and more healthy way to do it IMO. I've never used a hand-held one so I have no idea how it works. You can probably get the EQ by Arizer for about 150$, same one I use. I've been using mine for 3 years like an industrial machine, day and night non-stop and no problems :) One of the best purchases I've ever made, 'nuff said :) :volcano-smiley:

And yes, there is my remote control for it :)


Mine is supposed to be here tomorrow...:yahoo:... I sure hope you guys are right.....:blushsmile: I'm chopping the Green xxxxx tomorrow too so it should be pretty good timing.......:circle-of-love:
Mine is supposed to be here tomorrow...:yahoo:... I sure hope you guys are right.....:blushsmile: I'm chopping the Green xxxxx tomorrow too so it should be pretty good timing.......:circle-of-love:

That's great news! Feel free to PM me or shout if you have any questions regarding the device. I can't tell you enough how happy I have been with it for the past 3 years. :Namaste:
EQ talk sweet! I have used your same drying tech and love it, only difference is I am using a glass med jar top. Les, what are your views on vaping on freshly cut from the plant wet nugs? I have been doing so the past 3 days and have had some of the best tasting rips from the EQ to date, although, no big vapor clouds, just really appetizing wiprips. Looking under the scope it appears that wet nugs will not release the goodies so to speak, the trichomes appear to still have life and will not brown out and shrivel compared to say a week old dried nug.. might try a different setting, say 210c.. anyways, im sure you have vaped on some wet nuggage, just wondering what you think about the medicated feeling (I think it is definitely dimished due to the amount of trichs that are not ready to be vaped! mighty heady). Anyways, I am going to keep all this early vaped nugs and run them into some super concentrated canna not having any dried herbs, soon enough. Take care 420mag fam:volcano-smiley:
EQ talk sweet! I have used your same drying tech and love it, only difference is I am using a glass med jar top. Les, what are your views on vaping on freshly cut from the plant wet nugs? I have been doing so the past 3 days and have had some of the best tasting rips from the EQ to date, although, no big vapor clouds, just really appetizing wiprips. Looking under the scope it appears that wet nugs will not release the goodies so to speak, the trichomes appear to still have life and will not brown out and shrivel compared to say a week old dried nug.. might try a different setting, say 210c.. anyways, im sure you have vaped on some wet nuggage, just wondering what you think about the medicated feeling (I think it is definitely dimished due to the amount of trichs that are not ready to be vaped! mighty heady). Anyways, I am going to keep all this early vaped nugs and run them into some super concentrated canna not having any dried herbs, soon enough. Take care 420mag fam:volcano-smiley:

Aloha brother :ciao:

I have vaped up nugs that were on the more moist side before, but that's only because I can get antzy to wait for the samples to dry themselves LOL. Yeah you can get some really good terpene extractions with the wet nugs, those are the fresh flavors which resemble the more pure essence of your strain. But my general rule of thumb is to get my sample dry enough to grind easily. It really helps, especially cause I am looking for that thick vapor and the best tastes. And as we discussed, the terpenes can evaporate and the dominant profile can change from one compound to another. A lot of the terpenes that exist AT HARVEST are more volatile and they're lost during the long term actual drying process. But for my quick dry method, it kind of gives you the therapeutic effect (the cannabinoids need to be decarboxylated at that temperature for some period of time), as well as the amazing flavors. So yea I try not to vape wet nugs cause it's kind of a waste. There's nothing like a fresh rip of some potent/clean hitting herb. Can't wait to try the Blueberry, it's gonna be ridiculous!

And I feel ya man, I am trying to conserve my stash to get to the next harvest. I had to run to the club and get a about a quad. It was a nice treat for sure. :yummy:
Hello Lester and a Happy Shatterday to yea. Came on this morning posted once in my journal and the cable went out. Just came on. Hoping it will stay. Lester your ladies are looking like they are going to treat you royally. It's so nice to see an outside grow like yours flourish. Happy Day Buddy
Hello Lester and a Happy Shatterday to yea. Came on this morning posted once in my journal and the cable went out. Just came on. Hoping it will stay. Lester your ladies are looking like they are going to treat you royally. It's so nice to see an outside grow like yours flourish. Happy Day Buddy

Good day Brotha Bee. I hope your cable stays up too! :Namaste: Thanks for the kind words, so far so good!! Zilla is definitely doing me right so far. I took a small sample off her today, should be able to try it out tomorrow or so.

I also decided to cut a Blueberry x Santa Maria cola, just gonna be taking down the colas as they mature in waves. I bud washed it using SNS-311 and it worked great! It removed some of the fecal matter particles and seems to have cleaned it up nice. I will plan on doing more bud washing in the future.

Good evening herb Lester. Those are some fine looking buds. :circle-of-love::high-five::circle-of-love:

It won't let me up load pictures to the site. Go to up load page and click on select file button and nothing. HHHMMMmM I will keep trying.

Just got done medicating so time for bed Try again tomorrow.
Good evening herb Lester. Those are some fine looking buds. :circle-of-love::high-five::circle-of-love:

It won't let me up load pictures to the site. Go to up load page and click on select file button and nothing. HHHMMMmM I will keep trying.

Just got done medicating so time for bed Try again tomorrow.

Good Mornings Herb Bee. Hopefully you can upload pictures now! It's Skunkday and you know what that means, take it easy :) :volcano-smiley:
Do ya mind if I pull up a lawn chair and watch the show? It looks like things are about to get real interesting around here!:cheer::nicethread:

Welcome aboard RickityCrickt! :welcome: :surf:
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