Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

Haven't even got to taste project 1 yet and I am already starting project 2 LMAO. What is really funny is I now have all the weed I will be smoking next year started. I have not even tried most of it. No turning back now LMAO. I do have a couple known winners. That always helps.

With hybrids affecting people in so many ways now days it is hard to judge what you want. How productive I am next year has already been decided LMAO. The more I find out about all the strains the more I wonder if I chose right. Killer Queen my main indica I find out now can't be smoked before bed. ?????? What the hell a 80/20 indica is not supposed to keep you awake LMAO. No problem as one of my other strains won't affect me the way I planned either and it should make up for it.

I have edibles for night time any way I will get by. I am going to have lots of new plants and strains to try. I smoke a ton of weed after each harvest just trying everything. With in each strain there are different phenos so even one strain gives me lots to look at. New strains are a total mystery. In ways I enjoy looking at new stuff as much as I do growing my known strains. The known ones might be stronger but there is no mystery to them. That's why I always run a few of my favorites just so I have something I love.
I see you went Critical and GC, another great line up my friend!

Couldn't makeup my mind so I adjusted the seed counts to get them both in lol. What I found out about Killer Queen after makes me wish I might have went with something different LOL. They are wet now so they will have to do.

There is still the fact that some seeds will not pop. Some that do pop may not come up. I will have to add a seed here and there I am sure.
Sucks about Killer Queen but like you said there will always be a couple when starting seeds that wont make it. So you will be able to cover your needs regardless. You've got it pretty well figured out. I could definitely learn a thing or 2 from you when it comes to deciding my needs and what to run. Depending on what you think of this Green Crack I may give it a try. The wife doent smoke at all, but for some reason shes really been wanting to try GC. I want to make sure she likes it that way I will be able to spend a little more $ on growing, without going to the dog house.
I do highly suggest not growing SkunK #1 and Afghani In a apartment without charcoal filters.
I wouldnt dare grow without one. I have an NL x GG#4 that saturates the place with FUNK and a Sensi NL x Nirvana NL IBL that is nearly as offensive.
I haven't seen a TTB grown like that. It Looks like it is going to give you one huge bud LMAO.
These are just test plants grown in the tiniest pots ever. I've never finished females in pots this small, usually up-pot the females and let the males stay tiny and controlled.
Still being able to split everything up gives me a chance to grow males and breed
I haven't shut the grow down for almost a year now. Having one tent allows me only one flowering Male at a time between harvests. A tiny bit of stray pollen doesnt bother me because I will always know who the father is.
I am sure some think I am crazy making all these hybrids without testing them.
I am doing the same thing. I made F2 seeds of my own strain with the first two seeds I popped. I have no clue how they will turn out, only that I hope they keep their propensity to turn dark purple. Also crossed that Male (since he was ready to go) with both the short and tall pheno of TTB, and a budsite or two on both of the aforementioned NL crosses. Just going with the flow. I cant see a reason to not make seeds.
We all know what to do with the plants we love. Those are easy to find because they are covered in trichomes and smell great. I am really big on strains that have it all. Smell, flavor and high.

It is what we do with those other plants that is my concern now. 1 of the Headband plants I have is by far different than the others. I have found over time that my favorite plants all have great sour smell and flavor. It is kind of easy to find the good ones early just from smell.

My problem now is the one plant that does not have the sour smell. Has no smell at ALL. I mean nothing. Rub it real good and still nothing. This plant is huge and is covered in trichomes. Lots of things you would want in a mother plant. Everything but smell. What the high will be like is the huge question. I don't think it will be the Headband high. If it does then I need to decide what to do then. If it doesn't have a headband high no big deal. It will still smoke pretty good from the look of it.

My problem is what if it does have the right high and just minimule smell and flavor. What do I do? Like I said it will probably never happen. Still what if. There is still a market for low odor strains. Even if this does not have a headband high. If it is strong it still has value as a low odor strain.

I have 2 clones from this plant so I could self it or hybrid it. With low odor maybe it is a good candidate for the Genius that has great smell and flavor. It is either that or self it for a low odor strain. The plan before was to just throw those 2 clones out. Now who knows.

It is one of the plants that got feminized pollen from the reversed Tahoe Og. So I may have already hybridized it lol.
Now speaking of feminized hybrids. Not seeing the seeds like I do with the regular hybrids. I can never see the pollen from reversed plants like I can from true males. Hard to tell if there is any at all. Harder yet to know if it made a seed.

There is talk about not being able to feminized feminized genetics. I grow 2 strains that were made from female seeds. I know it can be done. I just don't know that I can do it. Like cloning not all strains will react the same to being reversed. I am sure some can't be done successfully.

I did some thinking. I have made feminized seeds with success. Only with plants that were grown from regular seeds though. I don't know what kind of success I had doing the reversed plants from young S-1 strainsi just did. I have noticed that clones flowered so much faster and better because of age. Maybe the age of a clone will help it reverse and produce pollen. I did notice that the reversed Chocoloco clone flowered really well for a revered plant. Better than the other reversed plants. I hope that meant it produced more pollen.

I can see no for sure seeds in any of the feminized hybrids other then the Chocoloco one. It has so many seeds I am now wondering if most of them came from the JC 2 male. It was around for at least part of the time. Just because I can see no seeds doesn't mean they are not there. Even if the reversed plants didn't put out very much pollen. If they put out any pollen at all I should get at least a few seeds. As mentioned before Any seeds are more than I have now. 5, 10, 20 would be plenty. It could even be like the Purple Betty x Chocoloco hybrid. I got 3 seeds. It only takes one to grow so it was a success at some level.

All this makes me really wonder about the new seed crop. They are all from feminized seeds. If it a think with female genetics I may get nothing. Plants are going to be fully pollinated plants and grown together so they get pollen over a extended period of time. I will also be reversing the clones to be males way earlier than before. I am going to try and get it so the males are finishing when the females are in their prime. Maybe this will help with the amount of seeds I get.

In the end it is not a big deal. I think it will be easier to self regular strains. All the strains I really want to self are the regular strains anymore anyway. Hopefully what I have going works. It will give me plenty female seeds to grow why I look through regular strains. I will have to see how all these projects work out. By the end I will have a better idea on selfing female strains.
Today's tasks will be getting all the popped seeds into soil. Germiination is going fine. The only seeds that popped overnight was my Critical S-1. They don't pop they explode. Tiny seeds so when they get any moisture they grow faster than the seed can split. even the sides of the seeds have cracks in them lol.

Lots of others popped last night so I should be able to get most of the in soil today.
Only 3 seeds didn't pop after the first 48 hours. Everything other than them are in the soil. I did things a little different this time. I know scratch the top of the soil after the seeds have been watered in. when I had troubles with popped seeds not coming through the soil. The only thing I could find that could have caused it was when I watered them in. Bits of peat and other matter kind of locked together making a wall at the top of the soil. All I am doing is just scuffing up the surface so this does not happen. We shall see.

Only 3 of the Snowdawg so I may not have choices for males. Who knows they are regular seeds. I may not get all of one and none of the other. I still have a male for pollen so it is not a huge deal.

One restart will be a Cannalope Haze. It is a favorite so I want 4 of them.

Green Crack. ! popped so far. I won't restart it.

If they don't pop in the next day or so. The plan as of now is to start 1 more Cannalope and either Blue Gelato or Peyote Critical.
Speaking of seeds. Here is my tiny little Jacks Cleaner 2 seed plant. If I was not doing the things I am this year this plant would have just been killed. There was just no room for such a small plant. It had a hard life early on. It was one of the seeds that had trouble breaking through the soil. It lived a week just under the soil. I caught it just in time. The others could could not be saved. Lots of things could have caused the short stature. Now at least I have something. Here are a few pics of her and her offspring.

I included a 20 oz water bottle in the picture so you can tell its size. It is in a huge 1 1/2 gallon pot LMAO. Doesnt sound to big till you consider the plant that's it is LOL.

Seeds are just starting to get color so it won't be long. This got all the pollen it could handle as it started flowering. Makes me wonder just how many seeds a 10" plant can have.
She may not be huge, but she seems to be covered in trichs and full of seeds! Congrats to the lucky grandpa lol. Those gelato's are supposed to be a great plant all the way around. Would be cool to see what you do with 1.
I have Blue Gelato 41 from Barnes Farm or just plain Gelato from Seedsman. Any Ideas?

The Seedsman seeds are a seedbank freebie. Slight difference here as they do sell their own line of seeds.

I have a day or 2 to decide what I add. I have enough seeds started right now. I just need to have a couple back up plants in case of males, hermies and other problems. Now that I am using all store bought seeds it is harder to waste seeds this way. Still there are always sick and shitty plants. I want to just put healthy plants into flower. We will see. It will be 3 days of germination on the first seeds. If they haven't popped yet they most likely won't.

I did receive replacement seeds from HSO. Almost didn't. The inclosed the seeds sandwiched between 2 thin opaque pieces of foam. After finding nothing I knew to look harder. Barely found them. They sent 3 seeds labeled as Chemdawg in a baggy. 3? Chemdawg? How they figured this would do is beyond me. They did make a effort so that helps. Would have been smart to send them in a breeder pack. How the hell am I to trust seeds in a baggy after just getting hermies. Now I have 3 more seeds in my confusion pile.

I can grow crops and crops of shit if I want LMAO. After a morning check. 90% of seeds are through the top of the soil. My little extra concern seemed to help. It is after I see what comes through the soil I will decide what and how many seeds to start. The Blue Gelato 41 seem to have the lead as of now. Who knows what will change in my mind in the next few days. Any of you that know me by now understand it could be anything LMAO. Lots of shit bounces around in my head. It all matters what is most prominent at the time I grab the box of seeds LOL.
Id go with the Blue Gelato41 myself, although seedsman has some great genetics. I just think youd get closer to what your looking for out of the Blue Gelato41. I dont blame you for throwing the Chemdawgs in your unsure pile. Its to hard to trust someone on their word alone. Glad to hear your seeds are doing their thing bro!
Yeah it looks like they all have come up no. One Chemdawg is still questionable.

Lots of changes in this thing I call a mind. I am not seeing much on the plants I hit with the feminized pollen. I have heard that you can not feminize a feminized strain. I know you can because I am growing some that were. This last plants I tried to reverse are from selfed plants. Maybe the problems arise with doing selfed plants.

With this in mind I don't know if I want to waste my one Genius clone. If I spray it and it doesn't produce pollen then it's gone. It is a S-1 strain not just feminized. With this in mind I am pretty sure it is best to just try and use the Headband to pollinate the Genius. I really need to find out about feminizing S-1's but I don't have the time to do it right now.

The Genius would be the better father in ways but it doesn't have to be that way. Harvest time is not critical for me. Just the blend of genetics is enough for me.

With this in mind. I will be growing out a couple clones with this next grow. With only one reversed plant I don't need doubles. At least one of the Tangalopes will be flowered. This way I won't need to start new Cannalope Haze. They are not the same but similar enough. I also have 2 clones from the huge Headband that I might grow out. Need to see how it smokes first. Big is big and deserves get a good look.
I got a chance to revisit the Seedking Purps X Tahoe from earlier. Pic's vary day to day but this one still shows tons of trichomes.

Can't wait to try this hybrid. Every plant is covered in trichomes like this. I am hoping lots of trichomes = lots of terpenes which will = lots of flavor.
Hell me too. Jars are basically empty. I am not out but I can't adjust my needs very well. Everything is indica dom. Roach weed is great. You just never know what you are going to get. I put a bunch away when the weed was great. Sometimes you get a great sativa roach and a indica one. You end up with a busy mind and a lazy ass.

The Glueberry is just about done. It is just days away. The 18th is the soonest day I can harvest anything with seeds so it will go that long at least. I can leave the seeded branches on the plant and let them grow a little longer if need be. This is the only plant that will need this. All the others have plenty of time left to make seeds. All are making seeds so I will get my regular hybrids at least.

The Jacks Cleaner 2 is putting out huge brown seeds now. Lots of other stuff going on too so I will let it go a while longer. maybe I will get something worth a shit to try. I still would love a idea of the flavor and high. Both will be minimule I am sure. This plant has had a rough life so getting anything is a win. Still I should get a idea of flavor at least. And seeds I am going to get seeds. They will be F-2 with no selection other than with than keeping the best male. This makes these seeds highly questionable but I have them.

The Chocoloco x Jacks Cleaner 2 seeds are finishing up also. The seeded clones will get to finish fully. I know the seeds will be mature enough when the trichomes are right. These plants are not very big but they do have a fair amount of bud on them. All the weed will be processed into oil for edibles.

While I can smoke the seeded branches with no problem. The whole seeded plants plants are better used in other ways. I use wax, weed, hash, and oil for cooking. So there is always something I can do with it if the trichomes are right. The only ones that will be a problem are any plants that have too many amber trichomes. Those will still add body and can be used for cooking. Shouldn't be many though.
Seedling update: Of the 3 seeds that didn't pop the first 48 hours. 2 decided to join the club. I am at full strength with all 4 of the Killer Queen.

It seems that the only problems I am having are again from Humboldt. Only one of the Chemdawg came through the top of the soil. As I mentioned Everything else did really well along that lines. The other seed that popped was the other Green Crack. Good thing as the first one that came up never made it past coming out of the soil. It couldn't shed the shell of the seed so I had to help it. Not a big deal as I have to do this all the time. This time there was nothing attached to the tap root. Where the leaves and top of the plant were supposed to be was just dried up nothing. Beautiful white tap root.

I have had this happen before and thought the shell had ripped off the top of the plant. Not the case. I was very careful this time. Where the leaves should have been was just dried undeveloped material. Not sure if it was water or nutrients something happened when these seeds were being finished.

Humboldt seeds is tumbling down my breeder list fast. I don't plan on starting anymore seeds. I have clones that I will move over. 1 of the Tangilope and a Headband will be moved to the grow section instead of the seed section.
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