Just a quick overview of my cannabutter making process, for those who are interested and have never done it before!
I start with 1 oz. finely ground herb. I have used a couple different methods for grinding my material, including the blender, but I really like this twisty type cheese grater. But any method is fine really.
Next, I melt one pound of unsalted butter in a crock pot. I'll get to temps and times in a minute....
I like to bring the butter to just under a simmer, if that makes sense, then add all the raw material to the pot and give it a slight stir....My crock pot comes with 2, 4 and 6 quart bowls, and has a setting for each corresponding to pot size. There is also a High, medium and low setting. I use the 4 Qt pot, and initially start the setting at 6 Qt over medium heat, just to speed up the heating process. After the butter is melted and the material has been added, I ramp it down to the 4 Qt setting, and set it to low. Your crock pot may vary in its settings, and you will have to find your setting based on practice. Basically, you want it to be just under a simmer for most of the process.
Next, you will want to add roughly one cup of water to the mix. The water acts as a heat buffer, to prevent your butter from sitting on the bottom where it is more likely to burn a little, and thus lower the potency of your butter. Don't worry, the butter will easily separate and float nicely on top of the water....
Now, there is much debate on the amount of time needed to properly infuse your butter with the all your green goodness. I have found that 12 hours works great, and 8 hours doesn't seem to be lacking anything. Some will say that 1 hour is all that is needed. I have never tried it with that short of a stew, and I'm not sure I would. I'm also not saying that they're wrong, this is just how I know it will work, so I stick with longer times.
After you're confident you've got everything well infused, All you have to do is take a woman's panty ho legging, and stretch it over a bowl, or tupperware for straining....Pour in the entire contents of your pot slowly.
I then like to tie the hoesery to something above the bowl to drain the majority of the butter from the hoe..(I just like saying hoe)
When it slows to a drip, I take a pair of tongs, or two spatchulas and squeeze more from the hoe...(I also like squeezing hoes
I then use my hand to squeeze the rest out.
!CAUTION!My threshold for pain may vary from yours, as I have deadened much of the nerves in my hands and fingers over the years from torches and hot copper pipes in my profession so please do a brief touch test to see if it is cool enough for you. THIS SHIT GETS HOT!!
Next, I like to let the bowl sit out on the counter to cool slowly for around a half hour, then place in the fridge for the next few hours to set up.
When you're sure it has cooled completely, and become hard to the touch, you want to squeeze the sides of the bowl in a circular motion until your disc sort of pops loose. The water in the bottom of the bowl (And there SHOULD still be some water left) will be damn near black. Its nasty stuff, and its worthless. Toss it out. What you have left should look something like this....
Now find your favorite recipe for treats or cookies, and enjoy!!
I recently made ricecrispy treats using fruity pebbles and strawberry marshmallows. They're gone already and its time for more!!!