Queen's Royal Green Garden

Slap the postman isn't the word, it seems like over here when someone gets a city or government job they get real lazy..Now why my plant got to be cowardly? I put the kush bean back in the coco, if it doesn't take then I will put one of the autos in it's place once I get them.

corsodyl > listerine any day of the week.
that stuff litterally saved my life when my teeth were at their worst, had an infection in an upper wisdom..and it was heading upwards./QUOTE]

It always burns the hell out of my mouth so I end up having to dilute it..But I will keep that in mind next time I have a toothache.

haha sry...i was refering to the plant thats developing a yellow streak ;)

corsodyl burns the hell out of my mouth too, when i use it i end up spending the next 5 mins with my head over a sink as my mouth streams like a waterfall trying to reject the mouthwash....but if you ever get an infection of ANY kind in the mouth...its the first thing to reach for.

before i got rid of my teeth, it cured a boil, a mouth ulcer, infected teeth and something called trench mouth oO

its horrid stuff, i dont reccomend it for every day use, but if anything goes wrong, its an emergency dentist in a bottle (shame its a sado dentist with no anasthetic) :rofl:
I remember when I use to pay for water, glad I don't have to now. Went to the post office to get beans and the damn mailman had them. Checked the mail and he still didn't leave them. I hope they don't send them back, have to go again tomorrow. I don't know what the hell is going on with the kush bean I have planted. Thought it was coming up but then I look and its the whole bean.:thedoubletake: So, I did what Jandre said then put it back in the coco. I had watered both pots last night. I don't know if it's the lights or just me but the auto's leaves look like they're turning yellow. I know it is still too young to give nutes, right?

i dont know about anyone else but this is what i did
i germ paper towel method
when theres a root of 3/4 of an inch i throw it in either rockwool or so kinda sunleaves stater plug i forget what its called
once it pops through and roots show out of the wool or plug i throw it in the veg dwc with half nutes for that first week
then on the second week i start going full nutes on the nutrient schedule
hope that helps u decide
oh yea thats using dwc not in any soil type medium
GiGaBaNE, I hate to say this, but many of us here in the US believe that you Brits have the worst teeth in the world. The old movies we watch from your great country, makes you look that way. Must be something in the water..or not. Jo points it out all the time, she watches many old mystery movies from Britain.

I mean no slur my friend, just wondering.
GiGaBaNE, I hate to say this, but many of us here in the US believe that you Brits have the worst teeth in the world. The old movies we watch from your great country, makes you look that way. Must be something in the water..or not. Jo points it out all the time, she watches many old mystery movies from Britain.

I mean no slur my friend, just wondering.

its definatly true.
we have the typical western sweet tooth, but as a general rule its almost considered vain to waste time preening, and wasting valuable work time on something so small...however truth be told, i think we just have a national phobia of the dentist.

my teeth specifically tho was not lack of personal hygene...it was a combination of physical damage from fighting and a piece if copper wire i was trying to bend, couple of years of hardcore experimenting with phetamine and an unlucky break of my wisdom teeth being born rotten.
its definatly true.
we have the typical western sweet tooth, but as a general rule its almost considered vain to waste time preening, and wasting valuable work time on something so small...however truth be told, i think we just have a national phobia of the dentist.

my teeth specifically tho was not lack of personal hygene...it was a combination of physical damage from fighting and a piece if copper wire i was trying to bend, couple of years of hardcore experimenting with phetamine and an unlucky break of my wisdom teeth being born rotten.

Will say your truthful my friend....Fighting is good way to lose a few. I can just see you and the copper wire! I'll bend this SOB! OK, and no vanity to that. Jo's wisdom teeth were the same as yours.

I had to have all mine pulled at 16. Didn't have enough calcium in my diet.

OK! Just had another toke and now I'm wondering why I brought up teeth in a Grow journal anyway?:)
probably because i keep bringing up my lack of teeth, lol

i tried false teeth, got some sat on my desk, but i find the workmanship inferior, they dont fit and i cant talk and when i bite with the front they detach at the back, its a nightmare...so i just try to get used to not having any.

i dont mind at all really, not to get cras, but i definatly enjoy the fact i can stick my tongue out much further :rofl:
go get implants they wont move lol
im sure ull have to sell all your stash to do it tho lol
i still have a few teeth left but at some point i'll have to bite the bullet and cough up the cash for new teeth , i too lost many to fighting, got clocked in the jaw with a cast iron skillet that cracked 2/3ds of what was left in half bad genetics too seems all my family has no natural enamel coating =soft teeth ,sucks too i had such a nice smile before all that they grew in perfectly straight & white

i poop to much and then i get tired.....wheres that water up the butt toilet again sounds interesting lol
Queen, did your beans ever show up?? Haven't seen a post saying so...:peace::circle-of-love:

Hey, thanks for asking. Yes, I got them yesterday. I already have started to germ the chocolate skunk. I think the critical kush is a dud or something. It is still in the coco but I don't think it is going to come up. So if it doesn't that is where the chocolate skunk is going... So now my grow has changed once again. Maybe I need to redo my intro to this journal...lol.. Well I watered the skunk, I noticed that the tips of the leaves have turned yellow and the rest is turning like a light green. In the past when this has happened it meant that the plant needed nutes. I am not sure what to think about the auto, does it get nutes earlier than a normal plant since it completes faster?

And how did we get on the topic of teeth? Oh yeah, the listerine. I had four teeth pulled when I was a teenager for braces. I have a cavity now where my tooth cracked but am scared to get it pulled.
i still have a few teeth left but at some point i'll have to bite the bullet and cough up the cash for new teeth , i too lost many to fighting, got clocked in the jaw with a cast iron skillet that cracked 2/3ds of what was left in half bad genetics too seems all my family has no natural enamel coating =soft teeth ,sucks too i had such a nice smile before all that they grew in perfectly straight & white

i poop to much and then i get tired.....wheres that water up the butt toilet again sounds interesting lol

my grandma used to tell me the same thing:)
What am I invisible over here? Just kidding, I'll let you guys go on about teeth. I just thought I would throw some pics in between the conversation. Hopefully you can see the yellowing tips on the leaves....Hoping for some response on this.

What am I invisible over here? Just kidding, I'll let you guys go on about teeth. I just thought I would throw some pics in between the conversation. Hopefully you can see the yellowing tips on the leaves....Hoping for some response on this.
Don't grow in soil, but I will ask...any nutes in the grow medium? Maybe too much for seedling. I use water only for at least the first week when I have grown from seeds...hope someone has a good answer.:circle-of-love:
It looks like nute burn or ph issues

No nutes and make sure the soil does not have any (if it is coco make sure it is low sodium)

ph 6.5
Haven't used any nutes, have been giving just water.

Does the soil/coco have any nutes already in it? and is the water ph 6.5?

by the way sorry for being my Ogre self, how the heck are you Queen?
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