Queen's Royal Green Garden

heya QT =)

gutted to hear about the chocolate skunk. ive had a vew that do that...so frustrating, you wonder if it was something you did. its my understanding that olde landrace strains dont suffer this problem, just hybrids?

looking forward to a pic of the skunk auto. never grown one myself yet.
lol bloody cat ;)

i cant really say much about the nutes without a pic but hey, if it worked for you before ;)
Queentokelove and Gigabane next time if you see a seed have a hard breaking its shell. Just spread the shell with your finger nails and if you see a small membrabe covering the leaves remove that also. Remember try not to smash the little girl
top left one is an example, had no chance to save this one, it just stayed like that, the rest opened by them selves or with the hand of man.

thanks H-factor =)

a lot of seeds partially split and its quite easy to do as you say, but some times only just enough crack appears to push the tap out and its almost impossible to get access to the crack without hurting the tap, i believe this is what QT is referring to ;)
Damn it to hell, I just lost my freaking post, I hate when that happens...

gutted to hear about the chocolate skunk. ive had a vew that do that...so frustrating, you wonder if it was something you did. its my understanding that olde landrace strains dont suffer this problem, just hybrids?

Yeah, I was looking forward to the chocolate skunk too. I may try that strain again in the future. And what is old land races? I am having technical issues trying to post pics. For some reason the computer is not recognizing something. I will have to figure it out and try again.

Queentokelove and Gigabane next time if you see a seed have a hard breaking its shell. Just spread the shell with your finger nails and if you see a small membrabe covering the leaves remove that also. Remember try not to smash the little girl

If I see the shell stuck once it comes out of coco then sometimes I try to ease it off. Or I put a few drops of water on the shell to help loosen it.
yeah i hate it when that happens too =(

a land race is a strain of weed that hasnt been played with by mankind. basically its the strains that grow in the wild with serious pedegree heritage. some of them arnt the same as they were thousands of years ago because of common minor mutations or local breeding between similar clusters of the same strain.

here is an example

! World of Seeds Landrace Afghan Kush Seeds - Updated:4th Jan 2013


Damn it to hell, I just lost my freaking post, I hate when that happens...

Yeah, I was looking forward to the chocolate skunk too. I may try that strain again in the future. And what is old land races? I am having technical issues trying to post pics. For some reason the computer is not recognizing something. I will have to figure it out and try again.

If I see the shell stuck once it comes out of coco then sometimes I try to ease it off. Or I put a few drops of water on the shell to help loosen it.
Hey there Queen! Stopping by to say hello! I was busy and didn't see your new journal till now. Late Sub!! I noticed you say that you are having a hard time getting your computor to post pics. There are 2 ways to post pics. The easy way is to just copy and paste instead of using the icon on the icon bar. Hope this helps!

Looking forward to see your babies Grow!!
Thanks for the definition of land race, I never heard that term before, Gig. Good to see you,CF. You haven't missed too much, only on page 14. I fixed the problem with the pics, it didn't have anything to do with the site but I appreciate the help. I took the pics and here they are....

This is the skunk#1...I planted her the day before thanksgiving. She seems to have taken off after getting her first feeding of nutes.

This is the blue mystic...Still has a ways to go, planted her on Xmas eve..
thats cool that skunk isnt lookin too bad at all =D
and that bite out of the blue mystic looks ok, it may shock the plant a lil bit, but i dont see it having a huge impact on end yield :)

Yeah, it looks like it is doing good, no complaints or problems thus far. I am hoping it will get a bit fatter, doesn't look like it will be done by the middle of the month. Just looks small for 60 days from seed but then I don't know what to expect since it is my first auto. I gave it some bloom booster last night. The bm is still doing good too, doesn't seem to phased by the bite of the kitty. Gave it some very diluted nutes. Other than that, nothing to report. I haven't been on much because I haven't been feeling too good lately.
i agree that it doesnt look its maximum potential for a 60 day plant, maybe its starved of something, just a random suggestion.

the main thing to think on right now tho is it looks like a producer, so at the very least it will be the end of the unlucky streak.

and then maybe the mystic will be a rip roaring success =)

im sorry to hear you havnt been well =( a bug or the blood sugar thing or?
I dunno, Gig, I thought the same thing. I am going to have to go back to the beginning of this journal and see what the growing time is but I thought it was 60 days from seed. Why would you think it is starving? I have been feeding it. But I could be wrong. I agree, I am just glad that both plants are growing and doing good. My diabetes is messing with me, has been running low the past few days, dealing with it the best I can for the moment until I can go grocery shopping on Friday.
OK, just checked, it is suppose to go from 60-70 days which by the date I started, should be done or was suppose to be done by the 24th of this month for 60 days or 70 days which would be around the beginning of February....
ok now we know what the breeder says, we can probably throw that out the window and add upto half for us lowly mortal growers...thats probably based on coffeeshop speeds.

do you have some way to look at the trichs? (bad memory =/ )

on the food thing.
i read that lots and lots of veg is a good thing for diabetics, even more so than regular eaters.
i think when on a super tight budget that this is probably the most cost effective way of providing food for yourself. i know it sounds like a lot of bloody work, but it HAS been an evil year for farming and 2013 food prices are going to be very high.

i think its a good idea to go collect leaf litter and old newspapers and anything like that you can find...by the end of this conversion that crap is top notch food.

look up about indoor hotbox composting. you can start making small scale indoor compost and do some research on the best veg seeds to buy based on self replicating foods like potatoes and other best methods of basically buying a seed only once or just a few times.

i know it all seems a bit long term, but you can get some very fast crops, even little things like cress, and mint...mint is a very agressive expansionist for example. just keep composting them some food and they will keep giving you food.

its a bit of a lifestyle choice, but may swing the balance of economy over the months to come

:circle-of-love::thumb:Keep it going Queen:cheesygrinsmiley:

Thanks Hozona for the vote of confidence..

Well, food is very expensive over here now, Gig. And with what I get every month is usually not enough to last me the end of the month. Not that I don't know how to shop but because things are just that high. And usually by the time I finish paying rent and bills, I am flat out broke. I can barely by beans so I know I can't afford regular seeds for growing veggies or what not. Yes, I do have a scope to check trichs but I know the plant isn't even ready yet just by looking at it or do you mean later on after the 60 day mark?
yeah i mean ignore the time the breeder says and just go by your own instincts now. watch those trics and chop when ready =)

to be honest the longer it takes the more you may get ;)

just give it all the light and the love you can.

yeah i know life on the breadline over there can be a lot harder than for us. we have a pretty decent social system despite its minor flaws.

you can get free seeds all over the place hon, just do a little research in your area.
hell i think you can even start by planting a spud. i know thats not the best food in the world for you, but its still a bit of food and one less thing to spend money on in the future. =)

if i was closer i would help, but i know nothing of your local area =(
Yeah, you're right about the breeder timing..As for the breadline here, well I can tell you some stories of the hell they put you through over here where I am. City workers are the worst and act like the benefits I do get is coming out of their pockets or if I ask anything, it's like I am bothering them when it is their job. If you don't like your job, then quit! What rubs me more than anything is that they think the benefits I do get is suppose to be enough to survive on, food prices have gone up since but not the benefits. Or if my social security goes up by a few dollars, they swoop in like vultures and take most of it. Trust me if I could work I would, I am not one who tries to get over on the system.
Hi your gracefully aging Magesty, been down for a little so I'am trying to get caught up. glad you are getting close. :circle-of-love:
Yeah, you're right about the breeder timing..As for the breadline here, well I can tell you some stories of the hell they put you through over here where I am. City workers are the worst and act like the benefits I do get is coming out of their pockets or if I ask anything, it's like I am bothering them when it is their job. If you don't like your job, then quit! What rubs me more than anything is that they think the benefits I do get is suppose to be enough to survive on, food prices have gone up since but not the benefits. Or if my social security goes up by a few dollars, they swoop in like vultures and take most of it. Trust me if I could work I would, I am not one who tries to get over on the system.

Just plain ole love ya Queen.:love:
Yeah, you're right about the breeder timing..As for the breadline here, well I can tell you some stories of the hell they put you through over here where I am. City workers are the worst and act like the benefits I do get is coming out of their pockets or if I ask anything, it's like I am bothering them when it is their job. If you don't like your job, then quit! What rubs me more than anything is that they think the benefits I do get is suppose to be enough to survive on, food prices have gone up since but not the benefits. Or if my social security goes up by a few dollars, they swoop in like vultures and take most of it. Trust me if I could work I would, I am not one who tries to get over on the system.

have no fear of those kind of shitty judgements here hon, we are a lot more enlightened than your average stereotype ;)
the vast majority of us, if not every single one of us needs a hand now and then, some have rich family, some use the welfare system, some only need it for a short time and some are long term ill...all of it is irrelivent as the underpinning infrastructure is totaly screwed anyway.
I have always thought thats its the ones that hold down a 50 hour week that are not quite right in the head...it takes a certain amount of erm 'roll over and die' to accept the programming, lol.

i bet you would do totally fine in a cave, hunting your own food and making your own clothes..the 'just enough' style of life.
i bet a lot of us would be happier if just given the means and the skills to just self sustain.

i think the biggest crime ever to hit the human race is inflation. the ONLY real reason that your pile of savings is worth less every year is to force us to go out and be busy little drones that are too tired and busy to question the machine.

im on the sick right now, was on jobseekers not so long ago and was working before that, i feel no shame in any of those modes because i AM doing my best to reduce my footprint on others...just not the way conformists want me to.

but the sad fact is that if you are on a low budget, you can either bemoan your fate or adapt. and thats why i think hot composting and growing your own food is important to help your little bit of money go further.

and im sure we have some food farmers among us on this site that may live close, seed donations and seed swapping is a massive gardening culture all of its own. if you can find anyone or anywhere that can get you free seeds, dont be too proud.
you can more than pay back any percieved debt when your crops make seeds and you donate to the next guy.

hell, next time you have a tomato or strawberry or well any seeder in your food, just pick out a few of the seeds...you never know!
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