Queen's Royal Green Garden

they look pale yellow. I would add a low dose of nutes. Good luck on this grow. I like to start seeds in rockwool or you can try those jiffy starts I here about?If you haven't already. With my 2 inch cubs I can check on my seeds to see when they pop, and when I see the first set of leafs, I put them in soil. Just a easier way for me to get plants going. If the seed is no good, you will see it first hand with out digging throw soil. Been there.

Everything OK? or Semi-OK? Shitty?
So come on back QTL
Buck to Queen, come in Queen
yeah what Buck said:)
Just wanted you to know we are thinking of you during the holidays... even if you don't want us to :xmas:
Thanks Guys its appreciated. My internet has been off thus the reason for no response. I am hoping I will be back up by Thursday if all goes well i will post pics of the skunk and blue mystic autos. The chocolate skunk didn't make it. The skunk should be ready by the mid or end of the month.
Thanks Guys its appreciated. My internet has been off thus the reason for no response. I am hoping I will be back up by Thursday if all goes well i will post pics of the skunk and blue mystic autos. The chocolate skunk didn't make it. The skunk should be ready by the mid or end of the month.

YAY Happy New Year Queen =)
Glad to see your fit and healthy and that its only internet.
sorry to hear about choco not making it =( had a few rough patches of my own and some plants may not make the day =(

looking forward to watching you pull some weed this month, lets see if we can break your unlucky streak
Dang QTL I am glad you are OK and it was nothing... Happy New Year :partyboy:

Hey thanks, Chronic. Hope you had one too. Hung out with some peoples, got a little buzz going while I was out, was back in by 2am! And woke up the next day with no hangover but was tired as hell.

Dang QTL I am glad you are OK and it was nothing... Happy New Year

Hey thanks Buck, I did see the pm you sent me, I just couldn't answer and only had access when I went out on New Years Eve. But that's how it is sometimes when you got to rob Peter to pay Paul, ya know?

I guess I over reacted my queen, I thought some bad guy had you and wanted a big ransom for your return. I was there ready with $20, I think that would be more than enough don't you?

Never over reacting when it is coming from a good friend. But surely I am worth more than 20 bucks. A kidnapper would probably send me back in pieces for that...lol....

Sorry this post will probably be short, I am running on no sleep. I had to run an errand early this morning, just got back in a few minutes ago. Things are still looking good with the skunk and the blue mystic. Too tired and buzzed to post any right now but I will try to later on when the lights come on. Just wanted to let you all know that I am officially back. If I missed commenting to anyone forgive me but I am dead tired and it was not intentional.
Sorry I haven't posted pics yet but everyone seems to be stopping over. As in the exterminator, who just left and am now waiting on the plumber to get here. I will try to post them later on. I guess to recap a little since the time I have been offline. I had tried to germ the chocolate skunk but it didn't make it. It came out the shell but never opened up then just kinda withered away. Refusing to give up, I germed the blue mystic which showed it's tail in about 48 hours, placed it in the coco and a few days later it came up. It did sustain an injury, thanks to my cat who nipped one of its leaves. But it is working on it's second set of leaves. It is also starting to yellow just a little bit so I may give some very diluted nutes. It seems like when the Skunk 1 was doing that, I gave it some nutes and it took off. From the looks of it, you'll see what I mean when I post the pics, doesn't seem like I am going to get the much of a yield from it. Has anyone done a skunk auto before. But I would be happy to get between a qt and a half....

I guess it's gonna take a few to build the momentum back in this journal. I will continue to post as needed.
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