Queen's Royal Green Garden

As long as they're not white and mushy (might lightly press each one by this point) they should be fine. Some strains just take a while to pop. Some of them, that I've tried, at day 20 in the paper towel, whe I try a light press, it squishes, and white goo come out. That one languished and would have never popped. Nothing can be done about this, and is simply a germ failure.
good evening Queen. Are you still using OC+ on this grow. I'm just ending week three of 12 and i will be shortening their day by a half an hour tomorrow and the buds are starting nicely. 2 of the plants are 100% sativa and they don't have a lot of growth to them. I did LST them and if I would have let them grow up they would be around 3' but I thought they would have grown more. My 3 plants just about fill the base of my 4x4 tent so they look good that way. Nice health looking plant so the OC+ is doing good that way. Time will tell on the bud growth.

Honestly, I don't know. That was the plan in the beginning but then I couldn't afford to get any my last check. But I may be able to at the end of the month. If I can't then I'll use what I have which is Bpn which has never failed me just wanted to try something different. Keep me posted on the DLR and how that is looking for you. I plan on using it when the time comes.

i have been busy with my best indoor harvest,over 2lbs wet 8 small ladies, hozona came up to the mountain and helped me trim, we traded strains and stories ,it was fun, then i have been cleaning tents,repotting clones,fixing broken water pipes,was a long week but fun, just posted a bunch of pics, come check it out if ya get bored

I read in Hozona's journal about the visit. I thought that was cool. I imagine you having a man cave over there somewhere. Seems you have been quite busy. One day I hope to be.

[QUOTEAs long as they're not white and mushy (might lightly press each one by this point) they should be fine. Some strains just take a while to pop. Some of them, that I've tried, at day 20 in the paper towel, whe I try a light press, it squishes, and white goo come out. That one languished and would have never popped. Nothing can be done about this, and is simply a germ failure.][/QUOTE]

I will definitely keep this in mind. What does pressing on them do exactly? Or is this just to see if the goo comes out?

The kush has started to peek out of the coco, still keeping the heating mat under them because the tent seems to get real cool at night. I know this is prolly because I have it close to the window but I have to since the temps go up so high if I don't have the proper ventilation.
Lightly pressing the bean will crack the coat, and squish the white goo out. It the seed is still viable at all, it will do nothing. If they are taking too long, you could also use a emery board or a very fine grit sandpaper or a striker off a matchbox and lightly scuff the seam/edge of the seeds to ease emergence.
I will definitely give it a shot next time. I didn't think of doing that at the time. Oh, forgot to mention earlier that the beans have arrived, have to go get them...Lights not on yet so nothing to report.
that sucks ass. tho technically we pay for transportation and cleaning of the water e.t.c.

we pay a flat rate at the moment (in my county, was all the country but not sure how much has changed already) regardless of volume used (business pays for every drop), but the law is changing so that we are metered for every drop too.

i wouldnt mind except the water companies are total morons when it comes to reserves management....bet they would lose a LOT less if their wage lost the same % as the water that mysteriously manages to dissapear from our reservois :rofl:
I remember when I use to pay for water, glad I don't have to now. Went to the post office to get beans and the damn mailman had them. Checked the mail and he still didn't leave them. I hope they don't send them back, have to go again tomorrow. I don't know what the hell is going on with the kush bean I have planted. Thought it was coming up but then I look and its the whole bean.:thedoubletake: So, I did what Jandre said then put it back in the coco. I had watered both pots last night. I don't know if it's the lights or just me but the auto's leaves look like they're turning yellow. I know it is still too young to give nutes, right?
oh! sorry got to pee
HUH? Too much information and you don't need my permission...The royal castle is equipped with toilets, even the ones that shoot water up your booty...Help yourself.

shoot I thought that was a drinking fountain...OOOPPPPSSSS now I forgot what it was I was going to say other than I really enjoyed the bathroom:)
its wrapped and ready for the eagle:circle-of-love:
shoot I thought that was a drinking fountain...OOOPPPPSSSS now I forgot what it was I was going to say other than I really enjoyed the bathroom:)its wrapped and ready for the eagle:circle-of-love:

Got some listerine for that potty mouth..lol..that stuff kills everything...So does that mean the eagle has flown the coop?
in the morning:) got some errands to do:)
lol sick man =p

slap the postman, push the jumping bean back into its bed and take a photo of the cowardly flower for us hon =D

Slap the postman isn't the word, it seems like over here when someone gets a city or government job they get real lazy..Now why my plant got to be cowardly? I put the kush bean back in the coco, if it doesn't take then I will put one of the autos in it's place once I get them.

listerine any day of the week.
that stuff litterally saved my life when my teeth were at their worst, had an infection in an upper wisdom..and it was heading upwards./QUOTE]

It always burns the hell out of my mouth so I end up having to dilute it..But I will keep that in mind next time I have a toothache.
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