Queen's Royal Green Garden

Wow, I guess everyone is lurking now. I am getting likes on my comments but no one is commenting on anything..Pretty hard to keep a journal going that way....Guess I will just post when there is something worth posting....
Wow, I guess everyone is lurking now. I am getting likes on my comments but no one is commenting on anything..Pretty hard to keep a journal going that way....Guess I will just post when there is something worth posting....

Well! You poor thing Queen! :love:

You know how to get em back...write a story...take off your clothes..put on your combat boots...you still got it Queen! :party:

Actually the closer to the holidays, the less people are on......remember last year...a waste land for a while.

I'm wearing my quit smoking patch again and I forget what I'm doing half the time. Love ya Girl!
im here in spirit qtl. i really do try my best, but i run out of conversation ammo very quickly.

trust me, you get a hell of a lot more words out of me than the missus does :rofl:

for me tho its the long stretch. christmas is here and is quite stressful, i doubt i will get very much smoke between now and harvest.
thats if i get to harvest, i spend my days worrying about dry spots in my soil, algae killing my roots and fungus gnats getting in the air holes and ruining my crop.

there is only so much 'hope your grow succeeds' one can do when having the same worries..

so dont expect a lot of cheerful words from me, ill just give you a great big hug and we can be miserable together, lol

bah humbug :rofl:
Yeah you're both right, OMM and Gig. I forget people actually do have a life and celebrate the holidays. Shopping and making room for family members to come in from out of town. My family use to do that too, now that my parents have passed the family has become more dysfunctional. And quite honestly, I can't afford it, not with my income. and Gig, I know how stressful it can be, it often makes me depressed.

OMM, that made me laugh. How about boots and a mistletoe?

I know, where are the pics? I will post some later when I pot the kush. The skunk auto has gotten a little bigger and already has her second set of little leaves. Not going to water yet, the pots still feel heavy. The temps are still holding between 78-81, humidity in the 20's, sometimes 30's.
i can afford xmas...but because of it i cant afford anything else, lol.

im not a fan to be honest. xmas was a time to dread for me. mom never had enough to even come close to affording it (now im an adult, i dont know how she managed to screw it up, ive made a happier xmas for my kids on less than she had to).

being the eldest, there was no one else (her brothers could have helped, but her pride got in the way). so i used to do little shopping trips to asda, minus the cash.

anyway, now i just dread it. its as big an oxymoron as religion itself...few things cause so much stress and misery in the name of happines and festivity :rofl:
anyways, onto something more cheerfull

im soaking more seeds today, so by the end of the weekend i should have nearly 40 plants growing....even i should get some bud out of that :rofl:

Wow, 40, that's great. I am still waiting on my beans to get here. But I need more coco so I won't even be able to germ them til the end of the month. Gonna pot the kush when the lights come on.
Well kush has been potted. For some reason the root is growing around the bean instead of out so I potted it anyway. Here are two pics of the skunk auto....

:cheer::cheer:did I say YAY
I still havent a sprout:(...
anyway YAY!!!:):cheer:
nice they are on thier wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.................................................................
aint no fun buyin them if they dont come up:(
good evening Queen. Are you still using OC+ on this grow. I'm just ending week three of 12 and i will be shortening their day by a half an hour tomorrow and the buds are starting nicely. 2 of the plants are 100% sativa and they don't have a lot of growth to them. I did LST them and if I would have let them grow up they would be around 3' but I thought they would have grown more. My 3 plants just about fill the base of my 4x4 tent so they look good that way. Nice health looking plant so the OC+ is doing good that way. Time will tell on the bud growth.
yeah it sucks when they dont pop, im nervous right now...20 in water and only 1 has cracked a tiny bit....soooo tense, you always wonder if you have done something wrong, lol

No kidding....it goes through all our minds.
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