Queen's Royal Green Garden

As much as I hate to do it, I am going to pull the pineapple chunk when the lights come on and flush the coco again. I checked it earlier and still no change, still looks sickly and the leaves have gotten any better. I have started to germ a critical kush, has anyone grown one before? If the kush is a dud then I'll just wait. It's not an auto but I did manage to order two more autos. One is a blue mystic and the other is a chocolate skunk. I think the blue mystic is suppose to get done in 5-7 weeks. Gonna run with bpn nutes, I will try OC in the future. I think I am going to try to do a hempy with them, what do you guys think? I would have enough room in my tent.
Hi your gracefully aging majesty, have you been a good little Queen this year?
Sinse Clause:xmas: may have to come down your chimney this holiday season :):high-five:
looky what santa got
Wow, Fish that is nice, is that all from one plant? It would be nice if Santa came through leaving those kinds of gifts. I haven't heard from Santa in a few years. Maybe because it's not my favorite holiday anymore since my parents have passed. Not to get bummed but I hope I can harvest something like that.
Oh you will harvest better than that for sure:)
yeah what GiG said :)
yeah yank that lamo seed and move on i have heard critical mass rocks and is super for pain,im about to harvest regular blue mystic its a gorgeous trich soaked lady,shs starting to get a pale blue hue low smell but very blueberry i think for a 1 gallon hempy i will get a nice weight the buds are rock hard and shes sagging from the weight, i think you will like em both i'll let you know what spiff an i think of blue mystic here pretty soon:thumb:
Yeah, you're right, BID. I pulled it last night and flushed it again. I am excited about the blue mystic since the last one I tried to grow died on me. Hoping it will be better this time. My next bean will probably be a big bang auto. I am still reeling over what X got from one. I checked on the critical kush and the seed has cracked!!!! I think by tomorrow it just may be ready to pot!! Yay!!! And it's true, when I don't have any smoke, I am a bit of a grinch mixed with pit bull. My nephew even calls me Aunt Pit sometimes....lol...Picture of the skunk auto coming on prolly Monday. I don't think the critical will be ready yet for pics.
sounds divine qtl yeah he got a nawwwwice pull off that plant, got me thinking, im getting a pair of blue dream clones soon pretty excited bout that one its all the rage in cali ppl talk like goddess herself made the cross:thumb:

my first journal 5th or 6th grow was a 2l hempy i had been lurking for 2 yrs rarely speaking watching the old pros like omm & doc bud and some members long gone doing the early hempy buckets with perlite and oc+ the guys who invented hempy, thats what inspired my first journal, i see guys using soil or the dwc 2l thing i call a drempy and it cracks me up, hempy is a hydro system for coco ,pearlite etc not soil those old masters would be spittin mad at some of the new guys they might be anyway at least irritated that they are trying to use soil and all kinds of mods truth is a simple bucket with a hole a couple inches up and a good soiless medium will have great results with bpn or bout any other nute, i remember when the first journal i saw back in like 2008-9it was all about trash cans the little square bathroom type that hold 2-3 gallons doodes were pulling 5-6 zips off 3-4 week veg time, growing in pearlite it got even better with coco then came the 2 liter bottle revolution, you guys n queens should look up some of those old ass hempy journals heres a couple great old hempy journals
DocBud's Hempy Grow
Jack Herer 305 Watt LED + Hempy Bucket Grow
fun stuff to be found in the old journals:thumb:
sounds divine qtl yeah he got a nawwwwice pull off that plant, got me thinking, im getting a pair of blue dream clones soon pretty excited bout that one its all the rage in cali ppl talk like goddess herself made the cross:thumb:

my first journal 5th or 6th grow was a 2l hempy i had been lurking for 2 yrs rarely speaking watching the old pros like omm & doc bud and some members long gone doing the early hempy buckets with perlite and oc+ the guys who invented hempy, thats what inspired my first journal, i see guys using soil or the dwc 2l thing i call a drempy and it cracks me up, hempy is a hydro system for coco ,pearlite etc not soil those old masters would be spittin mad at some of the new guys they might be anyway at least irritated that they are trying to use soil and all kinds of mods truth is a simple bucket with a hole a couple inches up and a good soiless medium will have great results with bpn or bout any other nute, i remember when the first journal i saw back in like 2008-9it was all about trash cans the little square bathroom type that hold 2-3 gallons doodes were pulling 5-6 zips off 3-4 week veg time, growing in pearlite it got even better with coco then came the 2 liter bottle revolution, you guys n queens should look up some of those old ass hempy journals heres a couple great old hempy journals
DocBud's Hempy Grow
Jack Herer 305 Watt LED + Hempy Bucket Grow
fun stuff to be found in the old journals:thumb:

is many ways im glad i wasnt around for all that, i like making discoveries for myself. if i had followed the old school i would never have had the stones to contradict them and find a better way.
and this organic, hydro, airpot hempie mashup ive made is superior im certain of it. and what makes me most proud is the only reference i have ever followed on it was a pic on donpauls page showing the top cut off and reversed into the bottle...the rest i made up as i went along =D
is many ways im glad i wasnt around for all that, i like making discoveries for myself. if i had followed the old school i would never have had the stones to contradict them and find a better way.
and this organic, hydro, airpot hempie mashup ive made is superior im certain of it. and what makes me most proud is the only reference i have ever followed on it was a pic on donpauls page showing the top cut off and reversed into the bottle...the rest i made up as i went along =D
kinda like the stacked vert 2liter thing i built thinkin i was inventing some new thing only to find out its called window gardens and theres whole website and community doing it, remember that? lol i have basil growing in it in the corner of my tent,, way way back in my second maybe first i have a dr pepper bottle cut and inverted like you saw in dp's i think it was 12/twelves journal i got the idea from, funny how things come around and back around,similar concept new twist, gives creedence to the saying "theres nothing new under the sun" lol

Thanks a bunch, BID. I got them bookmarked...
you should find those fun and informative:thumb:
Oh Ok next thing you know some guy is going to use stuff from outside like I dont know, maybe dead leaves and bird droppings. WTH :)
kinda like the stacked vert 2liter thing i built thinkin i was inventing some new thing only to find out its called window gardens and theres whole website and community doing it, remember that? lol i have basil growing in it in the corner of my tent,, way way back in my second maybe first i have a dr pepper bottle cut and inverted like you saw in dp's i think it was 12/twelves journal i got the idea from, funny how things come around and back around,similar concept new twist, gives creedence to the saying "theres nothing new under the sun" lol

yep, i remember clearly...but you get no less credit for a clever mind because you came to it yourself, just from normal inspiration...its no way a discredit to your mind that someone else thought the same thing.
i once was told by one of my professors that no idea is ever thought of all by its lonesome that the idea is entering many minds at the same time, and this theory is proven over and over by bands that share a name, i was in a band called incubus long before the band famous for it had been heard of, i could prove it if i had to, but they earned it by making it, apple micro soft rivalries in every industry and market you see it he said she said bs, my family thought it was bloody genius ! lol made one for my mom and grandfather :high-five:
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