Queen's Royal Green Garden

that depends on the strain my cream caramel likes alot but the super auto sativa was a light feeder, but also bear in mind i use organic nutes not the standard stuff so i dont know how they respond to that, with organice its really hard to burn them, i have read that they are a bit more sensitive,so keeping in mind stress hurts yield, i would go light and increase very slowly in many cases we push our plants to hard ,they can do alot with very little,i prefer to see them hungry and add a little rather than to much you cant take it back, hope that helps
that depends on the strain my cream caramel likes alot but the super auto sativa was a light feeder, but also bear in mind i use organic nutes not the standard stuff so i dont know how they respond to that, with organice its really hard to burn them, i have read that they are a bit more sensitive,so keeping in mind stress hurts yield, i would go light and increase very slowly in many cases we push our plants to hard ,they can do alot with very little,i prefer to see them hungry and add a little rather than to much you cant take it back, hope that helps

Oh ok, for this grow I plan on using OC, I have heard such good things about it. Not forsaking BPN, will still be using that in later grows. Plus I would like to see the difference between both nutes but that is for another time. And yes, it helps a lot.

I will try to post some later, though if you look at the pic of the pc at the begining of the journal, it hasn't changed much since then. I will take a pic of the skunk auto but you might not be able to see it good. It's shed the shell but the leaves have not opened up yet. I did give some molasses a few days ago.
heya sweetness!
sorry i missed out on a lot of that conversation...i was in a different place the last week or so (that place where you just sort of glide from asleep to awake to asleep when your smoking so much you cant remember if its day or night never mind what day of the week :rofl:

and then my internet went down, lol.

ill add my few bits of info.

my fast bud #2 is complete and i was very happy with the results.

here is what ive concluded so far with autos.

they are light eaters unless they are a cross breed with a very heavy eater.
they prefer cooler temps on average than regular
defoliation is a big no no except just once when the plant transitions from veg to flower, any more than this is negative on yield.
lst is a no no ...topping is a no no unless your growing a tall auto that you dont want tall (generally autos are either tiny or massive depending on the cross. so a 7' monster will HAVE to be topped in a 5' grow room)

im certain that your a bit like me, you just want to put a seed in the ground and hurry up and get some weed from it....i think you will become addicted to auto the moment you breed and get free seeds by the thousands =D

and on that topic...
if your seeds drop and you dry them to 30% humidity and then store them at 5'C (41f) they can last years.

so lets say you copied me and bought 20 KC45 regular (probably the cheapest auto herbies has got...that was great news for me today...i didnt know that when i made the choice as i chose for genetics).

that means your prolly gonna get 10 m and 10 f...so 9 males are for the bin, or to be turned into leaf smoking material to tie you over.
9 females that will turn into bud (from today) by about mid january...and then a mating pair to produce seeds that are prolly ready to plant by mid to late feb...at this point you get to decide whether you want to grow 2 at a time (male culling time) or 200, or even 2000 if you have been lucky with seeds.

if you just keep doing this and picking out the most vigourous pair to breed the next gen...you will never have to want for free weed ever again.....who needs regular plants =D
^^ missed a bit.

later on when you have been breeding for a while and all the plants grow and look the same...you can think about pollen preservation and feminisation....just make a shed load of feminised seeds and store pollen for later...in theory you could do 1 mating pair per year, feminise all of their female ofspring and then grow nothing but auto fem seeds for the rest of that year...and just do another cycle anually.

no more male culling, just hundreds upon hundreds of female plants that over successive generations have become used to the growing conditions YOU have provided them.

breeding like this. it doesnt matter if PH is 5 or PH is 8, or if your temps are 60f or 89f...breed long enough under the same conditions, picking out only those that survive it the best to breed...any strain will slowly become just right for your grow tent.

just like the dutch masters who grow some strains up in the swiss alps then market them as high altitude strains ;)
Ugh, I just lost my whole damn post. And I am too high to do it all over again. So, yes I have seen your comments Gig. I'll try to answer what I remember. Yes, I do like the fact that autos are a little faster, I am trying to build up my meds. Tired of the FNC(friendly neighborhood connect) trying to get over and acting like I'm brand new to marijuana.

And yes, Fish, I do medicate myself, I just did it about half hour ago. I am trying to stay medicated all day.

Ok now on to the grow, there is something funky going on with the pc's little leaves. It looks like they're drying out for some reason. Not sure why, I have been giving them water. The autos leaves are doing just fine. The only thing I have given them is water and molasses but gave the molasses only once. I am wondering maybe I shouldn't have. I don't know. I will post pics later when light is on.
OK, here is pics as promised....


This is how my tent looks, am wondering is light too close or too far away from plants?


Still waiting on the red diesel to pop..I am so like Grrrrr!


This is the pc, not sure if you can see but the little leaves look brown and dried out


Here is the auto which seems to be doing good.

Any ideas or suggestions?
OK, here is pics as promised....


This is how my tent looks, am wondering is light too close or too far away from plants?

Still waiting on the red diesel to pop..I am so like Grrrrr!

This is the pc, not sure if you can see but the little leaves look brown and dried out

Here is the auto which seems to be doing good.

Any ideas or suggestions?

i have a few =)

temps look good as they are so i wouldnt mess with the light height just yet...mayhaps you can add a single cfl desk lamp between the two plants? just to add some more blue light at close range.

that dud seed has had its chance in your current way, maybe re wet it and then raise the plate by a foot or so to get more heat...put your thermo on top so you can get a more accurate reading on the temp of the plate, try to hit 85. maybe its not getting the message that summer is on the way ;)

i dont think you should do anything at all about the pc. loads of us have had perfectly good strains that throw out a bad birth, and plenty of bad births have become great plants....just roll with it hon, any meddling while its that size may just kill it outright =/

i dont know the moisture level of your soil, but this time round for my seedlings im doing an ever so tiny spray of water (enough to turn dry looking into damp looking, but not enough to seep more than a ml or two into the soil) every 6 hours or so, just to prevent any dryness issues, preferably without causing any wetness issues, lol
is the coco fresh? did you wash it prior to use? sometimes they dont do the best job getting all the salt out and if its high it can dry em outplenty of brands claim to be washed and ready for use but as a rule i always run hot then cold water thru it to be sure, have you checked the ph of the runoff water? vs whats going in? just some thoughts, i lost some once due to salty coco

ffs yet again i cant rep you bid...you really have to stop talking sense all the time, this site cant keep up :rofl:

i couldnt agree more about the risk of coco salts...i did extensive research into the stuff way back in my first grow and salt was my main reason for avoiding it. im a straight out of the bag man, its a pain in the ass just adding perlite, a cement mixer is on my wish list just for that reason, lol.
i love your cute little tent Q! i reckon that would beautifully house 40-50 fastbud#2's in 2l hempie/dwc-SoG....thats a lot of bud in a short time=)

i really think that once your up and running you should reverse the relationship between you and your local contact....grow more than you need and offer him your surplus at half the price you pay him...he will bite your hand off and fund your improvements =)
is the coco fresh? did you wash it prior to use? sometimes they dont do the best job getting all the salt out and if its high it can dry em outplenty of brands claim to be washed and ready for use but as a rule i always run hot then cold water thru it to be sure, have you checked the ph of the runoff water? vs whats going in? just some thoughts, i lost some once due to salty coco

No, I didn't wash it prior, no one ever told me that I had to. I get it from the same seller everytime but this is the first time it has happened. Could giving it molasses have done something? It's the only thing I have given them other than plain water.

temps look good as they are so i wouldnt mess with the light height just yet...mayhaps you can add a single cfl desk lamp between the two plants? just to add some more blue light at close range.

that dud seed has had its chance in your current way, maybe re wet it and then raise the plate by a foot or so to get more heat...put your thermo on top so you can get a more accurate reading on the temp of the plate, try to hit 85. maybe its not getting the message that summer is on the way

i dont think you should do anything at all about the pc. loads of us have had perfectly good strains that throw out a bad birth, and plenty of bad births have become great plants....just roll with it hon, any meddling while its that size may just kill it outright =/

The temps are looking good due to tent being open and the big ass fan...When fan isn't on, it has gotten as hot as 116 degrees. I did this before I put plants in there just to see. I will rewet the diesel again and try your idea, maybe it will work, who knows. I was really looking forward to that strain. I haven't given up on the pc simply because it's stem still looked healthy and hoping that the next set of leaves will come in better.

i love your cute little tent Q! i reckon that would beautifully house 40-50 fastbud#2's in 2l hempie/dwc-SoG....thats a lot of bud in a short time=)

i really think that once your up and running you should reverse the relationship between you and your local contact....grow more than you need and offer him your surplus at half the price you pay him...he will bite your hand off and fund your improvements =)

Hey you making fun of my tent and ghetto setup, Mister? Just kidding, I work with what I can afford. I don't know anything about hempies or dwc but I am guessing it would cost more than I can afford. Nah, I would rather be like the grinch and keep it all to myself. I value my freedom.
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