Queen's Royal Green Garden

turns out that if your a soil style gro..dont bother buying cal/mag =D
from everything i can see, you cant hurt your plant too much from feeding the soil as much as you want.

in fact.......i think i will make a pot of soil mixed with neat molasses so its like a super thick porrage and plant a seed in it...lets see what happens =D

maybe, some molasses have a higher sodium content.
I have seen this on the grandmas brand. the briar rabbit brand claims much less sodium then the grandmas. just a thought,dont know if its enough to make a diff.:)
I would not use molasses in your grow. If doing a organic grow then yes. If you are still using bpn, I would really not use it.

molassas will not really help, but make you plants go in lock out if everything. Well on my last grow I got lock out from molasses and using bpn too. The grow I'm doing now has no molasses this run, and plants are doing great!
I would not use molasses in your grow. If doing a organic grow then yes. If you are still using bpn, I would really not use it.

molassas will not really help, but make you plants go in lock out if everything. Well on my last grow I got lock out from molasses and using bpn too. The grow I'm doing now has no molasses this run, and plants are doing great!

that sounds like exactly what happens if you use (sulphured)normal molasses.
unless you gave them a massive dose i dont see molasses as a problem, its really more for the microbes than the plant it gives them some minerals ,really more useful in flower cuz its high in potassium,, the sugar feeds the microbes the in turn process the minerals and makes them edible for the plants, do you have a ph tester?

I only gave it to them once but the auto doesn't seem affected by it at all. I touched the pc leaves, not crunchy or dry but the color looks brown. Should I dare flush it at such a young sprout or should I just start over? No, I still don't have a ph tester.

maybe, some molasses have a higher sodium content.
I have seen this on the grandmas brand. the briar rabbit brand claims much less sodium then the grandmas. just a thought,dont know if its enough to make a diff.

I use grandmas but it is the unsulfured kind. They don't have any other brand so I don't really have a choice. Would using molasses just once make that much of a difference?

would not use molasses in your grow. If doing a organic grow then yes. If you are still using bpn, I would really not use it.
molassas will not really help, but make you plants go in lock out if everything. Well on my last grow I got lock out from molasses and using bpn too. The grow I'm doing now has no molasses this run, and plants are doing great!

Really? Cause I have used molasses in my previous grows using bpn. I didn't use it all the time though, I gave it to them maybe 3 times. The auto doesn't seem affected by it just the pc. It is still early in the grow so I guess I can start over if I have to.

The red diesel still hasn't done anything, gave it more water when the lights came on for an hour. The auto seems to be doing good. I gave them some water last night. I am wondering if I should cut my losses with the pc, flush the coco and start over. This time get another auto. I am now debating with myself about nutes. I am wondering if I should hold off on the OC for now and just use what I have which is the bpn. Was adding up my finances and money looks like it is going to be a little tight this upcoming month. Ugh which means that I will have to update things since two of my strains are looking to be an epic fail.
fair enough. sucks ass that it didnt work out for you.
i think that testing to destruction some methods of carbo loading the soil is on the schedule.

fructose is my product of choice to test first =D

hopefully Corey may have done some testing of molasses with his compounds and can offer some insights, my education on this one is slim to none and i got no problem admitting when im clueless :)
fair enough. sucks ass that it didnt work out for you.
i think that testing to destruction some methods of carbo loading the soil is on the schedule.fructose is my product of choice to test first =Dhopefully Corey may have done some testing of molasses with his compounds and can offer some insights, my education on this one is slim to none and i got no problem admitting when im clueless :)

Yeah it does and has gotten to me a bit since my last few grows have failed. I really didn't think that the molasses would hurt it like it did. Just wondering but happy that the auto is still thriving. It would be nice to hear back from Corey, he hasn't been in my journals in a long time. But I am sure there is a bpn warrior out there that will chime in at some point.
The red diesel still hasn't done anything, gave it more water when the lights came on for an hour. The auto seems to be doing good. I gave them some water last night. I am wondering if I should cut my losses with the pc, flush the coco and start over. This time get another auto. I am now debating with myself about nutes. I am wondering if I should hold off on the OC for now and just use what I have which is the bpn. Was adding up my finances and money looks like it is going to be a little tight this upcoming month. Ugh which means that I will have to update things since two of my strains are looking to be an epic fail.

To be honest hon, if i were you i would either get more of the one you got going now since its doing well in your enviroment. OR...revisit your sophmore grow just to stick a finger up at fate and get what you wanted in the first place =)

i really doubt molasses is the issue, of the very long list of things that could be amiss, im leaning towards ph and or salty coco, a flush wont kill anything, but would eliminate possibly both things if they are the problem, if your gonna grow in coco you really do need a ph tester even cheap strips for a fishtank or pool would tell you your ballpark range, if thats not possible i would do what i do and mix some soil into the coco, 50-75% coco will give you the rapid growth of coco, and the soil will add its ability to buffer the ph to an acceptable level, , autos are tougher than regulars they can handle much more harsh an environment they shrug at temps as low as 40, i had some survive several nights of 32-31 f nights and were none worse for it, bpn is far superior to oc in my opinion, and you know you are in control, with oc you lose that control, fine if all goes well but with coco you need that control , my gut sez you know how to use bpn, so stick to what you know for now, ,when you try some new stuff just try it on one plant and see how that goes.."all your eggs in one basket and all that..." :high-five::thumb:
i really doubt molasses is the issue, of the very long list of things that could be amiss, im leaning towards ph and or salty coco, a flush wont kill anything, but would eliminate possibly both things if they are the problem, if your gonna grow in coco you really do need a ph tester even cheap strips for a fishtank or pool would tell you your ballpark range, if thats not possible i would do what i do and mix some soil into the coco, 50-75% coco will give you the rapid growth of coco, and the soil will add its ability to buffer the ph to an acceptable level, , autos are tougher than regulars they can handle much more harsh an environment they shrug at temps as low as 40, i had some survive several nights of 32-31 f nights and were none worse for it, bpn is far superior to oc in my opinion, and you know you are in control, with oc you lose that control, fine if all goes well but with coco you need that control , my gut sez you know how to use bpn, so stick to what you know for now, ,when you try some new stuff just try it on one plant and see how that goes.."all your eggs in one basket and all that..." :high-five::thumb:

You're definitely right about that. Maybe I should stick with autos since they seem to be able to take any abuse. Can you lst autos? I ask because someone said it is a no no, just wanted your opinion on that.

That damn diesel still hasn't cracked, I am ready to give up on it. I am not sure about the pc, the stem is starting to look a little scraggly. I will flush it later and see what happens. My budget prevented me from getting any more autos so I may just germ another fem if the pc doesn't make it after the flush.
my expirence with autos and growth manipulation is as follows,,i have tried lst,topping defoliation and supercropping all are no nos except for lst in my experiments with them i found that gentle lst works well for getting more tops i did 2 hbd's side by side one i let go un touched the other i bent over slowly day by day till i had it at 90 degrees it grew with 6 main tops rather than 1, i ended up with 15 grams more from that plant than the un manipulated one, the trick is to be a bit more gentle and gradual , topping gave me more tops but 5 grams less, supercropping 10 less, and defol i did was minimal and only took very large lower fans that were shading some promising lower buds maybe 6 leaves total 1 gram less than the un touched plant, i wish now that i had photo'd and journal'd that 2 month run, i also did that run with 8 23 watt 6500k cfls the grand total weight was 4.5 oz for 5 plants i did them in coco with bpn 2 part blue max and liquid blue bloom booster if i had done only lst im sure i would have gotten over 5 oz easy theres my 2 cents :thumb:
ok so don't do nothing but just feed it. I think it would be pretty hard to screw that up. I'll just sit back and wait on the growth spurt to happen. I flushed the pc but I don't think the poor thing is going to make it. The stem is very limp, I have a stick holding it up and the leaves don't look any better. I think I am going to germ another bean, not sure which one yet or I am thinking about trying a hempy, anyone know of anyone who has a journal that has done one? I think I may be able to do 4 plants that way with 2 liter bottles. Basically, a journal that is written for dummies..lol...I have a visual in my mind of how it may be and I wanna make sure that I am right.

thanks for the info,bid..
donpaul is one of our resident hempie pro's

dont worry about the bean not making it...perfectly normal, especially when the seed wasnt born in your enviroment.

i just planted 20 seeds and 5 didnt make it.
1 failed to crack, 2 got damping off and 2 were just sickly and fell behind the rest, they couldnt open their coty leaves.

i almost lost a 6th, but a little surgery (removed one of the coty leaves) and it bounced back with a vengence.

its only when money is tight that a few seeds failing is a crisis...once you make a few thousand seeds yourself you wont care any more ;)
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