Queen's Royal Green Garden

Happy Vagina day!
i mean valentines day!
have a good one, peace:peace:

Hehe, every day is vagina day, that cunt goes everywhere I do...lol....Thanks Hozona for the Valentine wishes also....

Everybody fired my ass up to get things going again... I would like to send all that left over energy to YOU! I hope it helps

I just posted this in your old journal... duh

I sure could use it, doesn't seem like I have much energy at all lately...Been having a bit of a time trying to stay focused.

I will post pics later this evening when lights come on. But I did notice last night that the mystic has started to show pistils. Maybe I stressed her too much but she still seems a bit short. I know she isn't suppose to be a tall plant. Idk, I will let the pics talk for itself. I germed a white domina last night, I hope she cracks because I have one fem bean left. Definitely will have to get some more soon. I have a sleestack bean and plenty of unknown beans but I just can't see myself going back to playing the guessing game of whether it's going to be male or female. The fcj is doing good, checked her out last night, she looked like she was yelling for some nutes so I gave her a little. The exile still has not come up yet, I am thinking of looking through the coco and see what happened...
Thanks Hozona for the Valentine wishes also....
I will post pics later this evening when lights come on. But I did notice last night that the mystic has started to show pistils. Maybe I stressed her too much but she still seems a bit short.
Mine are squat and compact...the Mystic that is...:cheesygrinsmiley:I think it will be better than my Blue Widow plants which are so compact I think the internode length is 1/2" or less! Still I think this is what is to be expected from these strains.
Mine are squat and compact...the Mystic that is...:cheesygrinsmiley:I think it will be better than my Blue Widow plants which are so compact I think the internode length is 1/2" or less! Still I think this is what is to be expected from these strains.

Despite how tall she is, I am just glad she grew. The first mystic I tried died on me that is what made me try the strain again. If at first you don't succeed, try try again..lol...Despite her size, I think I will go with this strain again. If she can put up with my torture, she's definitely worth keeping around.
Despite how tall she is, I am just glad she grew. The first mystic I tried died on me that is what made me try the strain again. If at first you don't succeed, try try again..lol...Despite her size, I think I will go with this strain again. If she can put up with my torture, she's definitely worth keeping around.
I find the Mystic to be one of the more difficult to clone so far, but it is still a viable option for outdoor stealth grow...we shall see this summer!:cheesygrinsmiley:
I haven't done cloning in awhile. I was pretty decent at it. I may do it again in the future. As promised here are the latest pics of the mystic and fruity chronic juice. I did go through the coco and found the exile bean, maybe it did go too deep. I dug it out and put it back, misted the top of the coco. If it doesn't take this time then I will just plant the white domina in there. I swear for this grow there has been so many bean changes I have lost count...

The fruity chronic juice

The mystic....I swear I have tied her down and she still keeps turning up..
I haven't done cloning in awhile. I was pretty decent at it. I may do it again in the future. As promised here are the latest pics of the mystic and fruity chronic juice. I did go through the coco and found the exile bean, maybe it did go too deep. I dug it out and put it back, misted the top of the coco. If it doesn't take this time then I will just plant the white domina in there. I swear for this grow there has been so many bean changes I have lost count...
Healthy looking Queen..I love your persistence!! Reps!:circle-of-love:
looking good QTL! fruity looks just a tiny bit pale and is not far from entering a faster growth phase, be prepared to up its food ;)

mystic is looking great indeed, yeah its a battle between you tying them down and them trying to upright. when your lower straps are at the angles you want, tie off some more higher up the stems to tie down the next 'level'. see if you can train it around the perimeter of the pot ;)

and a belated happy valentines day, i didnt have access to internet for a while.
Healthy looking Queen..I love your persistence!! Reps!:circle-of-love:

Thanks Hozona... I guess it's all because I like growing. And it has taught me patience to a degree, it's still a work in progress but I have gotten better..lol

Nice girls Queen!

Thank you very much sir...

The mystic looks great now Queen, Medium seems drier and she has doubled in size now , good job!!

You think she has doubled in size? I know she has gotten bigger but I didn't think double. I guess I better go back and look at the pics.

looking good QTL! fruity looks just a tiny bit pale and is not far from entering a faster growth phase, be prepared to up its food

Just started giving her nutes last night or the night before. But I will increase it next time I feed her..Even from what I have given her, it seem like she has shot up and her leaves wide open.

mystic is looking great indeed, yeah its a battle between you tying them down and them trying to upright. when your lower straps are at the angles you want, tie off some more higher up the stems to tie down the next 'level'. see if you can train it around the perimeter of the pot

After I read this post earlier, I retied her again, this time working her around the pot as you suggested,curious to see how she is going to stretch out now.

a belated happy valentines day, i didnt have access to internet for a while

Hey thanks...no problem, you're here now and it never takes long to catch up...lol....

Well as I mentioned, I tied the mystic down some more, trying to get her to work her way around the pot. I also started her on some liquid bloom this evening since the coco was nice and dry. I added more coco to the fcj pot, she is standing straight up. She has also started to show her roots, it's going to be time to transplant soon. Once I saw that, I taped the bottom of the bottle with black duct tape. So she should be good for a few days. I think this plant may just show me something, just a feeling I get from it. The widow bean still has not done anything so I am thinking about tossing it. The same with the exile bean, it still has not surfaced yet. And the domina hasn't cracked yet but I just germed her so wasn't expecting anything to happen over night. I have also decided next time I order some beans I will get a fem blue mystic so I can clone her, I like this strain and want to keep it around for awhile. Once the fcj becomes of size, I will clone her too. And I will try to squeeze out another two autos, one being the fast bud #2 since Gig speaks so highly of it.
sounds good =)

just so you are aware,

la bella afrodita is fast becoming a replacement strain for fast bud 2 as my favorite auto to grow.
it says it takes up to 2 weeks longer than fast bud 2, but it exploded out of its seed, hungry for life. shot up faster than any plant ive ever grown, even as a seedling it was just bigger in every dimension. it handled the shock of having its roots eaten by gnats better than kc45 and fastbud2 and is currently the biggest, strongest plant in my entire crop and looks to be the closest to giving me buds.

last night i gave them a huge dose of h2o2. 1 part 9% to 12 parts water. the soil was fizzing like alka seltzer. so now they have had that and a 50% dose of BPN nutes im expecting a big recovery in the next few days and will take photos =)
la bella afrodita is fast becoming a replacement strain for fast bud 2 as my favorite auto to grow.

Oh so now you're switching up on me...lol...I will still give the fast bud a try...How much is the bella bean?

Things are moving kind of slow with the grow..the widow and domina beans still have not cracked yet. I know I said in the beginning of this journal that I was going to try to grow just two plants but this is killing me. After the mystic is done, I am going to try to fill the tent up with nothing but 2 liter bottles. Not sure how many I could squeeze in there. I guess it all depends on what I can afford to get. The mystic is doing good, I keep tying her down and she keeps getting loose. After feeding the fcj some nutes, she is doing much better too. For the time being I think I am going to go back to hand feeding until I can get the stuff I need. I hate starting something and not being able to finish.
i dont know about the price of bella yet. i got mine free with my fast bud.
but as soon as this crop flowers ill be buying about 80!

ive just changed my lights down to 13 on and 11 off. if that doesnt flower my kc45s im probably going to scrap them.

i just took this quick snap of the bellas for you. they are only about 45 days since they were dry seeds.

no idea if this pic looks good till tommorow. its lights out and im in the dark apart from my computer screen, which has been adjusted to drop all the red and blue light so i have a green screen =D

looking good!
looking good!

Thanks Buck!

Lights are on and I took some pics of the little ladies. I have to figure out another way to tie down the mystic, I have been using garbage bag ties and duct tape. And every day I end up having to tie her down, the thing is that the tape never comes loose so she is literally pulling it out. When I finally figured this out, I had that OH WOW, AWESOME high look. Has anyone seen Finding Nemo? If so, remember the part with the turtles riding the wave? That was my expression..lol..The fcj is doing just great, noticed new sets of leaves and getting taller. Neither beans have cracked yet which has me frustrated to say the least. I have one fem bean left and a whole bunch of bag seed. I am just itching to have one big grow of at least 6 plants, that is big for me. Have been seriously thinking about trying to set up one of my closets so I can do some clones. In order to do this, I will need to buy some extra cords and some type of lighting, not sure what just yet. I may start off with cfls and work my way into getting another 400w hps. I have been so busy trying to do what everyone else is doing that I just need to go with what has been working with me on my limited budget. I am still open to others suggestions if I can afford to do it or may try to do in the future. For now I have to get these bills caught up, not that I am far behind but I don't want it to get worse. So on to this weeks pics...


The Mystic
Tie the Mutha down!:cheesygrinsmiley:You go girl! REPS:cheesygrinsmiley:

Thanks Hozona, the thing is with the pot she is in, there is no way I can tie her down. I should have put her in the pot with the holes I made in them but I was trying to make room in the tent. This was suppose to have been a 4 plant grow but ended up just being 2.

Is ur blue mystic an auto

Yes it is, Jubes. Planted on Christmas Eve.

Looking good QTL

Thanks Chronic, glad you could stop in....
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