Queen's Royal Green Garden

Queen, I don't know if you caught it or not, but BID turned me on to the way he keeps his Coco damp...a layer of hygroton on top helps hold in the moisture...If RH is too high it takes a day or two to use up the last it had....overwatering isn't as bad as underwatering, but both have a similar look....can be confusing..:cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks hozona, I will have to try to get some. Gig, how would a 2 liter stand upside down? Wouldn't Weight of water knock it over? I really can't think straight right now, issue with my check has me frustrated!
Quick question, will light lst harm an auto? I would like to bend the mystic a little so middle can get more light. Seems like fan leaves is blocking some areas. The fcj is doing good, perky and standing straight up. Bottom was moist from drip system so gave a little water to wet the top. The widow and exile hasn't done too much, will give them a few days more then try sanding their shells down a bit.
Take a gander back a page or two so you can see mystic. It would be hard to tuck leaves out the way. She's not that tall yet.
you could also maybe halfway through the light schedule re-adjust the plant so different areas can catch the light
since the light isnt gonna move like the sun maybe you could imitate the movement of the sun a bit by moving the plant
just a thought
hey queen. light lst will do no harm whatsoever....however light needs to be defined.

imagine doing the splits and spreading your legs apart until you feel the bite in your tendons, stretch till it feels tense, not till it actually starts to stretch the tendons...thats what i mean. you can move a branch a good few degrees without the plant even knowing your doing it. if you keep the pressure that low and just ajust a tiny bit a day, it will have zero slow down effects.
Lol, now that is funny! I'll be waiting on that pic.

make 1 small needle hole for air at the 'top'

then you just need to guess how fast you want it to drip and learn how many squares of tissue packed into a cork gives you that drip rate =D

edit: mine is still dripping. its important to note that the drip slows down as the bottle gets lower. this will be good for a morning start so it can replenich the medium with water at the start then maintain it at a lower rate as the day goes on, and if timed right it will stop in the early evening and by morning the coco is in need of another drink =D
Just catching up... plants look great, you seem to be feeling better and I hope by now your monetary problems are resolved. Cool!
you could also maybe halfway through the light schedule re-adjust the plant so different areas can catch the light
since the light isnt gonna move like the sun maybe you could imitate the movement of the sun a bit by moving the plant
just a thought

Thanks, I do that now. I usually turn her once or twice every few days.
bathroom tissue. but you can be totally creative yourself...when i make crap like this i just roam the house scanning my belongings till something falls under my eyes that could solve the issue ;)

Tissue and tape sounds good to me, what did you use? And put a pin hole where exactly?
i used a garden cane. i used celotape, but i would have used electric tape if it was more perminant as it has a little stretchy to it. for the tissue i just grabbed a bunch and folded it into a cork, if i was doing it for real i would have had more tissue to slow the drip down.

just pierce a very small hole on one of the 'feet' of the bottle, which will become the top when its upside down. even this tiny hole can make a drip very fast if you made 1 hole at top and 1 at bottom, which is why the resistance filter (tissue) instead of a hole, to add choice to the drip rate =)
Hmmm I will have to give it some thought but thanks Gig...On to the grow, I did manage to tie down the mystic. And already the top is turning itself toward the light. I clipped the brown parts off those two leaves. The beans in the cups are moving slowly. The exile starting to show a little more tail, the widow is just barely peeking out..I also cleaned the tent out. I will take a pic of the mystic tomorrow .
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