Queen's Royal Green Garden

Thank you very much, OMM..Just call me the crazy cat lady, I love cats. If I had a bigger place with more room, I'd probably have a few more cats. I have been thinking about getting another one for Kharma. As for the mystic, I am liking this auto and may order some more later on tonight. Just so many strains to choose from so you never really know what I am going to pick until it is in the coco!!! But I must admit that Gig has gotten me curious about the fast bud so I may choose that one too. It all depends on my purse strings..

Hi My Queen ! We are cat people too. We had 3 calico sisters for 19 years. When they passed, we just couldn't bring our selves to have any more. In our eyes they couldn't be topped.:love:

Sorry..got carried away with cats and forgot about seeds.
Blue Mystic! Huzzah! :) autos are so very interesting!The new avatar brought me in ;) Kharma is one cool cat! Nice to see his brights are working!

Kharma wishes he could take credit but it isn't him....lol...

Hi My Queen ! We are cat people too. We had 3 calico sisters for 19 years. When they passed, we just couldn't bring our selves to have any more. In our eyes they couldn't be topped.

Sorry..got carried away with cats and forgot about seeds.

I know what you mean, I had to give my cat away named Lucifer before I moved here. I was bawling like a freaking baby. I felt so empty without a cat but guilty for giving Lucifer away, I had to get another one and that's when Kharma came into my life. I loved all my previous cats but it seems like me and Kharma are connected. Just some of the things he does plus he has my attitude!

Well, I couldn't order any beans, for some reason my check did not get deposited into my bank account last night. I went onto the social security site and it shows I get one so now I have to make a trip to the bank this am to see what the hell is going on. This has really thrown me for a loop. So I may just go with my original plan of getting some coco and doing some more fem plants. And try again next month for some more autos. What can I say? When life gives you lemons......
:( sorry about the kitty. I had to give up the cutest calico Ive ever seen last year. My parents didnt like that i had brought it home..

I cant stand seeing kittens that are left in median strips! They are gonna die, and whatever asshole abandons baby kitties like that should get a shovel to the face. *bitching*

I had a friend in highschool with a cat named Lucifer too... :) good name for mischevious cats.
reminds me of an old band called lucifer's friend. think they did a song called DOA very intense for the time:)
:( sorry about the kitty. I had to give up the cutest calico Ive ever seen last year. My parents didnt like that i had brought it home..I cant stand seeing kittens that are left in median strips! They are gonna die, and whatever asshole abandons baby kitties like that should get a shovel to the face. *bitching*
I had a friend in highschool with a cat named Lucifer too... :) good name for mischevious cats.

Yeah, it hurts when you have to give up a pet. I agree with you about people abandoning or leaving animals in dangerous situations. Yeah I had named mine for being mischievious too but he also had 6 toes and only his ears and tail were orange. I still have a pic of him on my computer....

[QUOTEWhat beans were you planning on getting Queen?][/QUOTE]

Well I was considering getting another mystic, fast bud #2 and something else, if you go back a page I think I had mentioned then what I was trying to get.. Plus I am a little buzzed off of this doobie and margarita so excuse my memory at present.

To continue on from my rant about my check. Before I went on my merry way this am, I stopped by my bank to see if they could tell me what is going on. Of course they couldn't and suggested I talk to someone from social security. I had an appointment to go to which happened to be right around the corner from where I was. OMG, it was packed and I ended up with the number 81 and they were only at number 50 when I got there so you know where I spent most of my day. The reason for the crowd? It seems like social security screwed up somewhere and a bunch of people didn't get their checks. Was told to wait to see if it shows up Monday, if not then back to social security I go. It wasn't a total bust, I was also close to my audiologist so I went and got my hearing aid fixed. So now I can hear again because before everything was like wah wah wah wah wah wah......Nothing to update on the mystic other than I gave her some nutes last night. I haven't checked the beans yet to see if they have gotten further along. I am just so out of it that I may just put that off til tomorrow.
Yeah, it hurts when you have to give up a pet. I agree with you about people abandoning or leaving animals in dangerous situations. Yeah I had named mine for being mischievious too but he also had 6 toes and only his ears and tail were orange. I still have a pic of him on my computer....

[QUOTEWhat beans were you planning on getting Queen?]

Well I was considering getting another mystic, fast bud #2 and something else, if you go back a page I think I had mentioned then what I was trying to get.. Plus I am a little buzzed off of this doobie and margarita so excuse my memory at present.

To continue on from my rant about my check. Before I went on my merry way this am, I stopped by my bank to see if they could tell me what is going on. Of course they couldn't and suggested I talk to someone from social security. I had an appointment to go to which happened to be right around the corner from where I was. OMG, it was packed and I ended up with the number 81 and they were only at number 50 when I got there so you know where I spent most of my day. The reason for the crowd? It seems like social security screwed up somewhere and a bunch of people didn't get their checks. Was told to wait to see if it shows up Monday, if not then back to social security I go. It wasn't a total bust, I was also close to my audiologist so I went and got my hearing aid fixed. So now I can hear again because before everything was like wah wah wah wah wah wah......Nothing to update on the mystic other than I gave her some nutes last night. I haven't checked the beans yet to see if they have gotten further along. I am just so out of it that I may just put that off til tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

Hi My Beautiful Queen.:love:

Well, that sucks about your check. At least you can hear now.....don't know if that's really a plus....since your hearing bad news about your check. Hope it's all OK on Monday. Light one up and relax. :Rasta:
What beans were you planning on getting Queen?

Well I was considering getting another mystic
I have one in bloom, and a couple more at different stages in my veg/clone area..the one in the tent is now in Early Bloom and I wish I had more room for her in the scrog, but that Royal Purple is a SCROG HOG I recommend these solely on their growth patterns..and Blue Cheese of which I have clone and young vegger and have had the pleasure to experience her at harvest while trimming her..what a GOOEY GIRL! and the smoke was excellent! :cheesygrinsmiley:
I have one in bloom, and a couple more at different stages in my veg/clone area

I thought you did. How are they? Do they get big, take up room?

Well, that sucks about your check. At least you can hear now.....don't know if that's really a plus....since your hearing bad news about your check. Hope it's all OK on Monday. Light one up and relax

Yeah, it seem like that is how it's been going for me lately, sucky but I try to make the most out of it anyway. Didn't get my check but was in an area where I could get a lot done. My hearing aids were still under warranty so I didn't have to pay anything, I consider that a plus. I did just that, relaxed, rolled me up one and had made me a margarita last night. It was just one of those days. I am feeling the effects of being on my feet all day yesterday today. It may take me the weekend to regroup.
I thought you did. How are they? Do they get big, take up room?
They are very compact and BUSHY...tight internodal spacing...I think they were bred to be this way... My Blue Widow probably has the tightest internodes I have ever experienced in a grow, ever! Have two in veg...I'll post some pics later...:cheesygrinsmiley:
They are very compact and BUSHY...tight internodal spacing...I think they were bred to be this way... My Blue Widow probably has the tightest internodes I have ever experienced in a grow, ever! Have two in veg...I'll post some pics later...:cheesygrinsmiley:
By request, this plant is as old as the girls in my bloom tent...she was originally in the lower area of the bloom tent and I took her out to transplant 3 weeks? ago. The smaller one is the clone of her sister I accidently snapped the top off.



I don't know much about the origins of this particular strain because I bought it as a clone:cheesygrinsmiley:
I know everyone is tuned in to the super bowl pre show about now. I am just not into it like I use to be, I just wanna see Beyonce's half time show and I'll prolly end up forgetting about it..lol...Then tomorrow the news will be bombarding us with who won and due to the Beyonce nonsense about lip synching, they will make sure to show her. I am most sure of it!!!

Lights just came on a few minutes ago. I just planted the fruity chronic juice I think yesterday and she is already above the coco! I am thinking this one is going to be one to keep an eye on. When I went to germ her, she slid right out of her shell! The blue mystic is doing good but has noticed two brown spots on one leaf. No where else, so I am wondering if this is a deficency (sp) or if I splashed some nutes on it. I was thinking about giving her some calmag but she is still moist from the nutes I gave her the other day. Well anyway, here's some pics so you can see for yourself.

dont look like anything to worry about at least to me.
and yay for the baby:)
I know everyone is tuned in to the super bowl pre show about now.
I hate how "artists" take liberties with our National Anthem. It is NOT a POP song ....it is an ANTHEM...hence the designation. It's NOT our National Pop Song...but forget me and my rants....as far as your plant...dunno...monitor and adjust...you might go just water to see if the spots continue...usually a problem is too much or not enough of something, but I opt for too much rather than not enough and adjust in slight increments to see how plant reacts...:cheesygrinsmiley:
Well I missed the whole thing! Didn't care who won really but I know what you mean! I remember when Roseanne destroyed it!

Mystic got heat stressed, the fan didn't come on for the hour light cycle. The coco didn't look dried out so I am hoping she will bounce back in a day or so.
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