Pterostychus: The Never Ending Story, Now Jack Herer

Day 59
Day 7 of flower

pre 98 bubba ?? what seedbank ? pre 98 bubba izs on my bucketlist btw ... i wanna grow all the classics ...eventually ....

I’m not sure bout pre 98, they were a gift. I did however, get a hold of some that my friend said was pre 98 Bubba. Don’t like it too much, lazy pot. Lol
lazy is good ... but indeed i started out liking it but then my preference shifted towards hybrids ... i am liking my Purple kush but i miss some head high... my Blue dream was better at that ... im looking to find that gigly weed that makes me high both in mind and body ... you know the real euphoric ones

Me too friend!
and to say she once looked like this with a nemo flipper and bleached first set


also i noticed this one is the most sturdy plump looking plant i ever grew ... the base of the stem is the thickest ive ever gotten before ... i think this seedbank has killer genetics ... and if this plant turns out the way shes hinting at, i will definately try more of their autos ...
further more i am blessed with a uneventfull grow sofar and im not sure whether its skill or just sheer luck

what did i do different this grow ... i water her slightly less so she can suck up the presented nutes better and i also feed her less strong nutes i did however always administered recommended dosage for the rootbooster and also for the bloombooster which i gave her last night for the first time
she also started to drink alot more shes up to easy 1.5l daily
last night nutes mix was 3ml/liter of both Cocos A and B + 0.5ml/liter Green Sensation... now i did give half the bloombooster to lower the risk of nuteburn as it ads P and K as 0-9-10 next feed i will lower A+B to 2ml/l and up bloombooster to 1ml/l
Man it seems like only yesterday we were comparing Nemo flippers. And yet we haven't aged at all!

Whatever you did, do it every time from now on. This grow looks great!

oh i almost forgot this is my first lst grow ... i did a scrog before but that was with photos ... that hermed on me ...
Kush and the SuperCrop!

That's the first good picture of an obvious super crop that I have seen..... So what did you do .....ultimately roll the stem between your fingers and then Band-Aid it to help prevent it from snapping?
That's the first good picture of an obvious super crop that I have seen..... So what did you do .....ultimately roll the stem between your fingers and then Band-Aid it to help prevent it from snapping?

the bandaid is to keep the stem together as it had split it also is meant to be sterile against infections
the bandaid is to keep the stem together as it had split it also is meant to be sterile against infections

I can attest to a bandaids sterility! Excuse my poor sense of humor haha. Think I'll grab some popcorn and watch the show. I just chopped a plant with that kush-like open structure. Already miss her.
the bandaid is to keep the stem together as it had split it also is meant to be sterile against infections
I see, and unintentional super crop?
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