Pterostychus: The Never Ending Story, Now Jack Herer

Day 54

Going to need a rock tied to a string to lay out that long side branch on the right! No it's not LST, it's leaf tucking on a large scale!

thats the main top ... i can tie her abit more down but she aint much above the others .... you think i should tie her open more after this phase ???
i also need to pay some attention as i saw something small fly in the tent .... i hope its just a fruitfly (drosophylla melanogaster .... yes i knew that by heart) and not gnat
Don't bug me, by Fox Farm. Short half life, organic, and it kills flying beasties! Since my tent is in my garage and I frequent both my grows, I intermittently spray the ladies and the soil just to be safe
sry if pics are abit fuzzy ... i had the fan still on ... to lazy to turn it off...
not to lazy to tie two big branches that overtook the rest down ...
it is gonna turn out a decent size plant also .... i didnt expect that tbh after the stunt and slow veg phase .. anyway she is still cruising along at full speed
ive been noticing some dew droplets ...rh is at 60% temp at 25°C .... i need to check night temps and humidity as i suspect it happens then ... im scared to defoliate tbh which in a sense is the best solution to the humidity problem if there is one ... it may just have been captured between two leafs touching as i only found one spot on two diff occasions
Don't defoliate, bend the touching leaves away from the others. You can even use the LST wire to hold them in place. Your plant needs all the leaves to make the sugars for your new flowers! And since you have a great shape there it's not like you need to remove them for light penetration. You can bump up the exhaust fan if the ambient RH in the house is lower, but either way 60% is going to be a bit high for flower, so defoliation wouldn't be the answer for that.
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