Pterostychus: The Never Ending Story, Now Jack Herer

ever since she went in flower i notice she is really wilting just before lights out ... you can also see that on timelapse vids on internet ... ive come to think of it as stretch pumping .. and i consider it as a positive sign
today she really started to show more and more pistils and im sure in a few days ill have beautifull cottonballs forming ;)
i wonder when i stop giving rootbooster and switch to bloombooster additives i take it autos stay vegging well into flower so maybe in another 6 days at day 10 of flower... anyone can advise me on this ?
I had early miss autos that pouted at night, but looked great a bit after lights on. It looks really nice & healthy. Mine are way to green. Like way too much N green. Prolly because I didn’t flush the ffof before planting seed in it. I’ve heard it’s too “hot” for seedlings or seeds. I did it my first grow, and they all looked same way. I thought wowww. These things are super healthy looking...nice and dark green & clawing at the tips. I’m not sure if I should just let it go & see what happens, or possibly try and flush the soil and hopefully before it frys it. Man..guess I really did get high. I don’t feel high!! But I definitely sound high. Sheeeet .......whom I kidding ....I’m def high!:slide::slide:
Day 58
Day 6 of flower

Oh my god did she change the last 48h


Damn she exploded with pistils
i am strugling with Rh% and temps ... 66% and 26.4°C ... she is drinking well so rh follows ... soon temps will get back to normal as Ophelia dissipates and influx of tropical air dies down ... but in the end she doesnt seems phased at all .... she is loving the heavier feeds and is stretching well ... she increasingly is impressing me and it looks like its going to be an impressive harvest .... fingers crossed
She’s a beaut pt! I love seeing pristine plants without holes in the leaves. I only let mine outside a couple times and I’ve killed two catapillars off plants in the tent. But this cooler weather, the temps are perfect, and I can see they looooove the break from the 90+ tent temps they’ve been having. I think it would be much easier though with the tent inside my house where the temps are stable. I have a tendancy to over water in the heat of summer outside, & yes it usually feels like summer here in oct. lol.

Great pics bro! I just realized I dropped a Bubba Kush seed and I forgot after work last night to papertowel them. It’s Ben 36 hrs in soak. Let’s go see what it looks like biys n girls!!
Sorry I'm late to the show Pt, mind if I grab a seat? I got through the first few I never thought of the tiny little hairs on the original Taproot infiltrating the paper towel and causing an issue with an Auto..... makes perfect sense ....Great information there!

You've always been a really awesome help to me on here..... Thank you for that.
She’s a beaut pt! I love seeing pristine plants without holes in the leaves. I only let mine outside a couple times and I’ve killed two catapillars off plants in the tent. But this cooler weather, the temps are perfect, and I can see they looooove the break from the 90+ tent temps they’ve been having. I think it would be much easier though with the tent inside my house where the temps are stable. I have a tendancy to over water in the heat of summer outside, & yes it usually feels like summer here in oct. lol.
Great pics bro! I just realized I dropped a Bubba Kush seed and I forgot after work last night to papertowel them. It’s Ben 36 hrs in soak. Let’s go see what it looks like biys n girls!!

pre 98 bubba ?? what seedbank ? pre 98 bubba izs on my bucketlist btw ... i wanna grow all the classics ...eventually ....
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