Psychoactive Mushrooms & Cacti Discussion

If you want, use an old tomato paste can (the smaller diameter cans). Heat it up and melt your way through.

You can do something similar with a big coffee can to melt the arms holes into a still air box.
I mad a still air box and I bought new hole saws for just that reason I cant find them anywhere. Good ide with heating the cans to make the holes but now I am all aggravated because I can find the bag of tools they are in
Look for a place with a reputation of good quality spores syringes if that's the way you're going. Watch out for some of those places that will double your number of syringes you buy and give you all this free stuff, they usually have bad reviews. If you make some agar you can make that syringe into 100 cultures you can cherry pick from to colonize your grain spawn and reduce any contaminates.
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