Psychoactive Mushrooms & Cacti Discussion

Welcome to the new Mushroom thread. This space will be for Entheogenic Mushrooms and Cacti. Here are the rules we’ll follow in this thread.
As Modern Science has rediscovered both Cannabis and Psilocybin Mushrooms in their search for therapeutic agents in the treatment of pain and other neurological conditions, discussions of other, completely natural highs such as magic mushrooms (non toxic only) Peyote and Ayahuasca are permitted, provided threads dedicated to it are posted in our Miscellaneous Off Topic Forum and conversations do not hijack a cannabis themed thread. Conversations regarding shipping, trading, or selling magic mushrooms, or anything that could implicate 420 Magazine in a Federal crime, are prohibited.
I hope you find this thread informative and enjoyable.
Thanks for starting this thread Penny. I have been a long time psychedelia lover. Look forward to seeing this thread progress
In my experience and or opinion, if you want to just play around with the hobby(like me where im not seriously into it), get a pressure cooker and cook up some WBS or Rye, the latter is less of a mess to clean up and easier to work with. That being said, WBS works, I never went to BRF cakes, straight to bird seed. I inoculated them in open air, just flame the needle and your GOOD(7 of 7, one jar was a little slower so I saved it for a mini mono). 6 quart jars will consolidate FAST, I want to say 6 or 7 days. Some say you don't have to pasteurize Coco(HOT water style, NO thanks not worth the risk), but I do and it's not a big deal, you can use your pressure cooker POT again with jars or zip lock bags(not so eco friendly tho') either way. Spend the money on a 7 quart jar cooker(16 actual quarts), it will payoff first harvest and then some.
Definitely easy to work with and FORGIVING. I went the simple route of multi-spore syringe, to bird seed(colonizes FAST), to coir. don't skip the gypsum, some of us already have that in the mineral base for soil grows, if not, I bought a bag on sale for 6 bucks or something, 25 pound bag I think. I'm still using the same bag so it lasts a long time.
Grain bags colonizing,
looks like a few more weeks
Penny here is a simple mono tub prep with a liner.
Stupid simple to do and when you get a tub dialed in you'll do well. Munch's videos are the ones you can learn a lot from. If you want to do high quality grows with max. canopies and 99% success rate, follow his videos. He does bulk grows so his sterilization procedure is a little more lax. A SAB will get you into the 95% success range if done right with clean cultures. Always assume spore prints and syringes are dirty, because they are but if you have a good sterilization technique and learn to go grain to grain (g2g) you can make spawn go a long ways.
I went with Mono for simplicity and an abundance of fruits that would last a long time. I wasn't willing to search for them locally, and I always wanted a rematch on growing mushies since I had a failed attempt a long time ago with an old homestead kit 20 years ago or more. I overcooked the AGAR and there that experiment went. In hindsight, I should of just ordered the Agar again, but in my young 20's wisdom didn't exist. :volcano-smiley:
When I find my hole saw I can get my tubs ready. When it is set up I have a reptile humidifier and inkbird RH controller pulse a couple 120mm fan with speed adjustment and an on/off timer so I should have good airflow so my tub will be set up just like the ones in the video I shared
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