Psychoactive Mushrooms & Cacti Discussion

Checking tonight on the grain bags and I'm sitting at about 75% showing signs of mycelium.

Here's a few photos.




Awesome man what strain u got there? Also what day is that for these bags?
Day 5, I'm running a couple different cubensis. The faster growers of this bunch are the Treasure Coast and PES Amazonian.

"The Gulf Coast strain, also known as Treasure Coast hails from the gulf coast of Florida. It usually grows smaller fruits with high concentrations of psilocybin and psilocin.

Its medium/small caps often range from light brown to yellowish in coloration, while its slender stipe is often pearly white, thickening near the base.

Its effects are congruent with its potency, intense visual stimulation, often eliciting immersive spiritual journies through alternate realms of consciousness."

"Amazon cubensis is a popular strain among cultivators and users alike. It originates from deep in the Amazonian rain forest. It is one of the most common cubensis strains.

It is known for fruiting few mushrooms of large/very large size (when cultivated indoors). Often a thick and hardy stipe (stem/stalk) that is necessary to support the giant pileus (cap) that opens to almost plane, sometimes inverted when mature.

Its spores are purplish-black and its mycelium is very rhrizomorphic (strong and ropelike).

It's effect is reported to be intense bodily vibration or buzzing, the desire to move, mild geometric pattern visual stimulation, and deep inner peace and reflection."
(Taken from Psilopedia.)
I'm so hurt that my Amazon syringe didn't do anything(and the Cambodian), I really wanted to grow those strains. I hear the Treasure Coast is a nice viewer, definitely on the radar. I personally like visual strains, but I'm not against entering different dimensions or realms of the mind, you usually feel refreshed afterwards and a bit wore out. Well... I have some good news, the TAZ WBS jar HAS life. I squirted the jar again a few days ago and it's showing fuzzy white. Still nothing on the GT jar, but even 1 syringe with life after 3.5 years in a drawer is amazing. Looking similar to your grains Phantom! Thanks RS(not sure if sponsor so acronym)! :thumb:

I noticed some fuzz yesterday on the TAZ and it's definitely grown a bit more since then. Here's a picture for "VIEWING" purposes only! :rofl:

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Day 5, I'm running a couple different cubensis. The faster growers of this bunch are the Treasure Coast and PES Amazonian.

"The Gulf Coast strain, also known as Treasure Coast hails from the gulf coast of Florida. It usually grows smaller fruits with high concentrations of psilocybin and psilocin.

Its medium/small caps often range from light brown to yellowish in coloration, while its slender stipe is often pearly white, thickening near the base.

Its effects are congruent with its potency, intense visual stimulation, often eliciting immersive spiritual journies through alternate realms of consciousness."

"Amazon cubensis is a popular strain among cultivators and users alike. It originates from deep in the Amazonian rain forest. It is one of the most common cubensis strains.

It is known for fruiting few mushrooms of large/very large size (when cultivated indoors). Often a thick and hardy stipe (stem/stalk) that is necessary to support the giant pileus (cap) that opens to almost plane, sometimes inverted when mature.

Its spores are purplish-black and its mycelium is very rhrizomorphic (strong and ropelike).

It's effect is reported to be intense bodily vibration or buzzing, the desire to move, mild geometric pattern visual stimulation, and deep inner peace and reflection."
(Taken from Psilopedia.)

Awesome man sounds like some massive fun i cant wait till im rolling in the psilocybin and psilocin lol. I was wondering i noticed penny mention he was using wild bird seed to inoculate. So is this the right stuff can i use this in my jars?

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I prefer to use birdseed without corn, I use the Pennington's Classic. Check the ingredients on the back. There is also a cheaper bag that has a red cardinal usually says wild bird feed, but I like the Classic better. The birds and squirrels love the sunflower seeds since I discard them when cleaning(sticks and all kinds of chaff) the bird seed.
I prefer to use birdseed without corn, I use the Pennington's Classic. Check the ingredients on the back. There is also a cheaper bag that has a red cardinal usually says wild bird feed, but I like the Classic better. The birds and squirrels love the sunflower seeds since I discard them when cleaning(sticks and all kinds of chaff) the bird seed.

Lol awesome u answered back so quick i was literally in line an decided to check messages n sure enuf i seen u posted right b4 i b ought this stuff lol. So off to look at the other shit they got hahaha.
I've used bird seed with cracked corn before and it can get mushy, it will work, but there is plenty of bird feed without it so might as well cut out a possible issue down the road.

Right well i was at menards an they didnt have the penningtons or anykind without corn. Every single one they had had some kind of corn in it lol. So im now at blains farm n fleet to see what they got. I also got a 5 gallon bucket witha snap on lid. Was guna get a gamma lid but none of them wud fully snap on any of the buckets. Plus the lids had a weird shaped circle tht wasnt fully round so i think they got a bad batch or sumthn so went with the regular snap on lid so tht shud be all gud right? To get my substrate to proper field capacity?
Find a bag of whole oats or millet in the animal feed section, if you can't find the bird seed.

Ok so went an looked for whole oats an this is what i found alot more for way way cheaper then tht bird seed so hopefully this will work lol. What do you think this guna be gud or no?

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With the lids, the regular snap lid will be perfect. I just run Homer buckets with the lids they have that just snap on, nothing fancy. I'll actually being using a cooler this go around due to not spreading out my inoculation and needing a few batches of substrate. As long as it keeps things out and the heat in long enough, it will work.
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