Psychoactive Mushrooms & Cacti Discussion

Get some! Let me dig up the agar recipe I've used twice now. Are you just using the red High Temp. RTV for your self healing pot on lid and mircopore tape or poly for the breathing hole? Do you fill the jars between 2/3 and 3/4 full so you have room to shake grains later on? You can totally reuse the jars and homemade lids over again, just rinse them out, no need to sanitize because that will happen when you PC them with the grains.

Kool thanx man an i figured id do 3/4 full or so so i can shake them up after inoculation like u were sayn. An yea im guna use the red high temp RTV stuff. I still need to get some micropore tape or polly? What is that polly what? Lol sry for the nooby questions. But yea what one would u suggest i get which would be better for ventilation?

My fault, I didn't answer you, it was a freebie strain called SG30.

Its all gud. An ok do u no what the sg stands for? Eitherway noce job with a gaint jar full. I hope my first run i can atleast get a few shrooms but would love a gaint outcome like tht lol.

Yeah there's a few different recipes. MEA is nice because everything dissolves so it's nice and clear without filtering. I've been using neon food coloring and the mycelium really sticks out on it.

Yea i was seeing on some videos of people using agar an it was all different neon colors hahaha. Kinda tripy an at first i was like oh they r prolly doing it cause they r triping so wana see colors then i thought maybe it was different kinds of mold or sumthn idk lol. But yea so whats the point of using the food color? Also i have a question thts kinda off topic slightly can u cross breed 2 different kinds of shrooms n get shrooms 2 pop up with both kinds combined into one? Or do shrooms not work like that?
I still need to get some micropore tape or polly? What is that polly what?
It's polyester fiber fill, mostly used in sewing as stuffing.
what one would u suggest i get which would be better for ventilation?
I would use poly, it's a lot cheaper to use. Just remember to foil the top of your jars to keep moisture from the steam getting to the poly and soaking it and your jar.
whats the point of using the food color?
It helps identify what's growing on the plate by giving a contrasting background, as the mycelium grows it eats the colored agar.
can u cross breed 2 different kinds of shrooms n get shrooms 2 pop up with both kinds combined into one? Or do shrooms not work like that?
The short answer to this is yes. An example would be breeding two different strains of the same Cubensis species together, like Chilean and Ecuadorian. It only takes 2 spores to make a strain.
Set up for this afternoon's shenanigans, 20lbs of grain to shoot up and pouring another 50 plates of agar for cloning isolated mycelium.
Set up for this afternoon's shenanigans, 20lbs of grain to shoot up and pouring another 50 plates of agar for cloning isolated mycelium.

Dam nice setup u got there i wish i had a nice big open area like this lol. Im guna have 2 clean the kitchen table off if im guna do any agar work lol. But first i need to get a batch of shrooms 2 make it so i can collect some spores lol. Then once i get tht ill b able 2 make sum syringes an play around with some agar. So do u jus sprinkle the spores directly on the agar or do u need to do sumthn first? Ill have 2 look up sum videos an watch how 2 work with the stuff but first ill need to make my substrate for this round an get sum shroomage going on lol. Which i figured id use coco vermiculite and gypsum is what ive been seeing as the easiest so far in the videos i have watched. Bug im not sure on the amounts yet ill have 2 go back an look again since im getting to tht part now lol. Its funny i told my grandfather about wanting to start acouple beds outside each one a different strain. An for the past 2days hes been moving woodchips an sawdust type shit over to the other side of the property to the back wood where we wana setup a few beds lol. But yea i figure lay out sum stuff n then cover it an let it sit over the winter then come spring it shud be ready to plant some shrooms in it right? Im just not sure exactly what all i should lay down now to get it ready hahaha. So if any1 has any tips or pointers for tht part i wud greatly appreciate it thanx.
Damn as I finish up working, all excited to shoot up some grain, I realized the hvac in my house has been running this entire time. I'll need to shut it down for a while before I go prep everything and rinse off. I'll give it an hour for everything in the air to settle before starting, that gives me time to make my agar I guess.
We’re into a little cooler weather here

Yea its stadtn to get pretty cool at night time around here an then like every otherday its cold lol. One day its hot as shit then the next day rainy an cold like wat the hell make up ur dam mind weather lol. Speaking of temps wen lights are on in the house so 16 hours of the day its like 70 to 74°f in my cupboard where i got my spores sitting. Should i maybe wrap them up in a towel or sumthn to help keep em alil warmer?
You ideally want to be around 75-80F, 72F at the lowest. Is there a cable box or something you can set them on to keep them a little warmer?
I have my spore syringes in the fridge. Is that Bad ? I thought they would stay fresh or what ever till I use them, Is that wrong ?
Keeping unused spores in the fridge is where you want to keep them.
I thought Blazin was saying he was keeping his spores in a 70f cupboard but I see now he is talking about the inoculate grain bag.
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