Psychoactive Mushrooms & Cacti Discussion

I don't think it makes a difference if it is exposed to light or not. Mine are just in the closet because it's convenient, out of the way, and stays the right temp.
OK Thank You. I am just wanting to not get contamination like last time so I am trying to figure out where I went wrong, Which step I messed up on/ why I got contamination. I know the grain bags are sterol and I made a SAB and cleaned everything down Very Well with Alcohol, arms and hands included , Then again after putting on the gloves. I followed everything I could think of I know I used the wrong % alcohol 91% in place of 71% so I will switch that up before I start and I will eject some of the spores before injecting the grain bags
3cc for 3lbs is spot on. 1cc per lb or pint is my rule of thumb.

Can't wait. :goodluck:

Correct, heating the needle kills everything which is why Penny had brought up flushing the needle after sterilizing. Just give it a little squirt onto a paper towel or something once inside your SAB (flame the needle outside of the SAB) but don't touch the needle to the paper towel. Once you flush the needle you should have your jar or bag right there ready to be inoculated. Flame sterilize and flush between each jar or bag as well, in the event you pick up a contaminate during inoculation.

Ok so im pretty sure i did exactly like u said only thing i flamed my needle inside my SAB figured tht wud be the best way of not getting a contaminate in my shizz lol. But yea so we will see how it goes got the 2 jars now inoculated an sitting inside my own little cabinet tht sites at like 74 sumthn degrees so shud be all gud there. But here is the pics of my lil operation here lol. Here is my Golden Teacher Spore syringes. You can clearly see what one was the freebie it has like half the amount of spores as the other one lol.

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Here is the SAB.

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Here is the sterlized grain jars.

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An here we gave everything one last wipe down with the 70% alcohol pads jus b4 we started after i flamed the needle jus to give it a sec 2 cool down also gave alil squirt so a few drips fell out first.

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Then here it is in its final home ready to sit the next 10 to 14 days or so. So we will see how she is in a few days 2 see how she is coming along.

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Looking good, won't be long before you're eating some freshies.

They always say to flame outside of your SAB because the updraft caused by the flame can potentially pull up any contaminates into the air. Oddly enough there is procedure that uses the updraft from a Bunsen burner to keep contaminates from falling into the work area, called a cone of sterility or a sterile field. The reason it doesn't work inside of an SAB is because it's enclosed and the air eventually falls, contaminates included.

Here's a procedure using the cone of sterility.
I just pressure cooked 3 quart jars worth of WBS last night to try the last 3 old syringes I have. I gave them each about 2cc SO we shall see. I was also super diligent about the bird seed being fairly dry before pressure cooking, it may have been a little wetter last time, but I've never had an issue so... measure twice CUT once situation. :nervous-guy:
I need to make a SAB, I've always inoculated in open air no problem, but NOT something I would recommend or promote. You have to find a still room(prep), but I've done it, 7/7 quart jars, second time I lost one jar to very slow growth NO mold or anything just wasn't interested with 6 FAST jars and plenty of spawn for a Mono. I've also done a mini mono with a single quart jar(slower jar than the rest), works Great

Who is with me? :rofl:

Half Gallon for reference
Looking good, won't be long before you're eating some freshies.

They always say to flame outside of your SAB because the updraft caused by the flame can potentially pull up any contaminates into the air. Oddly enough there is procedure that uses the updraft from a Bunsen burner to keep contaminates from falling into the work area, called a cone of sterility or a sterile field. The reason it doesn't work inside of an SAB is because it's enclosed and the air eventually falls, contaminates included.

Here's a procedure using the cone of sterility.

Oh shit i hope i didnt screw it up lol. I was thinking about sterilizing some grains in the next day or so anyway jus so i could start a few more jars lmao. Its really fun to do this stuff. An the more videos im watchn i see more stuff an so i wana try my hand at agar work. Just not sure what i shud start with? What kind do u use again. I member u sayn sumthn about using agar didnt u or am i wrong lol? But yea my first try will be some little seperate monotubs tht will hold roughly 3 or 4 16oz mason jars of inoculated grains. Here is a pic to show size i also got a 12 pack of 16oz mason jars ready to inoculate some grains people lol.

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I need to make a SAB, I've always inoculated in open air no problem, but NOT something I would recommend or promote. You have to find a still room(prep), but I've done it, 7/7 quart jars, second time I lost one jar to very slow growth NO mold or anything just wasn't interested with 6 FAST jars and plenty of spawn for a Mono. I've also done a mini mono with a single quart jar(slower jar than the rest), works Great

Who is with me? :rofl:

Half Gallon for reference

Lmao dam well hopefully ill have sumthn like tht soon hahaha. Man thts awesome nice job. So what kind are those in the jar there?
Haha PC I laughed so hard at your comment.. that could be us here soon buddy!o_O
You have enough shrooms to feed us all Lol

Good luck blazin hope we see some mycelium soon! I may get those same grain jars to try and help me out my first time then ill get my own gear. I like the idea of the jars over grain bags cause couldn't you reuse the jars again next time?
Haha PC I laughed so hard at your comment.. that could be us here soon buddy!o_O

Good luck blazin hope we see some mycelium soon! I may get those same grain jars to try and help me out my first time then ill get my own gear. I like the idea of the jars over grain bags cause couldn't you reuse the jars again next time?

I would assume so i dont see why not. As long as u resterilize everything again b4 use atleast thts what i was planing on hahaha. Guess i shud ask the experts here lol. But i wud think so as long as u resterilize it.
Get some! Let me dig up the agar recipe I've used twice now. Are you just using the red High Temp. RTV for your self healing pot on lid and mircopore tape or poly for the breathing hole? Do you fill the jars between 2/3 and 3/4 full so you have room to shake grains later on? You can totally reuse the jars and homemade lids over again, just rinse them out, no need to sanitize because that will happen when you PC them with the grains.
Add the following together and heat until dissolved;
20 grams Telephone brand agar-agar
20 grams light malt extract
1 liter water

Once dissolved, divide into two 500mL media bottles with GL45 screw caps, loosely on (I actually use erlenmeyer flasks) into a PC with water up to the level in the bottles to help prevent boil over. PC for 20 minutes at 15 psi or steam for 45 minutes, if you don't have a PC. Once the PC is at 0 psi open and tighten the caps until you are ready to pour. Use a hot water bath to cool the media to pouring temperature (117F) and also heats the water to help hold heat in the second bottle/flask until you pour it. FYI, it will solidify at 107F and if it does, no worries, you can heat it up in the microwave. You'll need to bring it up to 185F for it to liquefy again and you'll want to cool it down before pouring or you'll end up with condensation on your plate lids.
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