Psychoactive Mushrooms & Cacti Discussion

Ok first of all I throughly enjoyed reading through the entirety of this thread and watching the videos as well. I hope to try again in the next few weeks when I can order more supplies.

My first try by myself turned out to be a failure. I'm pretty sure I know what I did wrong lol. I tried to use sterilized manure instead of some type of grain to inoculate my spores. Also mixing the spore prints and then squirting them into the jars with a dropper thing wasn't good either.

I had no contams in the jars after a month but no mycelium growth either. So maybe one thing to look at in which I succeeded is that I was able to keep everything clean! That shit stank too when I opened the jars. Dont wanna use that again in my substrate tbh lol.

Thanks for all the help Phantom, PW and others!! Excited to learn about this much more, ive always enjoyed mushrooms and how they grow differently than anything else. Cant wait to get some going and watch the action!
Hay toast My first shot got contaminated so I will be trying again and change two variables that I think cause the problem. #1 using 91% alcohol , this time I will get some 70% alcohol and
#2 I didn't eject a little of the spore syringe before injecting the Grain bags.
Ok first of all I throughly enjoyed reading through the entirety of this thread and watching the videos as well. I hope to try again in the next few weeks when I can order more supplies.

My first try by myself turned out to be a failure. I'm pretty sure I know what I did wrong lol. I tried to use sterilized manure instead of some type of grain to inoculate my spores. Also mixing the spore prints and then squirting them into the jars with a dropper thing wasn't good either.

I had no contams in the jars after a month but no mycelium growth either. So maybe one thing to look at in which I succeeded is that I was able to keep everything clean! That shit stank too when I opened the jars. Dont wanna use that again in my substrate tbh lol.

Thanks for all the help Phantom, PW and others!! Excited to learn about this much more, ive always enjoyed mushrooms and how they grow differently than anything else. Cant wait to get some going and watch the action!
I tried to use an old syringe I had from almost 3 years ago(good deal on 6 syringes) and it didn't take(no spores to old). Long story short, it didn't mold, but the bird seed smelled like fermenting alcohol when i dumped them. STRONG! :laughtwo: I have 2 or 3 more syringes, but I'm sure there all BAD at this point(maybe agar would work, but they didn't take twice with two different syringes with WBS). I think I paid 60 bucks for 6 really good deal, plus a freebie strain so 7. Sucks they went to waste, but I'm more than happy with what I ended up with the BHT and SG30.
@JohnnieJC3 did you store them some place refrigerated? Also did you shake them up really well before using? The spores like to stick to the plastic on the interior of the syringe sometimes. If you have a subwoofer or a large speaker, put the syringe on there with some music with good bass. The vibration from the speaker will help agitate the spores in the solution and suspend them better.
@JohnnieJC3 did you store them some place refrigerated? Also did you shake them up really well before using? The spores like to stick to the plastic on the interior of the syringe sometimes. If you have a subwoofer or a large speaker, put the syringe on there with some music with good bass. The vibration from the speaker will help agitate the spores in the solution and suspend them better.
I shook both of the syringes up vigorously, but they were kept in a room temperature drawer so it's my fault completely.
Here's a few pictures of the syringes that are slightly over 3 years old now.

The Taz has some movement, but even if there bad(OLD), I want to order the PE and do it right with a backup print, start on AGAR initially, instead of just having fun squirting MS into WBS and ending up with WAY to many shrooms. It's pretty easy to hit a half elbow and have shrooms coming out of your ears for years EVEN with Multispore. I've had good success with clean syringes straight to pressure cooked WBS. You guys are getting me back excited about growing them, it's SO cool to experience pins to FRUITS SO FAST. Now I'm off to see deals on syringes and AGAR. :thanks::laughtwo:
It's pretty easy to hit a half elbow and have shrooms coming out of your ears for years EVEN with Multispore. I
It's easy to get an oz (dry) in a monotub, 3-4oz full canopies is what you should be shooting for. ;)
Now I'm off to see deals on syringes and AGAR.
Do you plan on making your own agar? I bought my supplies off of the Zon, Telephone brand Agar-Agar and light malt extract for brewing.
Sounds like liberty caps that grow in the NW States in the US

Psilocybe subaeruginosa Not sure what Liberty ones are or if they’re the same. We have blue meanies too which are extremely strong and some dudes can’t take the ride and haven’t come back from the buzz.
Not sure what Liberty ones are
Psilocybe Semilanceata

Hey Phantom, should I even try the old syringes, and I'll probably just buy the supplies and make my own agar.
I would try those old syringes on some agar and see if anything starts. I'm making more agar plates tomorrow, it's not that hard to do and I don't use a PC either, just boil in water in a covered pot and steam for 35-40 mins.
Here's a few pictures of the syringes that are slightly over 3 years old now.

The Taz has some movement, but even if there bad(OLD), I want to order the PE and do it right with a backup print, start on AGAR initially, instead of just having fun squirting MS into WBS and ending up with WAY to many shrooms. It's pretty easy to hit a half elbow and have shrooms coming out of your ears for years EVEN with Multispore. I've had good success with clean syringes straight to pressure cooked WBS. You guys are getting me back excited about growing them, it's SO cool to experience pins to FRUITS SO FAST. Now I'm off to see deals on syringes and AGAR. :thanks::laughtwo:
You can see the spores in those syringes , I would give them a try if you have extra grain for spawning. I need to learn how to make and or use Agar and Petri Dishes
I have some WBS for sure, maybe I'll try a few jars while I'm getting together the supplies for AGAR. The other two syringes (Amazon and Cambodian which I would of liked to fruit out) looked pretty good to, but nothing and WBS colonizes pretty fast. In my limited experience, you see growth in 2-3 days and by a week to 10(up to 2 weeks) there DONE. I went about two weeks or more and nothing and smelled rank of fermented bird seed.
Ok so got my mail 2day an looky what we got here. My spore order showed up ina nice littl ish box lol.

View media item 1794131
Then here we got my Sterlized Grain Jars.

View media item 1794130
An check that out I got an xtra syringe of The Golden Teacher Spores.

View media item 1794129
Now 2 get everything setup an a nice cleaned spot to work an we can get started. I like the jars i got with the lil self healing ports they are cool. But i found some videos on how to make em myself n how to sterlize ur own grains. So i got some hars to try it myself an wont cost me 17$ a dam jar lol. Plus then ill be able 2 sterlize a shit ton of grains i already got n get a bunch of shrooms going lol. Atleast thts my plan so we will see how it all works out its cool i got an xtra syringe as well so i can really practice my first few rounds to really get the hang of things.
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