Psychoactive Mushrooms & Cacti Discussion

Yup what Penny said, the mycelium love the nutrition the grains provide. Rye berries are an excellent choice when buying something ready to go and pre-sterilized, oats are super cheap if you're DIYing, and millet is nice and small giving you many more inoculation points when mixing it into your substrate. I usually like to DIY with a 50# sack of oats from the local Tractor Supply. This time I was lazy and bought pre-sterilized rye berries online to inoculate.
I would be weary of the instant type rice, it would probably end up over cooked when you sterlize it. I would think the non-instant type stuff would work though.

I really liked using oats, hard to argue with $15 for 50lbs. I just hate the whole soaking overnight and then having to dry it for a day or two before sterilizing it.

I wanted to try the millet TEK I had posted way back (see below) but the people who own the video took it down or made it private. It looked super easy to do, they just weigh out the millet and add water to the bag to get to their desired moisture content by weight then went straight to sterilizing, no presoaking and then drying the grains beforehand.
Millet is the cats meow for colonizing, many, many inoculation points. If it works out for you check out this TEK.
I was wondering what is the best recipe for a substrate?
damion5050 Bucket TEK is all there is to know, later revised by BOD in BOD's easy AF Bucket TEK.

This video is of the same Bucket TEK.

I like to add a little bit of gypsum to mine. I've also added dried and pulverized horse manure to my recipe. I'd suggest for now just sticking with coir, vermiculite, and gypsum. The horse manure can make it a bit tricky if not careful.
I have some coco coir to use as a casing, It is a brick so I will need to moisten it so I was going to do like your video shows Phantom. take boiling water and mix with like 1 brick because I will be covering/casing on my Mono tubes using coco. I am assuming it will stay sterol once it cools so I can cover the top. That's one step I am unsure of. I will not be using oats I just want it for a casing like they show in the NS video I shared. Any tips or tricks Phantom ?
You dont need to sterlize it, coco coir is pretty sterile to begin with due to the high temperature and pressure that is used to make the bricks. This is why the simple Bucket TEK method of pasteurization works.

Now a casing layer for cubensis isn't necessary unless you're dealing with PE strains, they require a casing layer. If you're just growing regular cubes, I would skip the casing layer, especially a 2"+ thick one that NS did. I do like to add a 1/4" layer of leftover substrate to the top over my grain spawn/substrate mix to make sure it's covered completely, like in this video @5:12.
FYI this video is great for mixing substrate and grain spawn.
damion5050 Bucket TEK is all there is to know, later revised by BOD in BOD's easy AF Bucket TEK.

This video is of the same Bucket TEK.

I like to add a little bit of gypsum to mine. I've also added dried and pulverized horse manure to my recipe. I'd suggest for now just sticking with coir, vermiculite, and gypsum. The horse manure can make it a bit tricky if not careful.

Ok awesome thanx man i got a big ol bag of gypsum left over from back when i used to mix up my own los soil recipe as well as some vermiculite lol. So this will be easy as shit to do all i wud need is 2 get a coco brick then right? An so would i need to then sterlize everything in my pressure cooker cause the videos i been watchn arent super clear some say yes cause of makn sure 2 get rid of contams n others say dnot gotta worry bout contams yet so idk what i shud do lol.

If using cakes though you won't need substrate, you just dunk into water and roll in vermiculite then out the cakes into a shotgun fruiting chamber (SGFC) to start growing directly off of the cakes. Unless you intend on busting up the cakes and mixing into the Bucket TEK substrate I mentioned.

An yea i plan on doing a monotub n not pf tek pf tek seems like it would get smaller yields versus a monotub. But yea i got jars to inoculate my grains then i plan to break em up into my substrate n go to town lol. So once i break it up n mix it all up do i jus let it sit in darkness or does it need light to grow? I thought it was jus darkness was all tht was needed to grow or am i wrong?
My recipe is 650g of coco coir (1 brick), 2 quarts of vermiculite, and 3/4 cup gypsum; add that to a bucket with 4 quarts of boiling water, snap the lid on, and leave it overnight. Mix it up real good the next day and let it cool if it's still pretty warm and double check the field capacity, adjust if needed, before adding in your grain spawn.

Once you mix in your grain spawn you need to let it sit for a 10-14 days or so (in the dark around 70F) until the mycelium fully colonizes the substrate, at which time you put it into fruiting conditions (increase fresh air exchange [FAE]).
My recipe is 650g of coco coir (1 brick), 2 quarts of vermiculite, and 3/4 cup gypsum; add that to a bucket with 4 quarts of boiling water, snap the lid on, and leave it overnight. Mix it up real good the next day and let it cool if it's still pretty warm and double check the field capacity, adjust if needed, before adding in your grain spawn.

Once you mix in your grain spawn you need to let it sit for a 10-14 days or so (in the dark around 70F) until the mycelium fully colonizes the substrate, at which time you put it into fruiting conditions (increase fresh air exchange [FAE]).
Ok so wen u say put in into a bucket n put the lid on are u meaning the pressure cooker? Like mix the coco brick an all that into the 4 quarts boiling in the pressure cooker an lit it sit over night?
Also what do you mean by double check the field capacity i dont know what that means?

Then when i mix the grain spawn an let it sit in the dark i dnt open the lid at all right. If im understanding the way the monotubs work are like a mix it an let it set kinda thing right? An once its fully colonized n i start fruiting conditions is that when i open the lid n let light in? Is that what u meant by increasing fresh air exchange? Sorry for all the questions i jus wana make sure i understand all the stuff im tryn to research n watch an all that lol. But thanx again guys i appreciate all the help every1 is given me.
Yeah like growing pot there's a lot of bad and incomplete information out there. Roger Rabbit, Frank Horrigan, and BOD are the go to people to look up when starting out.

Lol roger rabbit is that sum1 on youtube i take it? An cool thanx this will give me some videos to search for n download to add 2 my mycelium video album. That way i alwayz have them to go an rewatch to make sure i learn as much as i can n dnt forget it otherwise if i do i can always go n look back. But yea thanx again for the info.
Sounds like a simple enough recipe. Some videos make it look so complicated.

Yea i figure its jus like when i was starting out highbrix it all seemed very complicated but once i did it the first time i caught on pretty quickly. An b4 u no it i was doing great with the kit. So im guessing this is kinda like the same deal for me an once i jus jump in an do it ill prolly find out its way easier then i was freakn out thinkn it would be hahaha.
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