Psychoactive Mushrooms & Cacti Discussion

Hell yea we will how was your trip man?
Stick around Toast we’ll get it going very soon. I just a gram of Blue Meanies and have 2 more waiting.

I saw that PC I appreciate you bringing that up.. definitely a tiny detailed mistake easily made but seems very important. I've seen videos where they are using 91% so to be honest I'd guess it was some bacteria that built up in the needle when you heated it up that cause the issues. Im right there with ya bud.. wasted a months time and $125 myself.
Hay toast My first shot got contaminated so I will be trying again and change two variables that I think cause the problem. #1 using 91% alcohol , this time I will get some 70% alcohol and
#2 I didn't eject a little of the spore syringe before injecting the Grain bags.
Good to know when I buy syringes put em in the fridge.. thanks Johnnie who knows you may get one to work still!
I tried to use an old syringe I had from almost 3 years ago(good deal on 6 syringes) and it didn't take(no spores to old). Long story short, it didn't mold, but the bird seed smelled like fermenting alcohol when i dumped them. STRONG! :laughtwo: I have 2 or 3 more syringes, but I'm sure there all BAD at this point(maybe agar would work, but they didn't take twice with two different syringes with WBS). I think I paid 60 bucks for 6 really good deal, plus a freebie strain so 7. Sucks they went to waste, but I'm more than happy with what I ended up with the BHT and SG30.
Sterilizing your own grains is by far the biggest cost saver when it comes to mushroom cultivation and it really doesn't take much more than a PC and some cheap grain to do it. Nice snag on the free syringe.

I no right lol. An yea its lookn tht way 2 me 2 its lookn to be way cheaper 2 do my own grains. An i seen videos on how to make my own self healing ports on my mason jar lids. So ill be able 2 make my own grain jars also. So ill be in the business soon here lol. Im guna set my monotub up 2day as well as make my SAB then off to do some inoculating lol. I figure go with 2cc of spores in each jar n i shud be gud with that right? An once i inoculate the jar i set it in the dark right with 70 to 80°f temps an things shud be gud 2 go or am i missing sumthn?
You're on your way, it doesn't sound like you are missing anything. 2cc for a quart jar should be just right, if you have the smaller pint jars a single cc will do the trick.
How much should I be using with a 3 pound grain bag ? I think I read somewhere to use 3cc , Should I have used more ?
You're on your way, it doesn't sound like you are missing anything. 2cc for a quart jar should be just right, if you have the smaller pint jars a single cc will do the trick.

I got 2 16oz mason jars of sterlized grains right now. But i got acouple bags of grains from back wen i was doing los growing that i can sterilize myself an i also got more 16oz mason jars to fill n inoculate. But yea ill be clearing things up an starting my first attempt here ina lil bit. So will update with some pics once i get going.
Hell yea we will how was your trip man?

I saw that PC I appreciate you bringing that up.. definitely a tiny detailed mistake easily made but seems very important. I've seen videos where they are using 91% so to be honest I'd guess it was some bacteria that built up in the needle when you heated it up that cause the issues. Im right there with ya bud.. wasted a months time and $125 myself.

Also dont heat kill the spores so if ur heating the tip of the needle n u squirt it to soon into the jar wont u kill the spores? So is jus make sure to wait a sec after u heat it to let it cool down inside the SAB.
How much should I be using with a 3 pound grain bag ? I think I read somewhere to use 3cc , Should I have used more ?
3cc for 3lbs is spot on. 1cc per lb or pint is my rule of thumb.
So will update with some pics once i get going.
Can't wait. :goodluck:
Also dont heat kill the spores so if ur heating the tip of the needle n u squirt it to soon into the jar wont u kill the spores? So is jus make sure to wait a sec after u heat it to let it cool down inside the SAB.
Correct, heating the needle kills everything which is why Penny had brought up flushing the needle after sterilizing. Just give it a little squirt onto a paper towel or something once inside your SAB (flame the needle outside of the SAB) but don't touch the needle to the paper towel. Once you flush the needle you should have your jar or bag right there ready to be inoculated. Flame sterilize and flush between each jar or bag as well, in the event you pick up a contaminate during inoculation.
Hay Phantom Should I keep the grain bag in the dark after injecting them with spores ? I know we want indirect lighting once they are put into a Mono tub with our Substrate
Yeah I keep mine in a closet while they colonize.
That is another mistake I made then. I left the grain bags in the SAB I made and had it in the bedroom off to the side so it was getting indirect lighting. Now I know to keep them in the dark until they colonize. Thanks Again
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