Psychoactive Mushrooms & Cacti Discussion

Sweet well im guna go with 2 16oz mason jars or sterlized grains from n get some Golden Teacher spores n see how tht works for my first run as i try to do the monotub way. I also need to start doing some mre research into agar an all tht was mentioned previously.
Great That way I am not the only one growing Mushrooms on here. I have already learned a few things from Phantom and we are lucky to have someone with experience on here.
Great That way I am not the only one growing Mushrooms on here. I have already learned a few things from Phantom and we are lucky to have someone with experience on here.

Right no shit hahaha. I wuda made a mistake rite off the bat had i not had this place i never new i needed the grain to start it. I wuda killed my spores riteaway wtf smh. But yea order is in i got the Golden Teacher spores an 2 16oz mason jars of sterlized grain with special lids. They got lids with self healing ports as well as a breather port to. Here is what i just put an order in for.

View media item 1792421
View media item 1792422
I've been really happy where I've been getting my spore syringes the last couple years (non-sponsor) but came to realize how much I was spending made me make the jump to agar and eventually slants in the future. I did take a look at Neptune's spore syringes/prints. I'm unfamiliar with them and probably wouldn't buy a syringe from them just because I have my trusted source. They seem to have or had reasonable priced prints, albeit they are probably super small in size. Anything over $20-25 is a rip off in my opinion, especially when there are people out there that would gladly donate or trade someone a print or syringe for microscopy purposes, if you look in the right place. That being said watch out for the places selling $4-5 syringes, you probably aren't getting much for spores in the solution. I pay around $8-15 for my pretty damn clean and full spore syringes.
If you find a good one it can last you a few years. When you inoculate a plate of agar with spores from a spore print you barely touch a loop to the print and wipe it on a plate. You can probably make a few hundred plates over the next 2-3 years with a good solid print. If you're going to pay that price for one, get something good like a Penis Envy (PE) cubenis or panaeolus cyanescens if they have them and do your outdoor bed.
Look into Alder smoker pellets, once you moisten those pellets they fall apart and make a beautiful spawning media. The oak sawdust and wood chips would make a perfect bed substrate you can mix that spawn into then. Hell you could probably use the oak sawdust for the spawning media too and won't have to worry about the smoker pellets, especially if you are getting the oak for peanuts or free. You can generally get away with just soaking wood chips but sometimes you might want to pasteurize by boiling in water in one of those turkey/crawfish cookers or maybe even a bucket TEK type deal.

One way to spawn is first on sterlized grain spawn and then inoculate the pasteurized wood chips/saw dust mix with the colonized grain spawn. You can then take the wood mix once it's colonized and add it to your outdoor bed of wetted down wood chips and saw dust, no pasteurization or sterilization required once you have mycelium colonizing wood.

Now you can bypass all of that and sterlize bags filled with sawdust then inoculate them and transfer them to a prepared bed of sawdust and wood chips outdoors. The only reason I mention the first process is because you may find it easier getting the spores started on the grain versus straight to the sawdust.
Just a few. :laughtwo: Most of those have been collected over the last year, some have been used almost up and others are brand new ones I've either bought or got from trades. They all have been patiently waiting for me to start working with agar. You don't want to see my spore print collection!

Jesus my man got me mahor jelly over lol. So where do u get ur agar an are u using malt extract agar or what kind r u using?

You'll get more from the print, it will last longer in storage, and it can possibly be less contaminated than a syringe. The liquid in the syringe can really give contaminates a chance to spread out more.

Plus cant u make ur own syringe from a print anyway? An would u suggest getting a food bag sealer to seal ur print to keep it safe or how do u keep em sterile?
Ok I worked in the sawmills for 22 years so I can get hardwood dust and chips for nothing. I could build one helluva Bed for nothing. Just getting it all started would be the trick.
Ok I worked in the sawmills for 22 years so I can get hardwood dust and chips for nothing. I could build one helluva Bed for nothing. Just getting it all started would be the trick.

Man jus imagine having a few couple foot spots selected for each strain an id grow a few like 4or 5 different ones an have a nice outdoor patch of each one oh man tht wud be sweet lol. An yea $20 $25 is what im seeing as well. I jus paid $25.99 for a 10cc syringe of Golden Teacher so we will see how gud it works for me altho at one spot i found $10 a syringe buy 2 get 3rd free deal but didnt except cc so went to another spot n paid 25$ for syringe so i hope its a gud1 lol.
So where do u get ur agar an are u using malt extract agar or what kind r u using?
I use Telephone Brand Agar-Agar and brewers light malt extract to make Malt Extract Agar (MEA). I've only gone through 100 plates so far and I'll go through another 50 this weekend cleaning up some plates I did a little while ago. I'm hoping this is the last round of cleaning up and I can just store this new round of cultures.
Plus cant u make ur own syringe from a print anyway?
Yes, you can easily make syringes from prints and there's plenty of videos to show you how to do it. It's best to do it in a SAB or in front of a laminar flow hood to keep it as sterile as possible.
An would u suggest getting a food bag sealer to seal ur print to keep it safe or how do u keep em sterile?
Prints are done inside of a SAB on sanitized foil and sanitized unopened mushroom caps, usually covered a second time with something like a bowl. Once the spores are deposited the vendor folds the foil closed with the spore print inside of a seal baggy. I just put mine inside of regular sandwich baggies, they are clean until you open them to put the print in so I just do it inside of the SAB. Then I put all my spore print sandwhich baggies inside of a food saver bag and just seal it without vacuuming it and store in my second fridge.
Just getting it all started would be the trick.
Get all your wood chips and saw dust for your bed done this fall so it can start to decompose and soften a little over the winter. Do your agar work after the New Year to get a clean culture, then clone it and inoculate a mix of rye or oats and milet, 1:4 ratio, that you have soaked overnight and drained then dried for a day before you bagged it up in plastic bags (with only filter patches) and sterlize in a pressure cooker. Inoculate these bags with you agar cultures to colonize. Now it's getting close to spring and if your bed is someplace remote where there's a chance of animals eating your nice mycelium coated seed (probably like yogurt covered trail mix) so you may want to take the colonized grain spawn, inoculate some pasteurized sawdust, and transfer that to your bed.
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