Psychoactive Mushrooms & Cacti Discussion

Well my first attempt at growing Mushrooms is a failure so I have to get more grain spawn and try again
Yep you buy almost anything these days.
On the Dark web you can buy literally anything, People included. But yeah things are changing all over. They need to declassify Shrooms and Cannabis
Well my first attempt at growing Mushrooms is a failure so I have to get more grain spawn and try again
I heard about santize is critical a d that extra squeeze out first bit on new syringe. Crazy sensitive next time buddy .
Yeah that's the only step I missed and after re watching the video they don't mention it so it wasn't that I missed the step its that I didn't know to do that., But I know now. and I will have to remember to do it when I order more grain spawn bags and inject them
I have my mother and 2 aunts flying in on Monday until Friday so I need to get some things around the house tidied up. I have to disassemble my rdwc setup and pack it away in the garage yet. I also have to move all my mothers and seedlings into a tent in my master closet. If that wasn't enough, I think I need to take clones this weekend, I don't think I can let 3 or 4 of the mothers get any taller. If I can get this all done Friday night and Saturday I'll probably trip all day Sunday.
Well my back yard neighbor had those two clones and his lemon kush stolen . Mine lucky are fine and hidden from his yard but now I am scared shitless been bringing any pots inside in case my big girls get stolen
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