Psychoactive Mushrooms & Cacti Discussion

Sterile technique is key and takes practice to get down to second nature. It always helps me to do a dry run first to make sure I'm not missing a step.
Such a tiny step and I didn't do it, Dam it that sucks
Could you take clean mycelium and start a liquid culture with it?
I have to learn how to start a liquid culture , First I got to figure out how to make Agar and get some Petri dishes. I have spore syringes 1 more Golden Teacher and a little left in the first syringe maybe 3 ccs and two other types/strains. I also have 2 swabs of penis envy in the fridge so I will have to get set up with petri dishes. I am just nervous to try it and I really don't know what all I need to get or how to use them. I have seen a few videos and looked at some picture guides but still don't feel comfortable enough to try it yet. I think I will just order two more grain bags and retry that first
Lol i don’t like crowds to begin with so trippin in public is something I’ll pass on.

I am not big on crowds either. I much prefer to trip outside in nature either by myself or with one or two people. I was more talking when people are at the house and they don't know you're tripping. Microdosing allows me to be amongst the muggles with much less anxiety.
I’m going to eat another .5 grams of Ecuador.
I am thinking try the full 2 grams but I don't have enough to share , Maybe I will start with 1 gram and see how that goes and then try the other gram
Or go up in .5 gram steps. 1.5 grams and it’s starting to get visual. So if your not sure of yourself ease up from there.
That's what I will do then. Last time we took 1.4 grams and it was a good speedy buzz, Very talkative and NO depression which was a much needed break from the depression funk I have been living with for awhile now. I do want to see some colors and maybe just a little more. I want to ease into it so I don't become overwhelmed and go too far down the rabbit hole. I do want to do that in the future but I want to ease into it
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