Psychoactive Mushrooms & Cacti Discussion

Haha. Any visuals? I usually consume and go about my business until something starts moving that shouldn't be. Then I realize what's about to happen, so I just smile and chuckle.
Yeah had that happen comfortable now but man when it came on .. these are okay shrooms strong but not long lasting ..
:nomo: I am on page 2 but I don't want to rush through to catch up because this is going to be good.
You should be able to make wild bird seed (WBS) and brown rice flour (BRF) cakes, use the shorty mason jars, make 100 of them, knock them up with a few master jars you perfected dping over the winter in a still air box (SAB). Once the short jars are fully colonized, pick out the bad/questionable ones and bring the good ones out in the woods to break up into chunks of 3 or 4 to scatter around.
Are you johnny mushroom spore? Feel free to drop some cakes below my oaks. Enjoying The Phantom.
The walls breathing is usually just the start of my trip. Next thing I know my dog is usually staring at me and I swear he's tripping with me.
I know when my hearing gets sensitive it's about to GO down.

Once upon a time(old fairy tale style opening since I'm old), Years ago, 3 of us went into the airport when the 4 way window pane started kicking in good. At the time, they had ceiling fans and checkered floors, you could say we didn't last long in there with all the people and us just trying not to laugh at EVERYTHING that we were seeing.

I would definitely be lost in your cactus wall for hours. Do you ever catch yourself going back and forth from what you are watching during the trip? Other times, you can't stop watching the SAME thing. The complexity of the mind is unfathomable.

I haven't had any thoughts of even doing shrooms for years(prior to doing them), it's a timing thing for me, but MAN... I went up to see my brother in Idaho and we went up to the Sawtooth Mountains. Wow, the shooting stars were so LONG and vivid, that you could literally tell someone, HEY... there's a shooting start and both of you can still watch it go across the entire sky. At that moment, it was the first time in quite awhile that I wanted to drop and explore that sky. 7000ft up so you could imagine it felt like you could almost reach out and touch the stars. For me, nothing comes close to outdoors and I've been inside or OUT. I used to hang out with older guys in my teens since I'm an old soul and they loved dropping and going fishing and just bugging out in nature. I was just into blazing at the time, too young and NOT ready. My first adventure was 17 and a buddy and I split an 8. My older buddy who was kind of supervising, not really, but he had the experience and we didn't, and he stood up and started whipping his arms in a circular motion and we just FELL out laughing so hard. He had Grateful Dead posters and the colors were just breathing and blending almost as if the paint was bleeding, YEAH buddy GOOD times and making memories. He had a dog named Sugar(white shepherd) for Sugar Magnolia so he definitely introduced me to there music early on. MAN... he played (Up on)Cripple Creek SO much, I couldn't listen to it for awhile being a youngster... still one of my FAV song tho' to this day that reminds me of him. :volcano-smiley:
Do you ever catch yourself going back and forth from what you are watching during the trip?
I'm surprised I haven't taken the door off of the hinges with how much I'm inside and then outside of my home while tripping. One time I called up a cab and took a trip into town, straight into downtown on a Saturday night during a pub crawl. This year I may go to the Day of the Dead parade after munching on some caps.
If you have experience, which sounds like you do, GO to the Day of the Dead, your going to SO bug out... the faces are going to haunt you(in a good way). Crowds are tough if your just entering the realm of psychedelic venture in my opinion. The key to success is letting go(your mind) and not fighting the fungus. I have seen a few of my friends over the years fight it and you won't win and they always say, man... I just went on a mind fuck journey(No shit buddy, you set that stage). Some of us have the focus and control, others fight the feeling of being in almost a cartoon like setting. I always tell myself before I start, this isn't reality and it IS an altered mindset and enjoy the ride. Don't be afraid to talk to yourself, or your self conscience, it's completely normal, just as long as it's NOT excessive. :rofl:
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