Psychoactive Mushrooms & Cacti Discussion

If you have experience, which sounds like you do, GO to the Day of the Dead, your going to SO bug out.
Every year they shut down the downtown to do the procession. I'm not sure if it will happen this year since the city is really democratic with their mandatory mask rules. On the flip side those are the same people that are going to be voting this fall for recreational mj and a 6 plant limit. 4 years ago it was 49/51 against it. It's getting passed this year without a doubt.
They said when it passes it would be legal to start growing April 5th, 2021. So far there has been $3.5M in support for and $150k against. Also 2 polls have shown 62-65% for and 25-30% against with the rest undecided.

Anyways back on topic. I've never had mescaline but I live in a prime region for cultivating cacti and I'm always seeing people selling cuts of San Pedro locally. Anyone have experience with this? It seems like my type of trip.
Good luck on the legalization, we have a quasi medical program. No home growing though
I know in BC Canada they have just allowed patient that are are on a road to death sentence legally allowed to consume mushrooms helping them with anxiety depression fear of dying and taking them to happiness and a spiritual space .
That’s most likely what I’ll be doing is a microdosing regime with an occasional larger reset.

Micro dosing is awesome. I find it allows a reset without being unable to fully interact in social settings. Though tripping and interacting can be fun, I don't think the other person fully understands what is going on lol.
Yeah I wouldn't go out in public other then maybe go for a walk on some trails, with a sober person as a guide and so I wouldn't get lost and then freak out. I plan to go to my Aunts house and have a guide or trip sitter but for the most part I plan to Micro dose
Subbed up. I’m in. I’ll get around to following and a grow journal eventually.

as far as this particular thread goes I just ordered one of these. In 5lb with fungistrate and wheat with their tsunami syringe

Don’t think I’d move them to a tub. Probably just let them fruit in the bag. What do you think?
What do you think?
First thing, wait a week before inoculating the bag to make sure the wheat and substrate aren't contaminated. If nothing grows in a week, make a SAB and using sterile practices inoculate the wheat inside the bag. Shooting up the substrate part with spores isn't going to do anything. Once the mycelium colonize the wheat bust it up and mix it with the substrate. I'd then dump it into a mono tub to colonize and fruit.
Hi Phantom....Can you decode this for me. It's probably really important. I'm not familiar with the term.
Yeah sorry it's probably a few pages back where I described it. SAB is short for still air box, basically just a big clear tote you cut arm holes in. You can do pretty sterile work inside of one once you get a technique down.

It's what I would use. ;) Then next best thing is a laminar flow hood using a hepa filter.
Here you go.

70% iso is going to be your friend. Also make sure to work off an elevated surface, SABs work off the fact any thing in the air is going to settle so even if you cleaned the surface still treat it as dirty. I would use a baking cooling rack to do that or something similar. Also never work over top anything that is sterile, you'llprobably get it dirty.
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