Psychoactive Mushrooms & Cacti Discussion

If I was anyone just starting out and knew I wanted to grow a few (let's say 4) mono tubs or shoe boxes, I would buy a print of any cubensis type variety, they are all the same except a Penis Envy (PE), as the saying goes. I would also buy ingredients to make agar petri dishes and a SAB. Inoculate a few dishes (you only want a small drop, the point is to separate spores and contaminates, the less is better) select clean mycelium to transfer to more dishes. Keep doing this process until you have a clean culture with no contaminates (you can also pick the faster growing mycelium if you want). Then copy this culture to other dishes. Congratulations you now have copies of a clean culture that you can use to inoculate grain spawn or make liquid cultures with and have not needed to buy a pressure cooker/canner (PC). Now if you want you can either buy a PC and make your own spawn with or you can buy pre-sterilized bags/jars and hope whoever sold you them did a good job (always wait a few days and see if anything starts growing before inoculating). Make your own substrate using the bucket TEK, it's ridiculously easy and cheap. The key to growing really lies in getting clean cultures to work with and you can really only do that using agar. Once you have a clean culture and a sterile procedure down you'll be batting .950, easily, with full canopies if you picked a fast grower and use 1:2 spawn:substrate ratio (don't go more, it's a waste).

Using agar that initial syringe you bought will last you the rest of your life. There is absolutely no need to buy more than 2 syringes of cubensis, 1 of normal cube like Ecuadorian and a PE. Then buy some panaeolus cyanescens and learn how to case or azurescens if you want to learn wood substrate, maybe even some semilanceata or cyanescens (not to be confused with Panaeolus cyanescens) for some magic truffles/philosopher stones and you'll have everything you'll ever want.
Ok i am all caught up i think.I have taken mescaline yellow pill form cubensis and mdma in the same day of course i smoked a lot also.So ya i have had some trips.I have not tripped in over ten years but still have a purple unicorn lsd 25 tab i took in 1997 while body board surfing Zuma beach Santa Monica Cali.I am going to see if i can find it tomorrow and post a pic of it.When i dosed cubensis i would boil it as a tea i avoided eating raw shrooms because of possible pathogens.Tea kicks in almost immediately.Instant movement of your surroundings and trails and shit.Of course those shrooms were cow field and not home cultivated.
I was an avid fan of Terrence McKenna.God rest his soul.He was a true influence on my young adult life.I would read his work while spiritually traveling through time space in my head.Mushrooms teaches you about circles and cycles you can see how all things are connected within these circles and cycles.Seeing sounds i think is what i love the most about shrooms.
the point is to separate spores and contaminates, the less is better) select clean mycelium to transfer to more dishes.
First off...thanks for all the information.

Without ever doing this I'm wondering if a novice would be able to determine the cubensis spores from the contaminates in an early stage in the petri dish? Would the contaminates be greenish, greyish or dark (or something like that) and the spores start as white like mycelium?
is there a how to idea in this mess or what's goin on ... ?
13 pages of scattered so far ... it's a mushroom thread :rolleyes:
I think everyone is researching and posting here what they’re finding. We’ll be seeing mushrooms and cacti soon

sweet. i wanna get in to the process. i've seen a couple culture closets, but never been through it.

most of the mushrooms i've done have been bc wild. things have changed, and since i moved, i either tried a few local sketchy cultures, or plain stayed away. would be nice to bring that experience back in to my scope safely.
is there a how to idea in this mess or what's goin on ... ?
13 pages of scattered so far ... it's a mushroom thread :rolleyes:
420% truth, if you want to cultivate there are better forums to learn to cultivate from, it is what it is and there is no point in trying to reinvent the wheel here. My long post a few posts back is how I would approach the subject of cultivating, use it to search videos and TEK you think you can handle to find what works for you.
Yes this isn’t a how to, there’s already enough of that out there. This is just a place where like minded people can share there knowledge, progress and experiences. It’s what you make of it really.
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