ProfessorFlora's Wilma LED Auto Photoperiod Showcase: First Journal

Flowering Tent Day 19
Hello evrybody

I’m loving this grow journal

Looking for hints,tips and just general information about my grow if anyone can help

Here is my grow
Hey my friend. For the most part things look good. With regards to the mother not finishing up properly it may just be bad genetics. How long has she been flowering for? There was one thing that caught my eye though and that was the soil. It looks from the video to be quite heavy. I think your plants would benefit greatly from a bit more air around the roots. Maybe mix in some perlite or coco fibre. For me i find that if I look after the roots then I get much stronger plants. That bud you had drying looks good :)
Well tomorrow will be defol day for the flowering tent. Leaves are starting to block light and the buds are starting to cover stems so I've decided to chop now. Things will get crazy over the next week if I dont :)
Well tomorrow will be defol day for the flowering tent. Leaves are starting to block light and the buds are starting to cover stems so I've decided to chop now. Things will get crazy over the next week if I dont :)
Haha. I was just thinking it was getting pretty bushy in there. They look great though!
Haha. I was just thinking it was getting pretty bushy in there. They look great though!
They have growth underneath that is definitely not getting enough light. I can't wait, it's going to be really heavy, they are going to look so naked :eek:
Hey 420! I've given the autos a bit more of a trim. There is plenty of light penetration now. I'll probably just pluck a few more off here and there if I need to as they continue to flower. They look pretty set now and there won't be much else to do to them now until harvest. I noticed last night at lights out that the high bay light that I put in the tent wasn't turning off fully and that there was still light in the tent. This would have been disastrous if I had put the light in the photo tent. I think there is something wrong with the timer but I'm not sure. Like I said, good thing it was in the veg tent! The flowering tent is looking better than I thought it would. The two boss hoggs are amazing and have actually caught up. There is so much growth under the top of the canopy that needs light now or it will remain weak and not develop properly. Can't wait for the hair cut tomorrow.
Hey 420! Hope you're all having a great weekend. I've got some leaf removal to do in a bit but first I've put up the Auto update so you can see what's up. They look good. The defol has really helped with light penetration and I'm happy that I decided to do one at all. Sometimes with autos i let them go natural as not to stress them out too much. their buds are getting fatter each day now and they won't actually be that much longer really. They are probably over 2/3 of the way now. They're at that stage now where they don't look like they'll be ready in time, but they're autos so they'll pack on all this weight in the last few weeks. Going to be planning my next photo grow soon and I'm going to have to choose 10 strains to use. I'm definitely growing Cheese Dog Haze and DJs Gold but I still need to pick another 8. I actually got a Blueberry OG from Barneys Farm free with my order so I may run that one to go up against my DJs Gold which is a DNAs take on blue OG. i may do that later if I get the chop done early enough. Right, time to get back to work and I'll be back in a while :)
Well they are trimmed. Naked they are! You can see them for what they truly look like now and light is no longer a problem. There is one problem though....I found some pollen sacks! The fruit tree, the one that has looked yellow all her short life, well not all of her life. She started out as the best. She was the biggest, the fastest and the easiest to look after. She also rooted in 3 days! On both of the clones there are pollen sacks low down on the side branches and a few up high. None had opened and I've removed every one that I've found. I've decided to take the biggest risk of the grow so far and keep them in the tent. I had this happen to me a while ago. I got pollen sacks early in flower, I removed them and didn't find a single seed at harvest. I hope it will be the same this time. Normally when I've had hermies it's been in the form of bananas at the end of the grow. Because of this i probably won't be keeping the FT mother. The best thing about this is i can get a new mother plant. The worst thing about this is the FT was the only one i paid good money for. Anyway heavy observation is in order so it's a good thing that I removed as much as I did so I can see around the tent better. The rest look good though. SFV is quite small but she look pretty cool. Now we get to watch them blow up over the next week :)
Oh dear! Your poor gender confused lil one.. Fingers crossed that all is well and no plants decide to get frisky. Glad you caught it, good thing you gave them their haircut now!

Oh dear! Your poor gender confused lil one.. Fingers crossed that all is well and no plants decide to get frisky. Glad you caught it, good thing you gave them their haircut now!

it happens....Sometimes a lot. I used to get seeds in my bud quite often in the early days. My problem is I grow lots of different strains at the same time. It just increases the chance of something happening. I have heard on the grape vine that cali connection seeds like to hermie, but I was expecting it to be the boss hogg. People say that it is a bit of a hit or miss strain. So far mine is a hit but it's early days yet :)
Hey 420. Hope you are all doing great. First off I'm going to talk about the flower tent. There is not much happening. That is a good thing. I've just given them the most brutal of trims and they are surely feeling a bit sorry for themselves. They seem to of handled it very well and although the camera isn't really picking it up they have actually grown a tiny bit. This is indeed great news and hopefully tomorrow they will be back up and growing as normal. Other than that there is not a lot going on in there. Now, the Auto tent has a bit more to report on than usual. There are some hairs starting to turn orange and I can see some nice buds starting to form. They are not just lumps of whispy hairs anymore. The info on the Purple Skunk Mass said that it is unlikely that it will turn purple and that it is called purple because of its grape taste. I'm sure I can see a bit of purple in the bud though if I look closely. Maybe it is just my eyes. They are all growing like crazy though. Everyday there is a noticeable change and I think that they'll be good and ready by October 1st. The sour melon may need a little longer though. I really want the space for the blueberry grow. That leaves me with the mother's. You may notice that there is only 4. Well I got rid of the fruit tree because of the pollen sacks and the black kush I got a little bit overconfident with and chopped it back way too much. It then couldn't handle the amount of water that it was receiving and got root rot. I gave the main stem a push and it was really loose in the soil so I just pulled it out. All the roots had rotted off and it was slimey. So I then flushed the others and watered them with some cannazym to treat any bacteria or fungus that may have been transferred from pot to pot. I've chosen the next 10 strains from my freebie seeds which I'll put up in a while. Sorry @Mr. Magoo but the Purple Trainwreck didn't quite make the list. I'm going to grow it in future and give it the space it deserves. Lots of interesting ones though :)
The strains for the next grow will be....
G13 Labs-Double Black
Connoisseur Genetics -Cheese Dog Haze
DNA Genetics-DJ's Gold
DNA Genetics-Lemon OG Kush
Reserva Privada-Skywalker Kush
DinaFem-Critical 2.0
TH Seeds-Darkstar
Expert Seeds-Gorilla Blue #4 x White Widow
Dutch Passion-Critical Orange Punch
Barneys Farm-Blueberry OG
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