ProfessorFlora's Wilma LED Auto Photoperiod Showcase: First Journal

LOL. Keeping up with notifications is something I never thought I'd have a problem with but everyday when I wake up or come home from work there they are just waiting to distract me. Thank you for your kind words. To be honest if I don't keep it neat and tidy my partner kicks off. I'm not allowed anything on show so it's got to all be packed away. It taught me to get the most out off my small area. Everything you see is inside a 2mx2m walk in wardrobe. It's pretty tight. Really looking forward to seeing how you're are coming along. A lot can happen in a few days in the cannabis world. Well as long as your ok my friend that's all that matters :rollit:
Same on the partner and space issue. I've had my tent out in the room, but was just 'kindly' told to put it in the closet lol.
Everything is looking great Prof! Some beautiful girls u got there!
Thanks Magoo! Not long now. Time really does fly when your having fun...especially when you have 2 tents. I'll do a little write up in a while but they have colour, smell and trichs now :)
Hey 420! Been another great week for myself and the garden. The autos are heading into the final stretch with the exception of sour melon. She's going to probably need a week or 2 longer but I'll decide on harvest day wether she'll get the chop. I was thinking about it and I'm not sure if my mother in law has ever tried anything like this. I expect the Glueberry to blow her head off! It stinks now. It is also completely solid. I can't remember the last time I had a strain that has been this firm to the touch. It's smell is still nothing compared to the Purple Skunk though. That plant is going to be tasty. As for the White Widow, she now has a ww smell. I haven't smelt a proper ww for a few years now and it's taken me right back. Both the ps and ww are both quite spongy still but they should firm up over the next 2 weeks. I'm quite impressed with how healthy they've been up to this point but now finally we are seeing signs of stress and general plant aging. Leaves in the centre of.The tent are curling up slightly indicating a possible hot spot. The sour melon has nutrient burn which I'm not surprised at really. She's had to endure very heavy feeding her whole life. I think she's done really well considering the circumstances. If you remember a week or so ago I mentioned that I might be seeing a little bit of purple on the ps, well I think it was my eyes probably playing tricks on me. I am colour blind as well. I glad that I gave them a good trim when I did because it would have been chaos in there had i not. So all in all the autos are doing great. I was a bit concerned about the low quality lights not being up to the job but they're doing pretty good. Not long now then it's time for blueberries!
The flowering tent is doing well and although I was a bit heavy with the defol the ladies are starting to bush up again nicely. The buds are developing nicely as well. I'm going to change their res later and give it a good scrub. Salts are building up around the base of the pots and around the dripper stakes. Light penetration is still good and I think that they would have benefited from a few more days vegging but not to worry. I don't think I've mentioned this yet but I'm actually performing another little experiment. The flower tent get cleaned and looked after like it says to do. Maybe every 2 weeks it gets emptied and cleaned out. The auto tent on the other hand gets nothing! All i do is top it up every time she needs it and check ph and ec. The plants don't seem to care. I haven't even cleaned the clay pebbles in a year. I just pick out the worst of the root mass and leave the rest in there. I then give the pots a big flush before putting them back in the system. My secret is plant enzymes. I use cannazym and it's worked so far. I think that I will get rid of my mother's so I can go on a bit of a seed binge. There is so much that I still haven't tried and I'm not going to get to try it by growing the same 5 plants over and over. However I'm not going to get rid of them until I try them....I'm not falling for that one. Knowing my luck one of them will be the best smoke I've ever had and I would have thrown it away! Hope you're all doing great and staying out of trouble and I'll be back with some pics of what's happening today in just a little while :peace:
Auto Tent Update Day 47
There is some major nutrient salt build up on these pots! I knew that these fabric pots would present a new problem. I don't think flushing them will help much because it's like concrete! I may try soaking them in a bucket of water then give them a rinse. If that don't work I'll scrap it off with a knife :)
Daaaamn. Those autos came along nicely huh!. Looking good mate Im look forward to seeing them soil girls blooming!
Cheers man. It looks like they've got a little bit more to give yet. I will get back into soil i promise. Does a soil recirculating grow sound possible or is that asking for trouble?
My bad my friend I thought those little ones were in soil. The 5th pic down Is it like coco or something? Im really high right now so apologies lol
That's ok. Were all really high. They are my bonsai mother plants :)
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