ProfessorFlora's Wilma LED Auto Photoperiod Showcase: First Journal

Auto Tent Update Day 50
Won't be long now guys! I'll have to think about flushing soon. I know that it's hydro but those clay pebbles can hold on to nutrients for some time. I may think about starting a flush on sunday. Excited now! :ganjamon:
Hey 420. I've got a surprise day off work today because the weather is terrible. That gives me a chance to have a bit of a clean up and to have a play around in the gardens. The autos don't need anything, it's just the waiting game for them but the flowering tent could probably do with some TLC. In fact I think they could do with another light defol and I'm also going to move some of the pots around to get the best out of the light coverage. The seedlings won't need anything doing until their next watering which will be in a few days I guess. I can't tell how long the rockwool will hold water for but I imagine it will be longer than what I'm used to. The mother plants have sort of been put on the back bench. I'm not really giving them the attention that they need but I'm not too worried. I'm only looking after them until the flowering tent finishes up then I'll decide if I'll get rid of them or not. I a bit gutted that the Fruit Tree hermied on me because it stinks! It smells MENTAL! In fact I have already put it on my short list of strains to grow again. The Boss Hogg is continuing to impress with her bud growth, smell and general rugged hardiness. She feels like a keeper at the moment. Black Kush certainly has her charm and I have a feeling the best is to come with her. Her leaves are the darkest and she may well go purple. Island Punch is similar to BH in terms of overall feel. They are similar heights and have a similar growth pattern but where the IP stands out is crystals. She is shinning and also very sticky. She is Gorilla Glue X Purple Punch so her trich production doesn't surprise me. That leaves us with SFV OG Kush. Although she's the smallest there is something very alluring about her. She looks beautiful and has a great structure. I think that if she was vegged for a bit longer and trimmed up nicely she would be the best sea of green candidate. Well I'm slacking so I'm off gardening for a few hours then I'll report back with my progress :peace:
I'm such a stoner! I forgot to take photos of all the plants individually as I put them back into the tent. I got one of Boss Hogg though. Right, were do I begin. Firstly I ended up doing more of a defol than I had intended to because......I found some mold on the pots! It's definitely mold and I'm putting it down to the combination of really wet and cooler weather and the fact that my new LED runs much cooler. I've changed the res and cleaned the system with antibacterial spray. I'm not sure what to do about the pots because they are fabric. I trimmed of loads of leaves and put in a more powerful fan for air movement but other than that I'm not too sure what to do about it. There is no mold on any of the plants but there is a little bit on some of the clay pebbles. I've had it on soil before and it was never a problem but this is recirculating hydro with all the plants sharing the same res. I'm glad I had the day off and found it. If anyone has any advice feel free to share it. This is new ground for me but I'm still positive about it :)
That auto tent reminds me of the carnival game where you throw the balls at the little fuzzy guys trying to knock them over. Lol. Beautiful plant my friend!
Lol. No cheap prizes though. Roll up, roll up....Roll up a...fat one...:D
Hey 420! Quick update on the flowering tent. Well I think I've conquered the mold problem. The extra air movement and plant shuffle in the tent seems to have opened things up a bit and the mold is drying and receding. I should put in either another light or a heater of some sort to increase temps a bit. I don't want to add another light because I want to see what these lights can do on their own. If I add a heater then I'll increase the temperature in the auto tent which is already about as high as I'd like it to be. What I'm thinking is connecting the two tents and allowing the auto tent to heat up the flowering tent. It may work or it may create pressure problems allowing wonderful smell to spread all over my street. I think I'll read up on it before trying it. Has anyone else tried this or know if any threads with info on it? Other than that they look great. They already stink and are getting t quite frosty. More updates to follow :)
Hey GT! It is great news. I was a tad worried for a second there. I'm not quite out of the woods yet though. As we go into the later flowering stage the potential for bud rot is there. I'll get it sorted though. I've started the flush in the auto tent! I'm gonna see what they're like next weekend and make the call wether or not to chop. If they were mine is want them to be pretty ripe but because they are for my mother in law who is probably not used to smoking things with Gorilla Glue in they need to be a bit less knockout if you know what i mean. The sour melon isn't going to be ready I don't think and I'm probably not going to wait around for her, firstly because they are being flushed now and also because BLUEBERRIES!!! There is also one more reason flushing and pulling the plug on this grow and that is that I've found some springtails in the res. They're pretty harmless but are a nightmare to get did of. My photo tent doesn't have any yet but it's only a matter of time if i don't sort out the auto tent and get everything disinfected. But it's ok because it's the end of the grow and 3 out of 4 of the plants will be stunning so I'm happy and I know that mother in law will be. I'll make some oil or butter out of the worst of the sour melon, some of the tops she'll probably enjoy because they won't be too strong for her. I've got a bit of a crazy plan for the blueberry grow. First I've got my other gorilla tent back from my friend who didn't want to use it (long story but it's his loss) and also I've decided to give organic hydro a try. I'm going to be growing them using only my 4000k high bay light as well. The tent is only 2x2.5 feet so I'm not going to be able to get away with as much power as I did this time. Anyway that's enough about me, hope you're doing great GT. BLUEBERRIES!!!!!!:D
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