ProfessorFlora's Wilma LED Auto Photoperiod Showcase: First Journal

Scrap that bit about the autos coming down on the weekend! They're coming down tonight! I just went in to check on them literally after replying to @ddGreenThumb and I noticed that there was a oddly yellow sugar leaf on the Glueberry. I pulled it and it fell off really easily. On flower inspection I noticed that there was bud rot in the centre of the cola. I chopped that bud off and salvaged about a third of it and then inspected the whole tent. The humidity is fine and there is good air movement. I think that it's because of the bud density and a single sugar leaf that died and started to rot at the base. I don't think that it has anything to do with the early flush otherwise it would have affected more of the plant. Still they are the densest buds I've ever had and they have considerable weight to them. So, that is why I'm pulling them tonight and not risking losing anymore to the dreaded fungle spors that may be floating about. See you soon with some pics :)
Next time I think I'll clean my res every 2 weeks like I was before. All those little white spots are springtails! The water is surprisingly clean though, no algae, just a bit of horrible stuff floating around the bottom of the tank. Time for a clean! :)
Well I've cleaned out the tent and the Wilma system. I'm not going to take it down until tomorow, I'm too tired. I've also got to clean the clay pebbles which isn't as hard as it sounds. Tomorrow night I'll have a new tent set up with my next project ready to go! I'll be posting the updates of them in the The Blueberry Bunch, Group Comparison Grow which is a thread started by @Preston9mm. For the rest of this journal I'll be focusing on the flowering tent which will be finished by the November 1st. Happy growing everyone! :)
Lol. My autos keep shooting out new pistils. It's weird. They turned orange the other day and now there are white ones everywhere. They do have some amber tricks though. Most are cloudy and there is a few clear. It'll be this weekend that they come down!!! If they were mine then I'd let them go at least another week but I don't want to kill the mother in least not just yet. I'll get a decent camera to get a pic of them before there taken down. Then it's blueberries my friend! I've put them into starter cubes already and hopefully we'll see some signs of life by Sunday or Monday. I've got a busy weekend! How's work coming on? I remember you saying something about a needy client, and that you were looking forward to October :)
I'm just hoping I don't screw up right at the end and botch the harvest on Willow!
I'm really grateful that you'll be posting pics so I can see how yours look at the time of harvest.

As far as work goes, October can't come quickly enough! I have 2 Major/Essential deadlines one day apart from each other on Oct. 4 and Oct. 5 that will basically make or break my career so I'm in full-on panic mode there. **No pressure, right?!?! Lol
But, it will be done and I'm certain of that. I just can't allow myself to stop feeling that pressure lest I get too comfortable and miss the mark anyway.

And about those blueberries... Did you see my new twins?????? :ganjamon:
I'm just hoping I don't screw up right at the end and botch the harvest on Willow!
I'm really grateful that you'll be posting pics so I can see how yours look at the time of harvest.

As far as work goes, October can't come quickly enough! I have 2 Major/Essential deadlines one day apart from each other on Oct. 4 and Oct. 5 that will basically make or break my career so I'm in full-on panic mode there. **No pressure, right?!?! Lol
But, it will be done and I'm certain of that. I just can't allow myself to stop feeling that pressure lest I get too comfortable and miss the mark anyway.

And about those blueberries... Did you see my new twins?????? :ganjamon:
Lol, don't worry about willow, she'll been fine. I took too many risks with this grow and that combined with unfavourable environmental conditions caused problems that I don't normally have. Because they weren't my plants I decided that I'd have a bit of a play and not nurture them the same as I would my own. Mother in law is very happy though. I showed her what they looked like and she was blown away. I've pulled plants this early before for various reasons and the smoke quality will be fine for her. I can't believe how big and dense they were for 59 days though! These blueberries will be going to day 70ish so should be interesting. Man, I can see why your feeling under pressure but I'm sure that you'll do great. Before you know it it'll all be over and you'll look back and feel great about your achievement. Yes, I did see the twins! Does that mean they need a name each? I've had a couple (lol) of them before but I've never grown them past a few week. I chopped off the one that was smaller and left the more successful one to continue which they did fine. Won't be long GT! October is nearly here, willows starting to swell and blueberries! :):smokin:
Soooo glad you caught the bud rot right away. It would be a crying shame to lose any more of her.
Lol, me to VG! The annoying thing is that I noticed that little sugar leaf about a week ago and didn't think much of it. Having a redish tint caused by my cheap leds didn't help me to see it properly before it was too late. Never mind, I've learnt several things and had much fun doing it. How are you m'dear? Hope all is great! :)
Hey 420! Gonna be taking the old tent (Green Qube) down shortly and putting my newer yet smaller Gorilla tent up. It'll be better for me because I'll have more access to my plants in both tents. At the moment the auto tent covers half the opening to the flowering tent. Time to get busy again! :)
Lol, don't worry about willow, she'll been fine. I took too many risks with this grow and that combined with unfavourable environmental conditions caused problems that I don't normally have. Because they weren't my plants I decided that I'd have a bit of a play and not nurture them the same as I would my own. Mother in law is very happy though. I showed her what they looked like and she was blown away. I've pulled plants this early before for various reasons and the smoke quality will be fine for her. I can't believe how big and dense they were for 59 days though! These blueberries will be going to day 70ish so should be interesting. Man, I can see why your feeling under pressure but I'm sure that you'll do great. Before you know it it'll all be over and you'll look back and feel great about your achievement. Yes, I did see the twins! Does that mean they need a name each? I've had a couple (lol) of them before but I've never grown them past a few week. I chopped off the one that was smaller and left the more successful one to continue which they did fine. Won't be long GT! October is nearly here, willows starting to swell and blueberries! :):smokin:
I'm hoping we still get a smoke report on your mother in laws! Lol I wanna know how she likes(loves) it! Since you actually know what you're doing, judging by how willow looks now.. Would you be able to estimate how long she has left?
I think it's time I break out the magnifying glass and take a close look at Willow. Where she's on a different timeline than the others the only way I can keep her light tight during dark hours is to put her in a large plastic storage box, so I know she's not getting to breathe well at night.
I'll probably name both the twins, and I'm kinda excited about trying to make both survive! Nearly to month 10, and thank god!
Cause, well.... Ya know....
Blueberries :yahoo:
I'm hoping we still get a smoke report on your mother in laws! Lol I wanna know how she likes(loves) it! Since you actually know what you're doing, judging by how willow looks now.. Would you be able to estimate how long she has left?
I think it's time I break out the magnifying glass and take a close look at Willow. Where she's on a different timeline than the others the only way I can keep her light tight during dark hours is to put her in a large plastic storage box, so I know she's not getting to breathe well at night.
I'll probably name both the twins, and I'm kinda excited about trying to make both survive! Nearly to month 10, and thank god!
Cause, well.... Ya know....
Blueberries :yahoo:
Don't worry there'll be a smoke report. Think they'll be dry in around a week. Willow looks like she'll be a few more weeks yet but looking at trichs now is definitely a good idea. Lol I did that with a small flowering plant once but I kept forgetting about closing the box. I'd be at work or somewhere not near my garden then I'd remember them and think "OH NO!" Then I'd spend the next day reading up on poor light cycles worrying myself even more. I did wish that I'd tried to keep the twin plants alive and if it happens again then I'll either clone one of them or use lst to give them both equal light. BLUEBERRIES!!!!!! :adore:
Don't worry there'll be a smoke report. Think they'll be dry in around a week. Willow looks like she'll be a few more weeks yet but looking at trichs now is definitely a good idea. Lol I did that with a small flowering plant once but I kept forgetting about closing the box. I'd be at work or somewhere not near my garden then I'd remember them and think "OH NO!" Then I'd spend the next day reading up on poor light cycles worrying myself even more. I did wish that I'd tried to keep the twin plants alive and if it happens again then I'll either clone one of them or use lst to give them both equal light. BLUEBERRIES!!!!!! :adore:
Lol the one twin is normal expected size & the other is the little seedling that could. New growth on it is good, just like someone used a shrink ray on a normal plant lol. The darn roots are already at the bottom of my starter cube ( super fast! ) So tomorrow I gotta get the double planter and start trying to train those roots. I'm bound and determined to make both babies survive! I've got all these crazy training ideas going in my head, so if both make it I'm going to do something pretty with them!
Hey 420! I've caught up and finished sorting out the grow room. Just have to clean the clay pebbles and put the autos into their new home when they pop from their seedling plugs. From now on we'll be following the rather neglected flowering tent. The ladies in there are doing great. The hairs are such a vibrant red on the SFV, I don't even know when they started to change colour. They all seem to be growing well but I think that the buds are a little smaller than I'm used to at this point. I'm putting it down to the fact that I'm only using 200w of light when I would normally be in the 600w range for all my previous grows. They look tasty though! Also I've noticed many similarities in the plants. Such as they all have strange leaves that have the same shape at the base of the leaf. It makes me wonder if Cali Connection cross all their strains with one in particular. I know that they cross their SFV with several of their strains so maybe it's a genetic trait from that plant. Anyway, I'm not complaining at this point because they all stand out in their own positive way. The fruit tree is the only one that has caused me any problems so far. Time for some stats! They are feeding at 1200ppm and their ph is 5.7 so I'm happy with the res. Temp of the water is 23C. The camera really doesn't pick up just how greasy they look. They definitely have some nice chem genetics in the mix in some of these strains. They have about 4 weeks left so that should be plenty of time to bulk up a bit. I'm treating this as a practice run for my next grow where I'm going to fill up the tent considerably more and really try and push both the Wilma System and the Lights. I've set myself a real challenge with my next grow as I'm going to try to squeeze 16oz out of this small area using only 200w! I believe it can be done but it's not going to be easy. Really not much room for error. There can be no gaps in the tent like there is with the current grow. If I can achieve it then it'll be my best grow to date but as @TorturedSoul pointed out, the math is not really on my side. I never really looked at it like that so it should be really interesting. Happy growing everyone! :)
Hey 420! Had a relaxing day off work today and decided to have a go at tweaking my environment in the flowering tent. I've managed to get the temp down to 24C getting some more ducting and taking the heat further away from my growing area. I've Managed to move the Lights closer to the plants because of the reduction in heat. It's been a successful endevour! Now onto the ladies. First off they are growing so differently to the autos that I just grew. The buds are changing colour and sort of maturing much earlier than the autos. The auto buds kept growing until they were large then the hairs and the bud started to change but the photos are developing almost the other way. The hairs are like 50% orange on the Island Punch and 90%+ on the SFV. Also their colours look amazing! I think that the Black Kush will be a beauty when she's finished. The Fruit Tree is the most pale at the moment but she has GDP genetics so she could turn a nice shade yet. They really stink! Way way way more than the autos ever did! I can't wait to harvest them and try their chemmy, fruity goodness! I have the SFV a cheeky little sniff and she smells like lemon floor cleaner, just as advertised. I've had lemony smelling plants before but this one smells pretty special. She does look strange now though, like incredibly hairy and kind of body-less. There is.still time for her to fill out a bit though so I'm not worried, more intrigued. Well that's about it for today's update. I've just realised that this harvest will be around Halloween which is awesome because I love Halloween and now that I have a child of my own I can go out and enjoy it again. Then when all the trick or treating is over and the hopefully exhausted and terrified child is in the land of nod I'll be relaxing watching a classic horror movie with some Boss Hogg! Happy growing everyone :)
Then when all the trick or treating is over and the hopefully exhausted and terrified child is in the land of nod I'll be relaxing watching a classic horror movie with some Boss Hogg! Happy growing everyone :)
And eating candy! Lol
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