ProfessorFlora's Wilma LED Auto Photoperiod Showcase: First Journal

Hey GT! It is great news. I was a tad worried for a second there. I'm not quite out of the woods yet though. As we go into the later flowering stage the potential for bud rot is there. I'll get it sorted though. I've started the flush in the auto tent! I'm gonna see what they're like next weekend and make the call wether or not to chop. If they were mine is want them to be pretty ripe but because they are for my mother in law who is probably not used to smoking things with Gorilla Glue in they need to be a bit less knockout if you know what i mean. The sour melon isn't going to be ready I don't think and I'm probably not going to wait around for her, firstly because they are being flushed now and also because BLUEBERRIES!!! There is also one more reason flushing and pulling the plug on this grow and that is that I've found some springtails in the res. They're pretty harmless but are a nightmare to get did of. My photo tent doesn't have any yet but it's only a matter of time if i don't sort out the auto tent and get everything disinfected. But it's ok because it's the end of the grow and 3 out of 4 of the plants will be stunning so I'm happy and I know that mother in law will be. I'll make some oil or butter out of the worst of the sour melon, some of the tops she'll probably enjoy because they won't be too strong for her. I've got a bit of a crazy plan for the blueberry grow. First I've got my other gorilla tent back from my friend who didn't want to use it (long story but it's his loss) and also I've decided to give organic hydro a try. I'm going to be growing them using only my 4000k high bay light as well. The tent is only 2x2.5 feet so I'm not going to be able to get away with as much power as I did this time. Anyway that's enough about me, hope you're doing great GT. BLUEBERRIES!!!!!!:D
Lol, ok a few various responses here:

1. Definitely don't wanna knock the mother in law out! Or do you...? Food for thought!
3. I'm certain you'll sort out the issues before harvest time
5. I'm excited about the new grow setup! Can't wait to see it in action
7. All is well here, just still busy busy busy till October. I hope all is well for you my friend!
8. And finally.......

Lol, ok a few various responses here:

1. Definitely don't wanna knock the mother in law out! Or do you...? Food for thought!
3. I'm certain you'll sort out the issues before harvest time
5. I'm excited about the new grow setup! Can't wait to see it in action
7. All is well here, just still busy busy busy till October. I hope all is well for you my friend!
8. And finally.......

Auto Tent Update Day 55
Hey 420! So I found a different camera with a hd function.....looks worse than the 2 mp camera i was using before! Oh well, won't be long and I'll have some money to spend on my hobby. Right, the auto tent then I guess. Well since I removed there nutrients from them yesterday there is definitely a small change in colour. I think they'll fade reasonably quicky. They are still growing and putting on weight which is awesome. The Glueberry is becoming a bit of a monster and will easily be the heaviest and the Purple Skunk still smells the best. White widow in my opinion is quite average at the moment but she's still moving along nicely. Sour melon im sure would have been a beast if I had got her in just a week or two earlier, it's a real shame that I'm not going to see her full potential but it's just one of those things. She has by far the best structure and the most bud sites. They are nearly done and I think the final product will be great. Now the flowering tent! Mold not a problem any more it would seem. I think it was air movement that was needed although I'm still going to increase the temps a bit. They reak!! The smell coming from the Boss Hogg is insane. It's like chem and burning rubber but some how smells natural. The Island lunch is equally insane with chemdog and musk. The others all smell fruity at the moment but it's still early and the stenches will develop nicely. They smell way more that the autos already. Both the Glueberry in the auto tent and the Island Punch in the flower tent both have Gorilla Glue in them and it is way stinkier in the IP. Well gotta go, I'm a busy boy!!! I'll be back a bit later with some more ramblings :)
Hey 420! I think it's safe to say that the summer is over here. Man, It's getting cold really quicky. bad for me great for my tents! It is so much easier heating a room than cooling one down. Well I only have a auto update because the flowering tents lights went out before I got any pics. I'll say this though Cali Connection strains stink. I can't remember the last time I opened the tent and thought "wow". I'm used to it smelling like lovely ganja but this is something else. It's a really intrusive and offensive smell. Anyway they also look pretty nice and some hairs are starting to go orange on the Island Punch. Other than that they are just growing as normal. In the auto tent there is much going on! They are still firming up but now their starting to fade and the leaves are becoming brittle around the main colas. Looks like we might be in for a nice surprise when the final yield comes in. I said I'd get mother in law 5-8oz but it looks like I'll smash that. That's good because I'll need something to smoke soon because I'm nearly out and it looks as if there will be another month or so before mine will be done. I'm looking forward to the weekend because there will be a harvest, a clean and a new line up of ladies to go in the tent. And they are blueberries! depending on how long this blueberry thread goes on for i may have to purchase some more blue strains at some point. We'll see. Ive also got some more seeds that I'd like to pop soon from feminised seeds. It is a pack containing 5 un-named seeds. I got 2 of them as a freebie a few years ago and I planted 1 pack thinking that they wouldn't be that good but they turned out better than I had expected. This time I'll clone them all and see if any are keepers. The mothers that I chopped yesterday have handled their ordeal well and are already growing back. That's about all for today, see you all soon if not before :)
Hey 420! I've had a good look around both tents and everything seems ok at the moment. Every problem I've had so far has been fixed except for the springtails. I personally don't think that there is anything I could do at the moment as there is only 5 days until harvest so...whatever! I'll be taking the auto tent down on Sunday and putting up a smaller more manageable tent. It's mainly so I can actually move in the area because it is so tight in there. Also @ddGreenThumb I'm not too sure about this organic hydro idea after doing some research. It turns out that it'll be a lot of work with weekly cleans and de-clogging of tubes and also apparently pretty expensive. It's not as simple as getting some organic hydro nutes and away you go. Most of which I'll also be throwing away with the res each clean. It just seems like an expensive risk and a lot of hard work. Instead I'm going to leave that for now and just focus on getting some decent blueberry. I'll get some soil and organic nutes and do grow after this one. The plants in the flowering tent are looking great and are really coming on quicky. Island Punch is still the one that is catching my eye the most. Most of her hairs are turning orange already and she is shinning. Oh, and she stinks. The rest are all doing pretty good also. I did find a banana on the Fruit Tree though. She is one ugly mother. She may have looked better if she had her leaves but like this she just looks strange. She is staying though. I have a feeling she will taste great and be knockout smoke. She also stinks. In the auto tent it's much the same. Everyday they fade that little more and are still swelling slowly. I would have loved to have taken them a week or two longer and seen their full potential. Right time for some pics :)
That does seem like it would be a he'll of an investment! Probably for the best that you seem to have decided against it, sounds like wayyy too much work if you have ANY other obligations in life.

I just walked into the room with my tent and got smacked in the nostrils by Willow's beautiful stank. Love it!
Yeah, that's
Did you say Willow may be a Sour Diesel? That would explain it. I love a good diesel :yummy:
Yeah that's the most likely strain she would be. I was getting a lot of Sour Diesel in bulk at the time for cooking. I'll put a pic of her up :

... Or 3 lol
Just caught up professor and just in time for the good stuff. That Wilma system is a nice bit of kit. Looking good.
Yeah, it's pretty handy and I've yet to push it to it's full potential. As with almost everything with growing It's not without its faults. It can be difficult to clean in full bloom if you have bit plants in it. My flowering tent has a larger 10 pot system which is ironically easier to clean than the 4 pot simply because I grow smaller plants with it. I can move them around quite easily. In the auto tent though it's a different story. Those babies are stuck in there until harvest. Apparently you can use it for soil as well but I've get to try this :)
Yeah, that's

Yeah that's the most likely strain she would be. I was getting a lot of Sour Diesel in bulk at the time for cooking. I'll put a pic of her up :

... Or 3 lol
loving her colours! How long do you think she has left?
loving her colours! How long do you think she has left?
I'm thinking she'll be going for another month tbh. Give or take. She just keeps shooting out new white pistils even though a good few have turned orange. But I honestly am just playing it by ear and realizing how little I know about what I'm doing :laugh:

How long do those beauties of yours have?? Nearly there, right?
I'm thinking she'll be going for another month tbh. Give or take. She just keeps shooting out new white pistils even though a good few have turned orange. But I honestly am just playing it by ear and realizing how little I know about what I'm doing :laugh:

How long do those beauties of yours have?? Nearly there, right?
Lol. My autos keep shooting out new pistils. It's weird. They turned orange the other day and now there are white ones everywhere. They do have some amber tricks though. Most are cloudy and there is a few clear. It'll be this weekend that they come down!!! If they were mine then I'd let them go at least another week but I don't want to kill the mother in least not just yet. I'll get a decent camera to get a pic of them before there taken down. Then it's blueberries my friend! I've put them into starter cubes already and hopefully we'll see some signs of life by Sunday or Monday. I've got a busy weekend! How's work coming on? I remember you saying something about a needy client, and that you were looking forward to October :)
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