ProfessorFlora's Wilma LED Auto Photoperiod Showcase: First Journal

Flowering Tent Day 16
I'm a bit late but will be here to watch the rest of the show. Plants are looking good professor flora.
Hey Cav. Thanks my friend. The more the merrier. Don't worry, there is still much fun to be had yet. I'll be ending this journal on the 1st November and will be starting another straight after! Hope you enjoy the ride :)
You always have the best, detailed updates prof!

I'm so excited about the blueberry comparison!!

And the cheese growing just got topped, she's growing up! My little one is growing well, I'm excited to see how yours grows with your setup.
It's always a good read, and a pleasure to stop in and check out your journal!
Thanks GT. I'll be over to check out your thread a bit later, gotta get some chores done first. I like my current set up very much. Clones + hydro = green lightning! I didn't think that I would like hydro but it has been fun and rewarding to grow with. I look forward to seeing yours grow, they do look excellent. The blueberry grow is going to be amazing! If it wasn't for my other tent this would be the longest 4 weeks ever :yummy:
Glad to hear you're enjoying the hydro, I've been considering setting up my next grow with hydro.. We shall see!
As of right now, with all the complex stuff going on in the comparison, I May just do it old school soil in a pot with some TLC, don't over think it style to see how it holds up to everyone's techniques.
And swing by anytime! You're always welcome.
I'm working from home today so I'll be on and off throughout the day.
Hello all. Both tents are looking good. The autos are flying again after a seemingly slow transition into flower. They are drinking heavily, something like 10 litres every 2-3 days. We had a slightly warmer day today and I had to turn off one of the lights. It crept up to 30C so I turned off one of the cobs and the temp went back to 27C. They are solid and can't be bent down anymore. Buds are starting to fatten so I'm going to up their nutes one last time and raise it to 1400ppm. They are currently 1200ppm. They seem to like it so I thought a little experimentation was in order. In the flowering tent the clones are fully entering the flowering stage. They are really impressing me. They are all different and their characteristics are on show for all to see. The fruit trees are thin and have odd looking leaves. The island punches have jagged rough leaves. They look strong and stand out against the rest. The Black kush has the most indica looking leaves and generally looks like a nice plant. The boss hoggs are the most interesting to me. They are similar to the Island punches in that they are tough looking plants but they just feel more impressive. They've almost caught up with the rest of the gang look so different to when they first started in the flower tent. The SFV is my least impressive but still looks pretty good. The BH's have taken over them and they look quite average. Looks can be deceiving though. The gap is slowly closing up but I'll be giving them a pretty heavy defol soon so the tent will look a bit naked again for a week or so. I love the defol stage. Well that's all for now until the lights come back on tomorrow:)
Your girls are looking great! I can't wait til my little ones are filling my tent with all of that lovely green!
Thanks GT. Been a very busy day today so I don't have a photo of the flowering tent but I'll put up the Auto update in a while. Both tents really are flying now. The photo plants are going to be amazing (i hope). Their early flowers look really nice and healthy. I'm loving my new LED light. For 200w it's amazimg. It's final test is yield and I'll have those results in five weeks. I also had package arrive this morning. My new seeds are here! Including my blueberries! I'll put a pic up later to show how many freebies i got with it. It's insane! :)
Well I decided to remove a few more leaves from the autos. I'm not finished with them yet but my eyes couldn't handle staring at them for too long, I'm so exhausted that I'm going to finish trimming tomorrow. Even the sour melon is getting the trim now. She is doing great and has every chance of catching up before the end. She looks completely different to the other 3 who share similarities. In fact you could probably mistake them as being the same strain. I don't think she'll get much taller though. Good thing I didn't decide to grow them out naturally and not use the net. I just want a time machine now so I can travel forwards to their harvest date so that I can plant my new blueberries! Only problem with this is that my plants would die because I wouldn't be there to tend to their needs...because I would be in the future! :)
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