ProfessorFlora's Wilma LED Auto Photoperiod Showcase: First Journal

Auto Update Day 29
Sucks about the water running out but your girls look great. I have an auto growing that is like 25 days I believe. Tiny little thing still. Maybe 5” tall and just now forming 5th set of leaves.

I’ve had a few incidents this grow myself. Couple major power outages and couple times the dehumidifier filled up and cut off.
Yep, these things happen. Once i put my girls into flower and didn't check to see if the lights went out when they were supposed to. It was 18 days later when I realised that the timer was broke and the 600w hps had been on the whole time! Not surprisingly they were the biggest plants I've ever grown lol.
Hopefully no harm was done, and like @Mr. Magoo said, the girls look great.

I'm sending you some good vibes from my corner of the world, for what it's worth, that all is well!
Thanks GF. Just out of interest what corner of the world are these vibes coming from?
Thanks GF. Just out of interest what corner of the world are these vibes coming from?
We'll just say for purposes of self preservation, I'm somewhere that my girls aren't welcome.
But shoot me a dm when you check this and we can chat!
Yep, these things happen. Once i put my girls into flower and didn't check to see if the lights went out when they were supposed to. It was 18 days later when I realised that the timer was broke and the 600w hps had been on the whole time! Not surprisingly they were the biggest plants I've ever grown lol.
Lmao, I can only imagine how I would've reacted if I opened up my tent to those monsters!
It got to about 2 weeks in and I started to think "these are really slow". There was no bud sites appearing but I thought they were just slow. Then at 18 days i knew something was up. I checked the timer and I couldn't get it to turn off at all without unplugging it. Now I check everything over once a week and I always have a little peek at around lights out just to make sure.
Quick update for you all. I decided to give the autos a haircut. I thought the hell, they're not too far off their final size so I removed a few leaves here and there. No problems with light penetration now. They're flowering quickly to. The sour melon is not far behind. I think that she'll be a shorter plant than her sister's but she is already the thickest stemmed of the 4 so she could have a good chance at yielding better. In the flowering tent there is improvements in some areas and.....yellow in other areas! The fruit trees are so pale and have funny looking leaves but they are still growing well and don't seem too bothered. All the plants are growing well except the Island Punch 2 and Black kush 2. Their roots didn't have enough time to recover at the beginning of the grow but I'm on a time limit so I couldn't wait any longer for them. I'll get something off them though so it won't be a total loss. They are about half way through the flowering stretch at the moment so most of the tent will be filled. I've got to go and do some checks quickly and I'll be back with some info on what's happening in the res. See you folks soon :smokin:
I just noticed that I called you GF!?!? Predictive text is my worst enema....
Lmao! I was like.... Maybe he meant Good Friend! XD
BUT........ Funny as hell. Your predictive text is quickly becoming one of my anticipated pick-me-ups each day
I didn't get back with the info that I promised you lot last night! Sorry I forgot. The readings went like this though. The ph of the auto tent was 5.7 and the flowering tent was 5.9. The ec of the auto tent was 1009ppm and the flowering tent was 1268ppm. The ec in the flowering tent is quite high and I'm a bit hesitant to raise it any more for the moment. Most of the nutrient burn on the photo plants is growing out and new growth looks lush and healthy. I'll put some pics up in a while and show you what is going on :D
I love this last pic above here. Love the back lit leaves. Hi Prof! Things are looking great here.:goodjob:
Thanks VG. Yeah, the outlines on the leaves make it look like it might have been photo-shopped. How are you today?
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