ProfessorFlora's 10 Strain 200W LED Organic Soil Grow

I’m smoking my Jack Herer auto (that got seeded) right now. It’s a pita to pick the seeds, but it’s totally worth it, really great daytime smoke. It’s my current fav. Looking forward to seeing yours grow out!
I remember the taste being great but back then I needed sleepy meds and I haven't revisited her for a long time. I've only done the odd sativa here and there. Other than the Cheese N'Chong the only other sativa that I've grown on 420 has been the Dieselicious. The rest have all been mixed hybrids or indica's. Fingers crossed for the PMD
Do you see it? We have a winner! The first to arrive is the Mexican Airlines from Fastbuds. I grew this strain out once before and didn't like it lol. That was then and this is now though. The reason I didn't like it was because it's a decent sativa with effects so energetic that it kept me awake for most of the night. Back then I really needed the sleep and strangely enough more so than now despite new biological broken alarm clock we have now. I did say that we should see something by Monday and here she is. 1 down 3 to go....
The new mother candidates are coming along nicely. No sign of the Fat Purple yet but I'm sure there'll be something soon.

The Purple Trainwreck is rapidly improving since her feed last week. I forgot to mention that she was also waterlogged and the pot she's in still feels quite heavy. The reason she's sat in water is because I flushed her after transplant because the soil is recycled and full of flowering levels of MegaCrop. What I should have done was flush the soil in the litre pot before transplant then left it in the sun for a day or 2 to dry out a bit. It doesn't seem to matter much. We're not in a rush with these. She looks more like a little clone than a plant grown from seed....

The Pineapple Express looks like a healthy little seedling. Not a lot more can be said other than that at the moment. I'm looking forward to this one....

The Purple Moby Dick is as above but with even less to say about her! She's good....

That's all for now but with the auto grow officially underway things will start to liven up shortly...

Happy growing everyone
No I still have to find a house to rent, I'm staying with family until I get a couple of checks.
Well it's good to hear that you have work sorted and are moving in the right direction. I get really down when I don't have work
Well. Would you like the good news or bad news? I'll do both starting with the bad so we end on a high note. The Mexican Airlines is dead! Out of all the problems that I imagined happening in this grow damping off wasn't one of them. She was fine last night before bed but when I checked on her in the morning she looked like she hadn't progressed much. By the time I got home from work she just looked ill and after having a good look I decided to pull her. Well that's the bad news. The good news is that the other Fastbuds strain has made an appearance at some point while I was at work. She wasn't there in the morning when I checked. She looks healthier that the Mexican Airlines did already and I'm wondering whether it was a bad seed. I haven't lost a seed in a long time so it's actually annoyed me lol. To make matters worse, I don't have anymore Autos I could throw in the gap. So now we have a 3 Autos 1 pot grow which is just weak! Come on Prof! Lol. It's a problem nobody has ever encountered lol. Oh well, I'm sure I'll think of something to make up for it. Here's what the MA looked like before I culled her....

And here is the Crystal METH. I'm hoping the rest are ok. We're still waiting on the Critical Kush and Auto Massar....
The mother hunt is coming on nicely. No problems in here just yet. In fact there is some more good news. The Fat Purple is about to break ground. Hopefully now we have our first four candidates....

Purple Trainwreck....

Pineapple Express....

Purple Moby Dick....

Fat Purple....
Hey 420! I have some sad news regarding the 4 plant auto grow. Only one plant has survived. I was expecting some drama but not so soon. Now I'm not the sort to give up in the garden and I promised you all a crazy grow so I've done something even more crazy. Instead of the 4 autos we will be growing 10 photos in one pot! I'll let that sink in then we can speak about it some more....

Here's the Crystal METH....

She's on her own now as the others didn't make it....
10!? That’s insane! I’ll just say, I have an Alaskan Purple that has a twin and the veg growth was SO slow. Obviously not the same thing you are doing, but the root tangle seems like they’ll choke each other with 10!!! Your new name is #madprofessor
Oh my....
Lol. Yep. I have to make it up to you
10!? That’s insane! I’ll just say, I have an Alaskan Purple that has a twin and the veg growth was SO slow. Obviously not the same thing you are doing, but the root tangle seems like they’ll choke each other with 10!!! Your new name is #madprofessor
I'm going to be going 12/12 from seed and trying to sculpt each one into a single cola. The short veg period should mean that we won't see any early entanglement. Mad Professor? I love it!
The mother candidates are all doing great. The Purple Trainwreck has made a full recovery and will need another watering soon. I'll trim her back shortly as well as there is no need for these to become large. The Pineapple Express looks like a strong plant and has some good daily growth. The Purple Moby Dick and Fat Purple are both still waking up. Can't see anything about them which concerns me so on we go....

Purple Trainwreck....

Pineapple Express....

Purple Moby Dick....

Fat Purple....

Hi. My name if Prof and I am an addict. I said I'd be whittling the number of plants I'm growing but somehow I'm back up in the 20's lol. There's 9 plants in here plus another 4 in the flowering tent and another 10 just gone in the dirt. Wish me luck lol....
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