PotChimp's Side Projects

Hey what's up I just got done smoking me a fatty I put some dab on a plate rolled it into a line and put it in with the pot I had a lot of things I was gonna get done today* now I'm practicin' my future job as worm poop..... :straightface:


:cheesygrinsmiley: yup today was nonproductive but very good day

dab to that!

Hey what's up I just got done smoking me a fatty I put some dab on a plate rolled it into a line and put it in with the pot I had a lot of things I was gonna get done today* now I'm practicin' my future job as worm poop..... :straightface:


:rofl: you have me rolling over here Chimp :rofl: I didn't think there was any amount of thc that could put the Chimp down even for a day
Me and the snow shovel had a contest yesterday to see who could be more useless I won by a landslide! ;) Here's one of the tents:


I think I overwatered this SLH x Blueberry plant:

I reckons pert' near soonlike :tokin:
They're just over 6 weeks from flip and it's a 8-9 weeks strain. Being clones I'd say they started showing at 7 days, so it's probably about 5 weeks in. Two factors making the chop time shorter is that they're clones and chop in more like 7-8 weeks plus I cut the light cycle down to 11/13. I'm gonna do me some Jethro like cipherin' and say maybe ten days. :)
I have to go watch some Hillbillies reruns to freshen up on my Hillbillies talk....LOL.
Do you feel from your experience 11/13 causes them to finish faster than 12/12 by a noticeable amount of time ?
He had to take his shoes off to count past ten :)
I was running that tent at 11.5/12.5 until I saw how high my last light bill was so I cut that tent (600 watt HPS) to 11/13 about a week ago. At 11.5/12.5 plants that run at 8-9 weeks seem to finish about a week early, and plants that run 10-12 about a week and a half. I don't know the amount as far as weight goes, but I've noticed the jars don't fill up as much and I don't fill as many either. I turned the timer back up to 12/12 in my 400 watt tent because of that. Goin' without dope sucks. :(
Beautiful plants...great camera work too!
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