PotChimp's Side Projects

beauty is clearly in the eye of the beholder :cheesygrinsmiley:

POTM I say!


double dab to that
Let's see if this blunt wrap lives up to the name. :)


That's an Ak47 nug there. I'll post a better pic of the last Ak47 nug I got before it gets smoked.

So what do you do? Roll 4 fat as you can, smoke them all and wake up on a plane?... shit that's how they got you here in the first place! Don't fall for that again!!
I was out for a few days but I had me some hash :) I got my Thai Stick grow hanging on the rack and three plants ready to chop plus a few small jars of GSC so I think I'll make it for a few more weeks :thumb: I'm not sure where I'm gonna put these (GDP middle; Mendocino x Purple Kush top and bottom):


I need to get them into flower soon before they get much bigger though.
My next Ak47 grow is starting just as soon as the seedlings I have go into bloom. I'm gonna do 5 of the 11 seeds and hope for 2-3 females; maybe a freebie they gave me with them. And as much as I want to go straight into the Indica grows for the Fall and Winter, I'm seriously contemplating an Apollo 13 f2 grow after that.
That's one pretty nug Pot Chimp.
PotChimp a doin' that dance>>>>> :slide:
My Jack The Ripper grow went mostly South (males and hermies). When I chopped the last hermie, I had a second plant in the pot that was small and imbedded in the rootball of the bigger one. I've tried cutting out the old roots and planting the second plant with them before, but the old roots rot and mess the growing plant's roots up (most of the clones I put in the mother's pot do that). I decided to cut the small plant right at the base and do it as a cutting. I didn't think it would work (I've tried doing this a few times too) but yesterday I saw it was growing. If it doesn't hermie I'm gonna have me a Jack The Ripper plant; that's cool. :)
Mendocino x Purple Kush chop!


Looking ratty:


The first pic is almost the exact hot pink color as the buds :) but I was so focused on getting the color right that I didn't pay attention to the whole image and it looks too bright; the second pic shows the overly bright colors even more, and I didn't get it as close to the real color as the first:

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