PotChimp's Side Projects

Looking awesome as ever in here.

Super Lemon Haze x Blueberry:

That's me I disguise myself like that before I look in on my Asian plants to make 'em feel more at home they're staying green so I think it's working :)
We ate at the all you can eat Chinese place last night dang I shoulda got me a CD of the music they were playing on the speakers that'd really make 'em feel at home! Before I left the house I smoked me a big fat doob too :tokin: Four or five plates into it and ol' No Hung Lo was gettin' the YOU NO STAY sign ready. Shoulda wore my disguise..... :straightface:
That's me I disguise myself like that before I look in on my Asian plants to make 'em feel more at home they're staying green so I think it's working :)
We ate at the all you can eat Chinese place last night dang I shoulda got me a CD of the music they were playing on the speakers that'd really make 'em feel at home! Before I left the house I smoked me a big fat doob too :tokin: Four or five plates into it and ol' No Hung Lo was gettin' the YOU NO STAY sign ready. Shoulda wore my disguise..... :straightface:

:cheesygrinsmiley: that is the chimp I know!
Every one of them has a thin stem running up it, and that stem breaks up when you grind or even break up the pot :) It smokes kind of harsh because of that, but the yield's good. I'll be ditching it if I get a keeper out of my next Ak47 grow.
I should name these clones Mellow Yellow :(
Mendocino x Purple Kush:

LOL, nice name! Someone should breed a yellow-leafed strain. That'd be fun. :slide:
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