PotChimp's Side Projects

Just a drive by to see if I can post here yet. Good morning Pot Chimp. :love: :hug: :love:

:yahoo: I'm back!!!!!
That Looks Pretty Brotha :thumb:
Thanks Brotha Buck your too kind :Namaste:

Thanks it's getting soon on the Exodus Cheese!

Just a drive by to see if I can post here yet. Good morning Pot Chimp. :love: :hug: :love:

:yahoo: I'm back!!!!!

Just in time to help everybody pelt the chimp with rotten mangoes as I so richly deserve. I chopped my C4DD grow today they all looked so much alike I said I'll just keep growing the seeds and not worry about keeping one of 'em. So I cut them all to the ground. Then while I was trimming I noticed one of 'em smells like gluing a rubber patch on a bicycle tire inner tube now it's gone forever no hope of a reveg..... :(
Hey what's up? :tokin:
Well, I decided not to go with another Ghost cut seed for a few reasons. One of them sucks. I have to get rid of everything I have that's a cut of my Ak47 and 1024 plants. Both are showing signs of tobacco leaf mosaic virus in everything but the small cuttings. :(
That leaves me with only my GDP, my SLH x Blueberry cross with the long calyxes, and a small Chemdawg D BX3 clone (if it takes) as far as what I've been regenerating. I think the GDP will be locked in with the S1 seeds I have (and the ones I'm making) if worse comes to worse.
I have the 1024 clone I put in the test tube for 5 days left, which I'll put into flower with the Ak47 I have that's showing the same virus too. All the other cuttings in with the sick plants are ones I didn't plan on keeping anyway. And I did want to do a whole grouping of Ak47 again.
Another reason I didn't do the seed is that this gives me a chance to get my grows in order. I want to run from my smallest unit to my largest (instead of using my 2 smaller units to veg then going to one of the three bloom units). I think it'll be easier to keep track of things that way. I'll get some pics up soon.
Exodus Cheese, goin' down for the chop real soon! :tokin:

Man a busy day! :phew:
I got two of my six grow units cleared, so I can clean them and start my next round. I'm going to start 16 regular seeds of that Chem D breeding project I'm doing under four 24 watt t5s in a few days. I think I may leave the 250 watt CFL unit off for a while; that bubbler pump I'm using for compost teas runs the electric bill up big time. :jawdropper: If I start something else I won't have anywhere to bloom it anyway.
In about a month, 6 Thai Stick seeds again! Followed by GSC, Jack The Ripper, and then I think an assorted Sativa dominant grow with Jack La Mota and Y Griega CBD being the main plants. I'm chopping my LA Affies tomorrow, cutting square holes in the soil of those pots where the main stems were, and putting my 818 Headband x GDP plants in those holes. I don't think that the nutes got used up in the pots with the Affies growing in them, so I'm gonna see if this idea of putting a second round of plants in them works. Oh, I'm going to chop the Exodus Cheese tomorrow too. :)
I forgot I wanted to get another round of Ak47 in before the summer's over too. These are the last two clones I have to get rid of due to the virused plants:


I wanted to do another round of that weed anyway I like it and it yields good :thumb: I have to let this last 1024 clone go for the same reason (virus):


If I don't find anything to replace it soon, I may just reorder another fem seed of it too! :)
Yeah, I'd hate to see you stop growing them. You obviously appreciate them and we sure do like admiring you work your own special magic with them. :circle-of-love:
Beautiful, just beautiful!!!
I just saw this TV commercial where some dude dipped his nacho in some sauce and cheese dip the taste surprised him so much he flew backwards through a fence I thought to myself if I ever come back to haunt this Earth as a ghost with an invisible cannon you all better expect to see a lot of that..... :straightface:

you guessed it the chimp's havin' a bad day
Little blond haired girl sits on the floor in front of her parent's bed watching a tv with nothing but static
her parents sit up in bed concerned
She turns around slowly, looks at them and says...
"Chimp's Here

Then they both fly suddenly backwards. I would advise more cannabis for your condition by the way. Take it from a fake online Dr.
Bob ;)
I hope today is better
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