PotChimp's Side Projects

You're making me feel old now. I remember $20 lids, and I didn't start paying attention and smoking until I was 22. :laughtwo:
Merry Christmas Brotha :thumb:

Merry Christmas to you too sorry about the late reply here's a shot of the 1024 plants I have (two of my breeding project plants are in the middle):


I couldn't sleep Xmas eve I was watching TV they had the Pope doing that holiday mass he does it was so boring even the people in the crowd were looking down and holding their faces my mind started pondering some pretty deep philosophical questions due to the spiritual mood in the air and the time of night the first thing I came to realize is that the Pope has really big ears and I think that's why they picked him for the job because some of those hats he wears are really tall and have no brim nobody else's ears could hold them up when he turned around to face the altar I knew I was right but then I noticed the hat he was wearing looked like a burlap sack I know he's got better ones I saw one once that was about two and a half foot tall looked like it was made of silk which got me to wondering why he picked that one for such an important holiday I would have put a star on top and strung some Christmas lights around a tall green hat if I was the Pope I would have got me a toy Santa sleigh and reindeer to circle around the hat on a train track too it would have been a lot less boring and those guys in the blue and orange suits with the orange feather on top I think they were guards or something could have livened it up a little if they would have been on unicycles juggling bowling pins I understand the point of the whole thing but man was it boring and the worst of it was I still couldn't get to sleep..... :straightface:
You're such a delight Pot Chimp. :laughtwo: FYI, the pope frustrates the handlers by refusing to wear the more ostentatious of the garments. Of course, he hasn't been privy to your excellent suggestions, all of which would certainly have added some zip to what sounds like an abysmally boring event. Tell me you were totally blasted while you watched that? Did I really ask such a rediculous question out loud? :rofl:

Luscious plants you have growing there. :high-five:
His loss, our gain. :rofl:
That's nothing once I was livin' at the zoo and this lady came along with some kids..... oops I better not tell that story! ;)

Note: I transplanted my last Exodus Cheese clone into a 2 gallon pot of this mix, using about a gallon of it. The mix was watered in on 11-13-15 (about 1-1/2 months ago):

Base -

(3) 2 gallon pots of SSM#4 Advanced
(3) 2 gallon pots of FF's Happy Frog
6 cups of Alaskan forest humus
6 cups of earthworm castings

Amendments -

1-1/2 cups of Chikittee Doo Doo 5-3-2
6 Tbsp. of Superswell 0-7-0
6 Tbsp. of kelp meal 1-0-2
6 Tbsp. of granular mycos 3-1-2
3 Tbsp. of organic foothill fertilizer .5-4-4
2 Tbsp. of steamed bone meal 3-15-0
2 Tbsp. of rock phosphate 0-3-0
2 Tbsp. dry molasses
Thanks :)
Dang I found out I got a problem and it can't be got rid of; 'tain't my perfect mastery of the English language either! :tokin:
It's called tobacco mosaic virus and it's on a few of my plants. I thought that the mosaic leaf pattern was a genetic trait in the Chem D offshoots out there, but I noticed it on a few of my other plants too. It's in 2 of my tents and possibly 3; all I can do is either cull them or finish them out (which I'm gonna do). As they finish out I'll clean the tents and make sure to isolate them all to a final unit.
P.S.: I look at the bottom of my shoe every time I get one of these chicken and waffle flavored blunts smoked down about halfway never fails..... :cough:
i honestly think its something thats common in united states the virus that is:smokin:
never seen it here before, lucky me:cheesygrinsmiley:
but you cant do shit about it, that i know?
does it affect your yield???
Mosaic virus overwinters on perennial weeds and is spread by insects that feed on them. Aphids, leafhoppers, whiteflies and cucumber beetles are common carriers of this disease. Cuttings or divisions from infested plants will also carry the virus.
beware my friend:peace:
I did some research on it, and it sucks! :straightface:

RNA Pro sounds interesting, but you still have to eradicate the virus from the grow space ...

... sucks ...
I have this on both my 1024 plants that are into flower and an Ak47 plant a little further into flower; all of which are quarantined to one grow closet now. The Ak47 came out of the tent that the Thai Stick plant is in, and the only plant I'm worried about in there is another GDP clone that I just started into flower. Nothing in that tent (another GDP and my 3 Hippie Killer plants are in there too) is getting cloned or revegged, so as soon as everything is chopped I can go in and disinfect. It does affect the yield because it affects the general health of the plant. And yeah, it's hard to get rid of and does suck..... :straightface:
I think it came from either outside work with my plants without washing my hands after and messing with these, the soil I bought had the virus, or produce I brought home had it (zucchini?).
Note: I started 5 seeds just now; they're S1s of the Grand Daddy Purple pheno I just took the pic of.
The tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is a disease that attacks not only marijuana plants, but also tomato, pepper, eggplant, tobacco, spinach, petunia, and marigold.

The tobacco mosaic virus is, as its name hints, a type of virus. It can live in contaminated soil, infected plant debris, the coating of a seed, and even in tobacco products that have been manufactured. The virus travels between plants generally through a mechanical cause.

Your hands can even spread the infection. If you unknowingly work with an infected plant and then come in contact (or your clothes or tools come in contact) with a healthy marijuana plant, the healthy plant has a high chance of catching the virus.

Some insects may also be carriers of the virus, but aphids are not one of them. It’s generally insects that will chew on your plant.

You will know that your marijuana plant has the tobacco mosaic virus by its green mottled areas on the leaves. These mottled areas are both dark and light green and are caused by the presence of the virus. Oftentimes the dark parts of the leaf are physically thicker than the lighter parts. Additionally, if the leaf is underneath shade than it is easier for the grower to spot the discoloration.

Tobacco Mosaic Virus causes stunted growth in young plants, and may distort the leaves into a fern-like shape. Older leaves, on the other hand, may be a bit distorted, but they mostly just curl downwards.

Depending on the virus strain, buds might also be mottled, streaked, or show signs of necrosis. While plants that are affected won’t be killed by the virus, they will have worse buds and, therefore, worse yields.

Unfortunately, once your plants are infected with a virus, there is not much you can do about it. Virus diseases simply can’t be controlled once they have been transmitted. This is why it is particularly important to prevent the virus from infecting your plants in the first place.

Your best weapons against the transmitting of this disease are sanitation and caution. If you do discover a plant that has been infected, you should remove it from the rest of your garden at once. If caught early enough, this should stop the spread of the tobacco mosaic virus.

If you or anyone else uses tobacco or has worked with plant material that was infected, they should wash their hands with soap and water. This will prevent it from spreading to any other plants they are handling.

Marijuana plant symptoms

Leaf Color:
– Brown, burnt edges
– Pale color
– Yellowing of new growth
– Yellowing of lower, older leaves
– Yellowing between veins
– Dark or purple in color
– Black or gray patches
– White powdery patches
– Brown, dark spots
– Mottling, mosaic pattern

Leaf Symptoms:
– Upper, newer growth affected
– Lower, older growth affected
– Burnt leaf edges
– Burnt leaf tips
– Death of leaf tips
– Yellowing between veins
– White powdery patches
– Red stems
– Spots
– Mottling, mosaic pattern
– Old leaves fall off
– Slowed growth
– Twisted, abnormal growth
– Leaves curling under or upwards
– Wilting, drooping
– Webbing on leaves

Plant Symptoms:
– Red or purple stems
– Weakened stems
– Old leaves falling off
– Slowed growth
– Twisted, abnormal growth
– Wilting or drooping
– Slowed root growth

Other Symptoms:
– Webbing
– Bugs
– Mold
– Buds not getting fatter

In case you are someone who uses tobacco practices due to cultural practices, you should avoid these practices altogether while you are growing marijuana plants. The tobacco mosaic virus can sit steadily and stably in manufactured tobacco, so this is a crucial step in preventing the spread of this virus to your plants. It’s best to not touch tobacco until the growing season is over*.

*it must have been the chicken and waffle blunt wraps I quit smokin' cigars..... :cough:
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