PotChimp's Side Projects

Oh I almost forgot thanks everybody :) I think the frost is mostly due to the fact that out of hundreds of plants I've grown I handpick phenotypes to regenerate, and those are the frosty ones you see in the pics. I had a Nirvana Ice plant that made my current GDP pheno look pathetic, believe it or not. It didn't reveg and I lost it. Think Gorilla Glue #4 and you'll know why I'm bummed. :(
I pulled an Ak47 out of the bloom closet today for chop; I'll post some pics of that soon. Because of that, I could rearrange some plants and put another GDP into flower (transplanted into a 2 gallon pot of Happy Frog):


I put it in where the Ak47 was at first (with my other GDP and two 1024 plants):


But to give those three plants that are further along more light, I put the new GDP plant in with my C4DD grow (the space in the lower left corner is where it went):


I started feeding those two 1024s, by the way. I think the nutes in the Happy Frog were spent:


I think a dose of veg food during bloom did this GDP good and maybe it won't chop out canary yellow like the last one:

Woohoo It's a bird it's a plane it's chicken and waffles! :tokin:

PotChimp's Official Blunt Wrap Smell Report - Thank you Jesus thank you Lord it's exactly what I was hoping for! The smell of a deep fryer that needs the grease changed and overly sweet syrup, but neither smell can hope in a purple pig's eye to overpower the grotesque stale cigarette in the ashtray smell! :cough:

Ima find the stinkinest grass I got tomorrow and roll me a big ol' fatty! :)
PotChimp's Unofficial Smoke Report - Chikken and Wahfulls blunt wraps


Ever smell a car that somebody who smokes cigarettes and never empties the ashtray drives? :) The smell goes from one weird odor to another as it progressively burns it smelled like wet newspaper just a few tokes ago and it smelled like dog poo on your shoe when I first lit it :rofl: now it's getting into the ashtray taste again :cough:
Only 48 more to smoke up too!


I bought blueberry too so if I get sick of the taste of ten thousand a$$holes I got something else..... :straightface:
Hee hee :tokin:
I got .7 out of this; a little more than I thought (GDP):


I should trim these nugs closer. I think the next plant coming up for chop should have more color, too:


The two reasons I didn't get more are..... you guessed it; the chimp burnt on it some is one, and the other is I read on one of the journals here that leaving the sugar leaves on when you dry your buds helps the flavor and smell. I took these lower branches and dried them like that so I can do a taste test :)


I'll roll up one tomorrow, then the next day I'll roll up one from the jar and compare them. :thumb:
Mmmmmm. Burning waffles and burning chicken mixed with cigarette butts and flaming asshole. Yum! Sounds like being at my aunts place when she was cooking lunch for one of her boyfriends.
This blunt I'm smokin' on now smells like my Mom's purse did back in the late 70's; cigarettes, cheap makeup, and gum. :cough:
Here's both of my 1024 plants (with a GDP in the middle):


I thought it was spider mites at first because it's on a few of my plants, but I magnified a number of assorted leaves and it's Ca deficiency. I'll just go with 9 ml/gal on the CaMg+ from now on; my Ak47s are showing it the most.
Here's a close-up of one of the 1024 top buds:


This next GDP is already starting to color up and it's not N deficient, so I might chop me a healthy looking one for once:

I think I need to take a clone from one of those 1024s. I'll check later, but I repotted a GDP, Exodus Cheese, and Ak47 this morning:


Couldn't resist revegging one of those tiny clones that I put into the mother plant's pots (when I remove the lower branches in flower). Here's that long calyxed SLH x DJ Short's Blueberry again:


Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1 seedling:


ooh ooh ooh, AHH AHH AHH!!!!!
Laughed my way all the way through this page. :rofl: I can't believe you'd choose to smoke something that tastes like that. :laughtwo: You guys have some twisted memories.
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