PotChimp's Side Projects

Couldn't resist bought me some more seeds.... :angel:

Dalhousie Landrace - This is pure landrace. Flowering plants growing in thick stands on the sides of hills we hiked through. Dalhousie is a place in northern India, in Himachal Pradesh. It is known for its hash mainly, however there is good weed growing there too. The plants we collected seed from, we also hand rubbed hash from. These plants had piney, cinnamon type aromas in the flowers. The leaf shapes of these indicate some hybridization and they won't be pure sativa. Expected to have flower times of 70 days+

OK Pot Chimp. I'll bite. What specifically attracted you to these seeds?

I've been meaning to stop for a few days now, so you've been on my mind a lot. I found I liked that. :battingeyelashes: Neither here nor there. :laughtwo:

I'd been meaning to tell you that watching over your shoulder has had the effect of helping me back off and let mine finish in their own time. It helped, of course, to have adequate supplies, but I realized yesterday that I'm probably looking at being out for a week or so, and it was because of your subtle influence that I chose to let them ride and just be without.

You never know how often we effect someone in a positive manner. Thanks Pot Chimp. :circle-of-love:
To put it in scientific terms, it seems to have great potential for many threadlike follicles protruding from its gluteus maximus*. :geek:
Seriously though, I want some stuff on hand for breeding purposes that is 100% stable; that's the main reason. Here's a 1024 pic while I'm here, soon to chop (1-2 weeks):


*sounds like it's got a little hair on its a$$. :straightface:
Theory - A chimp can toss a clone up in the mail to somebody, get it to them in five days, and the clone will still grow.

My first attempt IMHO has only about a 20% chance of survival (I'll get a pic up of it when lights come on as soon as I can). The donor plant turned out male (even though 'm seeing female hairs on the clone now; WTF?). I noticed that:

1) That strain has always given me Hell when it comes to regeneration; it's a hard one.
2) I think males can't be regenerated easily; I've only tried one before but I didn't seem to have any control over what it did.
3) I didn't protect the cut on that clone well enough and it got a little wet rot.

So I decided to give it a go again:


The strain is Medical Seeds 1024 (a strain I seem to have an easy time cloning and revegging), it is a known female, and I surrounded the cut with rockwool after the cloning gel dip protecting the cut better. I wrapped a piece of parchment paper around the leaves like I did the last time, taped around the rockwool and put a bread tie on the tape to get it out:


I placed the test tube in a dark box and in five days I'll pull the clone, plant it, then post a report plus pics.

signed, Professor Chimpenheimer :geek:
That's a really fine 1024 you have! :love: How long has it been in bloom?

I was thinking it was a hazey strain ... :hmmmm:
Exodus Cheese:


Guessing I got about a whole one on that..... :straightface:

That looks like something you could be maybe a little bit happier with an ounce of? she asked shyly.....

... Or was the face for the guess? :battingeyelashes:
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