PotChimp's Side Projects

Thanks guys glad my fellow smokers understand. When I saw the #s, I had mixed emotions. My worry was that I had no way of knowing how many of these 2 out of 3 people are anti-marijuana and how many of them are people who, even though years of prosecution have them desperate for freedom decided not to give in to the pressure. This can be changed when we do become legal in the state with revised codes; the state constitution doesn't have to be amended for it. The issue of past non-violent marijuana convictions being dropped wasn't even put in the wording. This was blatantly done for profit, and IMHO it wasn't in the best interests of the people. The non-monopoly issue passing will hopefully insure that the next time it's put on the ballot it won't be driven by money.
Exodus Cheese chop this morning:


That strain takes up a lot of room when it's left to go on its own and doesn't give enough dope back so I'll have to LST the future ones if I decide to keep it:


Ready for the drying rack:


Thanks guys glad my fellow smokers understand. When I saw the #s, I had mixed emotions. My worry was that I had no way of knowing how many of these 2 out of 3 people are anti-marijuana and how many of them are people who, even though years of prosecution have them desperate for freedom decided not to give in to the pressure. This can be changed when we do become legal in the state with revised codes; the state constitution doesn't have to be amended for it. The issue of past non-violent marijuana convictions being dropped wasn't even put in the wording. This was blatantly done for profit, and IMHO it wasn't in the best interests of the people. The non-monopoly issue passing will hopefully insure that the next time it's put on the ballot it won't be driven by money.

I know applications to grow in il required a non refundable application fee of 25k to the state and had to prove 2 million in escrow to get a license to be one of their 22 state facilities....yeah let me grab my 25k so that I can be considered with zero guarantee ....HA!

I think mass and Michigan and states that have caregiver programs have really figured it out.
That's the part that makes me laugh the TV commercials kept saying that with a license you can grow for others; they weren't exactly shy about avoiding the price of that license either. Oh, how generous of you humans who are infested with the emotional illness of greed to grant me the luxury of allowing me to go into the business as an honest competitor only two million in escrow, you say? P-shaw! Why I'll just blow my magic whistle and a leprechaun'll fall out my a$$ with a big cauldron of gold coins got change for a billion on you? :straightface:
That's the part that makes me laugh the TV commercials kept saying that with a license you can grow for others; they weren't exactly shy about avoiding the price of that license either. Oh, how generous of you humans who are infested with the emotional illness of greed to grant me the luxury of allowing me to go into the business as an honest competitor only two million in escrow, you say? P-shaw! Why I'll just blow my magic whistle and a leprechaun'll fall out my a$$ with a big cauldron of gold coins got change for a billion on you? :straightface:

Did you SEE THAT? A little green man with a pot O gold... :rofl:
To watch this GDP clone and see how far it goes using 1/2 SSM#4 Advanced and 1/2 Happy Frog will help me determine how to amend the soilless mix for the next GDP clone, which I'll be starting soon. I've only been watering with RO water and CaMg+ since bloom:


I'm trying to move into synthetic organics for veg and nutrient enriched soilless mixes for bloom. I think I'm going to have to top dress the next one with bat guano, worm castings, compost, and a soil amendment mix I have.
This Ak47 just got fed again; it doesn't look the best either:


I'll be putting them both under my 600 watt HPS soon.
I've got a product called sooperlishus I'm going to use on this Ak47 until chop it needs more Mg:


This GDP is going to need nutes soon. I'll keep my eye on it to see how to amend that mix for the next GDP plant I'm starting into bloom:


I'll try to adjust the camera settings with the next pics; the color of that GDP isn't right.
Thanks CHH here's the next two to hit the jar :) Exodus Cheese - .70 oh-zees:


It had a few spots of grey mold; so did this Pineapple Express I chopped this morning (and a bit early):


GDP - 1.05 oh-zees and no mold; cool:


I'll try to get a small 1024 and Chemdawg D BX3 clone chopped tomorrow and get pics up.
Hey what's up :) those two plants I last mentioned got more white hairs on the after I put them in the dark for a few days so I put them under a 400 watt HPS until they all brown. Here's the 1024:


Chemdawg D BX3 (the bud's hanging upside down; it's not the pic):


I decided to take 5 GDP clones today instead, since I have to wait on the two chops (one of these was already taken a few days ago):


Then clean up the mother and put it into flower:


This Exodus Cheese will be done soon too:


Here's my Ak47 backup clone (those two first pics were backup clones; they don't get big and I get rid of most of them after a good one takes):


I may reveg this Ak47 instead if that clone doesn't get on the ball:


Here's the other GDP I put into flower:


An Exodus Cheese clone that may or may not take:


and my Phuggen Shruntal Cortex male, still somewhat dormant after the 3 days it spent in the test tube:


still alive, though..... :straightface:
Thanks I've tried that before but I never get the same thing in view of the magnifier twice I can't tell that way I just wait until almost all the hairs are browned up :)
Here's another Exodus Cheese clone I upped to a 600 watt HPS last night to finish out:


Got a meter coming to check EC I'm tired of guessing how much to dilute nutes and I'm tired of looking at burn..... :straightface:
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