PotChimp's Side Projects

Pineapple Express - .7 oh-zees dried and jarred:


In this pic you can see one of the brown spots where the mold was at (the reason I chopped it early). I pinch it out of the bud and put that part in my trim bag for kief tumbling when that happens. All of the lowers were okay:


Chemdawg D BX3 chop this morning:


1024 chop along with it :tokin:


Lime smell rollin' off that one..... :straightface: Not as bad as the other 1024 plant in the previous post, though; it reeks!
That's the last of my flowered out backup clones right now. I take more than one to regenerate a pheno just in case the one doesn't take, and the backups are pretty small sometimes. I had four of these and nothing in one unit, so I decided to flower them out. I'm okay with the yields for a CFL; they're averaging out at about 3/4 oh-zees each in a 1 gallon pot.
Wow I didn't know there were people working at the post office after they were closed I knew they did at the main distribution centers I've seen trucks go to the local ones at night but I thought it was just for deliveries I checked my pee oh box the other day and noticed I could look inside of it and see the back room so I peeked in it looked both ways and went BURP!!!!! somebody was back there and went AHH!!!!! I closed the door real fast pulled my key out and and took off man they could let you know about stuff like that it scared me too..... :straightface:
Oh well here's a few pics anyway
Exodus Cheese:




My 1/2 SSM#4 Advanced and 1/2 Happy Frog mix went about 4 weeks before this GDP clone looked like this (I put this one straight into flower after the transplant; I'm guessing I should have fed it at 3 weeks):


This other GDP just got put into flower after a few weeks of veg, so I'm gonna start feeding it now:


I think I'm going to get a plant big enough and try to flower it out in straight Happy Frog next. :)
Wowee! You're living up to your fancy title which yes is damn near impossible to spell, unless your spell check knows French and mine doesn't.
The Zamal is incredible. My hand is crawling on it's own towards the 'order' button and I'm trying to hold it back with the other one, I'm not sure why.

Where are the leaves?
If they have Zamal Reunion in stock again, I wouldn't mind having more myself :)
At 16 weeks flowering in a three gallon grow bag (should have been a ten gallon one), it went dry to the point of severe wilt 2 or 3 times, got overwatered more times than that to make up for it, and was grown most of the flowering period with excessive heat and humidity (prior to adding air circulation to my units). My Thai Stick plant is dropping shade leaves too.
Notes: Next up on my list is Super Skunk; 5 or 6 regular seeds. I'm not sure when I'll have the room to start two 1024 clones flowering, but when I can do that and fit another LST'ed Ak47 in with them I'll germ the seeds. I've got all 12 of my C4DD plants from my second breeding project under a 250 watt CFL; about 1/2 of them are getting culled, so one of my bloom units will be tied up for a while. I'm thinking it'll probably be about 3 weeks or more before I can switch enough plants around to have the room.
There are a few things I've been re-cloning to keep that I'm going to stop. I'm going to do one more Chemdawg D BX3 clone and then close that strain out. This Exodus Cheese is good but takes up too much space, so if the one clone I have doesn't take it's going too. I'm going to do a selection of GDP stuff after the Super Skunk grow (clones of the good pheno I have, S1 seeds I made from that same pheno, plus few GDP x GDP seeds and a few 818 Headband x GDP seeds I did myself). That should finish me out for the year as far as grows. :)
Hope my neightbors can't! :)
I transplanted my next Ak47 clone into a mix of 2/3 Happy Frog and 1/3 SSM#4 Advanced just now and put it into flower:


That ratio increase from 1/2 and 1/2 is because this flowering GDP faded too fast using that:


I increased the CaMg+ the other day on all of my waterings and feedings; this other Ak47 is showing deficiencies of both:


Here's another GDP clone I put in the same 2/3 to 1/3 mix to start as my new mother plant:

Man, the last couple harvests you pulled from your side $hit were pretty special! Damn! :bravo: Frosty frosty! Those SLH foxtails ... mmmph! :love:
Thanks Graytail thanks mono oops I must wait for three seconds to thank you mono ;) All of these recent chops were phenos I've been handpicking out of grows for a while now; that's why they look decent. Hopefully I'll have at least 6 of them by the time I'm done I'll just keep replacing the good phenos with better phenos. :thumb:
Couldn't resist bought me some more seeds.... :angel:

Dalhousie Landrace - This is pure landrace. Flowering plants growing in thick stands on the sides of hills we hiked through. Dalhousie is a place in northern India, in Himachal Pradesh. It is known for its hash mainly, however there is good weed growing there too. The plants we collected seed from, we also hand rubbed hash from. These plants had piney, cinnamon type aromas in the flowers. The leaf shapes of these indicate some hybridization and they won't be pure sativa. Expected to have flower times of 70 days+
Another GDP started in bloom just before that one that needs to be fed too. That mix didn't last long with this one either:


The two 1024s seem to be reacting okay to the straight Happy Frog. It's probably only young plants that everyone is complaining about when they say that it burns roots:


This Exodus Cheese is almost done. The tops have more white hairs than this, but I'm only giving it one more week and just RO water:

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